My heart is shattered


Well-known member
oh dear, you called him! NOOO girl, i need to disconnect that phone of yours.

try very hard not to contact him. you need to be really Really firm. even write down little notes on why you don't need him anymore. paste it on the phone, computer, everywhere. it will remind you why u don't need an fucktard like him.

do you have any best buddies you can get help from? it sounds like you really need someone there to pull you away from the phone and whatnot. you could also try playing some video games or start a video marathon on a series of something you enjoy. go grab your rice bag, draw his face on it, and punch, scream, and kick him in the head!


Active member
I've read your post a couple of times, I've been shy to say anything since I'm more of a lurker.

First of all, I'm so sorry. It is horrible to go through something like that, and your ex is an asshole. I cannot understand why anyone would do that to another human- but this isn't about him, it's about you.

Please be kind to yourself. Don't do anything to hurt yourself, he just isn't worth it. One day you're gonna get to the place where you can realise that, and what a jerk he is, but it is going to take time. Is there anything you can do to distract yourself? Keep yourself away from the phone or other ways of contacting him?

Don't be too hard on yourself for calling him. Many previously strong women have given in and called their exes, begging them to change their mind. Multiple times. Just don't put yourself through that hurt again, don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you still want to even speak to him.

And that new girl is an idiot for dating a guy when she has seen first hand how he treated someone he cared about.


Active member
Don't be hard on yourself and feel bad for hurting. This is life. There are heartaches, and happiness, sadness and joy. You know what they say, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. Its okay to mourn, but the important thing is to get over it and continue your life to the fullest.
What kind of a man would go around telling things that happened between him and another woman? He should be ashamed of himself.
As for you, look at things from the bright side, isn't better of getting rid of a person like him now then later, say after getting married and having kids.
And what do you mean you have nobody? You have ALL OF SPEKTRA with you.
I hope that you will get over this with the least pain and that you will come across somebody who will make you feel better and forget everything you have been through.


Well-known member
I've done the same thing, beg an ex back, and it didn't work. As time passes and you build different memories in between the time things will get easier and less painful. You deserve a million hugs for what you've gone through.

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
omg i would feel the exact same way as u did, id wanna kill myself, just dont stay alone, go to ur mother/sister/best friends's ect.. and dont hold any feelings in, just talk and talk and let urself cry until its all out.


Well-known member
I wanted to say that I completely sympathize with you and to stay strong and not call him anymore. There are other fish in the sea as the saying goes. As someone else (and many others) mentioned - do what you need to get it out of your mind if you can - hang out with other friends, have some ice cream, scream, yell, cry, etc. Don't beat yourself up over calling him either - we all have our moments of weakness and it doesn't kill it - it makes us stronger in the end when we don't make the same mistake twice.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Don't let what he's done make you feel like you're worthless. He's the one who is the jerk and doesn't deserve you.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry
*hugs* just remember that you were fine before you met him, and you'll be fine again. I know it seems like its what everyone says but time really does heal. stay with family and friends and people who care about you and I hope everything works out. And like mustardgirl said, don't call him or answer if he calls, be strong. I really hope you feel better xxx


Well-known member
fuckin ass holes!!! they sound really imature!
hope your ok hun.. dont let him bother you, hes an ass hole for cheating in the first place.. he should be the one upset because he lost someone so lovely. I bet if his new girl, brother etc werent with him at the time he rang, he wouldnt of acted like a dick


Well-known member
You know what girl, you probably dont know this now, but after a while when you'll be over this you'll be glad that you got away from that jerk!And you WILL get over this, trust me!Throw away all his stuf, delete his phone number and just concentrate on your self for a while. And remember that you deserve someone much MUCH better than he is. *hugs*


Well-known member
omg, what a fucking jerk. ugh, those type of people make me sick. I hope you feel better girl and do things to take your mind off of it right now cause no one in the world should make you feel like this. They are just a bunch of no good, sick bunch of asshole and your way better than that. i hope you will overcome this and believe me girl, better days will come. and they WILL come. *hugs* <3


Well-known member
oh my gosh, i can't believe i just saw this thread.
i know it's been over a week, but i wanted to let you know you're not alone.

first off, karma's a the fucking scumbag will get what's coming to him.

secondly, i've been in your shoes before. no matter what people may say to comfort you, only you are in that situation for yourself and it's so hard to just get up and go and forget. i know you keep dying a little bit inside while waiting for him to call or by contemplating on whether you should call him and thinking of all the ifs and maybes.

seriously, i know it's hard to think about the future right now, but from experience, the best revenge is to move on. this is a good time to realize how much you are worth and what a strong, beautiful person you are.

even though there are a good number of fucking cheating, dishonest garbage people out there, there are good people out there as well. i truly believe in balance, so i know in the future, you'll be the one laughing.

i know we are just strangers on this forum, but we truly care about each other b/c we'll all people that share the same love for things (make-up, for example) so always know you are not alone and definitely keep us updated.


Well-known member
remember don't get bitter.... get better. I think you volluntering is great! I promise the best way to get over something hard in your life is to help someone worse off than you. Helping others has healing powers! you're a beautiful person what a big purpose on this earth don't ever loose sight of that ok


Well-known member
I have been through the same thing, it really sucks at first. Its the worst pain ever, just try to do things to keep yourself busy. Time will heal all wounds. Take care


Well-known member
Slicing yourself? that's so not worth it - think about the scars that would be left not only on your heart but now on yourself as a daily reminder? ick. no way! hang in there.