My new vanity $40 from Ikea!


Well-known member



you've seen my full collection of make up, hair and body products laid out on my floor. You've even seen how I've organized it in the past... but a new day as come! New storage that actually gives me a surface to lay out my products while I use them.

For more detailed information and pictures about storage go to my blog
Imperfect Perfection: Vain People need a Vanity!!!

and for a video tour of my vanity and the transformed bathroom see how I hold all my products in my bathroom
YouTube - my new vanity!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by christinebezans
cool vanity can you send me the link for it?

Ikea no longer has it... its the Viken Mirror cabinet/ 1 door + Lighting. It's a medicine cabinet for the bathroom I put on top of a computer desk we were not using. The price of the medicine cabinet was originally $149 but Ikea recently had a sale and it was reduced to $39.99. But check your local Ikea, they may still have some in stock, but they no longer have it online.


Well-known member
You must be made up it looks really cool. Just out of interest have you done your make up with the lights on and does it make a difference?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by cazgh
You must be made up it looks really cool. Just out of interest have you done your make up with the lights on and does it make a difference?


Makes a HUGE different!!!! It really has upgraded my youtube make up tuts! Here is a video I made right after I put on my make up for the tut... I just didnt get around to editing the tutorial. But in this video I mention my new vanity and the lighting, but the video talks about something totally different. But you can just look at the video to see my face and compare it to my actual make up tut videos. This video has some bad language in the title... but none of my make up tuts have colorful language. So this video maybe NSFW just b/c of language, but again the video its just me randomly talking and has nothing to do with make up except for the 1st part. So skip to 0:30 if you dont want to read profanity.

YouTube - 1st date ish

^^ you can see the colors

YouTube - red white and blue- I'm proud to be an American! Part 2 Finishing Touches!
^^ this tutorial was done in my old make up area with ceiling lighting, my magnified mirror, a lamp and the blinds on the window was opened. But the lighting is still skewed.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by malaviKat
That mirror is awesome! Proper lighting is such a necessity! Congrats!

sooo true! it makes a world of difference!!! It's like looking at my face in high def.


Well-known member
those videos i posted showing the difference in lighting quality arent a true representation b/c the older 4th of july video was done with my canon and the newer random video was done on my isight on my macbook. But I'm uploading a make up tut I did with my canon... so i'll post that here.