Need a little help...


Well-known member
I'm considering getting some colored contacts. So over done I know but i'd love to change my look up every so often. It gets boring having brown eyes all the time. So let me know what color you think I should get! I've got astigmatism so I will have to get toric lenses so that does limit brands and colors available. Also do you know where I could buy them for a discounted price? Toric lenses tend to be on the more expensive side.

For Reference since I think the picture washes me out a little I wear NC45 Foundation.



Well-known member
seriously?? that sucks!!
don't they have like trial pairs that you can try at the optometrist's office before you get them?


Well-known member
I have dark brown eyes and I wear green contacts, I like the way it softens my look. They look more hazel than green, but still hella awesome.

I live in Canada so I shop It's loads cheaper, and the free shipping is overnight express. BONUS!


Well-known member
moopoint - thank you! i was thinking green as it might look a little more natural on my tan skin but i wasn't sure how it would show up on my eyes.
thank you for the website suggestion as well. I'll look into it!! I think they have a US website as well.

tish1127 - haha!! i realized after i posted it that some of you might say that

thank you!!


Well-known member
I have brown eyes like you. When I want to try something different, I go with gray, as it is such a unique colour. It also gives you more eye shadow options than blue or green, IMO.

If I want a little something extra, but don't want to look too altered (let's face it, everyone knows when you are wearing coloured lenses) I wear the "honey" or light brown ones which make your dark brown eyes look lighter.

Hazel is a nice subtle change for brown eyes, as well.

Let us know what you get.


Well-known member
MAC_Whore - I was considering green or blue because im not sure that grey would look semi natural with my skin tone. Im not all that light skinned and i definately dont want them to look ridiculously fake. haha!! I really do like the grey though!!
Im not sure if I can get hazel lenses since I will need to get toric lenses and colors and brands available are really limited. I think I can get honey colored lenses though but I feel like it's a waste since my eyes are already brown and it would just be a shade lighter and I guess I want a noticible change if I'm going to change it up.
Thanks for all the info!! I'll definately let you know what I get!! Im making my eye doc. appt. for next week hopefully!!

btw on average how much do you pay for your contacts? where do find good deals on them?


Well-known member
I get where you are coming from imperfectbeauty, I love my natural eye color, but I like playing with colored contacts to shake things up. I still rock my brown eyes too. It is amazing how different your makeup looks when the eye color is changed.


Well-known member
Just to be honest, I think any color contacts look pretty much fake on anyone, especially if you get a color that is not your own. If you have green eyes, get green contacts to "enhance" that is one thing. I think green, blue or grey would look....fake on you, therefore taking away from your beauty.

I honestly would stick with natural. Embrace the brown eyes, girl. They are gorgeous.


Well-known member
moopoint - you get exactly where im coming from!! haha! I love my brown eyes but sometimes a change is nice! It changes up your look and definately get to rock other makeup looks and i agree changing your eye color can change a make up look drastically.

ImMACnificent - I really do love love love my brown eyes but I'd like a change. I understand what you're saying and all but im hoping that one of the colors will look semi not fake. lol. I have friends who've got colored lenses who are of east indian ethnicity and they actually look pretty natural on them so im hoping for the same. But thank you for the input...if they reeally don't look good i won't be getting them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
There was no choice to say...I love your eye color just as it is....

That's exactly what I was going to say, but if you MUST, ( I hope not though) go with green.


Well-known member
HeavenLeiBlu - lol thank you for the input. If they dont look good I won't be getting them not to worry!! haha!! it's not really a MUST but more of wanting a change for just a little while.


Well-known member
I voted grey, but now that I think about it, get the green. Just for a different look.

I agree with Tish completely, your regular eye color is just so gorgeous and striking- I hate it when people crap on brown eyes. Yours are just so beautiful.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by imperfectbeauty
...btw on average how much do you pay for your contacts? where do find good deals on them?

I get mine from Costco. I'm from your neck of the woods, so I know you have one around.