NC 25 skin with melasma on forehead


Active member
Hello Everyone!​

I'm an NC 25 on my face, but I've got melasma on my forehead from taking pills (which ive stopped) so my forehead has small darker patches.
I love studio fix fluid because the colour on my face everywhere else is PERFECT! but because i have dry skin, the studio fix fluid isn't really the best choice for me anyhow.

When I apply NC25 all over, my forehead looks almost grey. A MAC MA told me to put bronzer (she gave me Matte Bronze) on my forehead to "warm it up". I tried it, and it was rubbish and didn't defeat the object because my forehead looked even worse and much darker!

I tried a darker colour on my forehead (NC35) and lighter everywhere else, and it looked like i had 2 colours on!

I also put NC 35 all over my face, and I looked like an umpa lumpa!

Somebody also told me to use NC 25 all over, and then highlight my forehead!

I'm, considering trying to cover it with concealer first in an NW, but I'm not sure which type to try. I currently use select cover up in NW25 for under my eyes, but it looks a bit dodgy on my forehead!lol

Any help would be greatly appreciated because i feel really miserable!
If all else fails, I'm just gonna cut a fringe (bangs)!lol

xThank youx


Well-known member
I had a dime sized dark spot over my eye (which I ended up having to get frozen with liquid nitrogen since it looked "suspicious" to my derm) and I used to cover it by applying foundation, and after that set, stippling concealer onto it. The application --- dotting or pushing it in instead of smearing it, and then letting it dry --- really made a difference.

I wish I could help in terms of the color.

Miss. Herzeleid

Well-known member
If you are thinking about using a concealer, i think Studio Finish would work well. The website says that it effectively covers dark circles, blemishes, moles, tattoos and birthmarks. So maybe this would work well for you.

I hope this helps