need some advice - problem with a friend


Active member
k. i need some advice. i had wrote a while ago about me and a friend of mine having differing parenting styles. while that is not a problem, the fact that she tells me that she parents the "right" way, meaning that if i don't do things her way, i'll be doing everything wrong. i think that is bullshit. i don't expect us to agree on everything. i welcome that we have differing opinions on things. but she is too judgmental and close minded. anything that i am for , she is against, no 2 ways about it. she won't even consider the fact that i could be right. she can't even agree to say that it might not be right for her family, but it could be right for mine. it's just WRONG. plain and simple.

yesterday, on some forum we belong to, she posed the question - what do you think of pot smokers? now, i'm not a smoker, but my SO is. a heavy smoker. she says that makes him a bad person, and that if he smokes, he must have "issues", whatever that means. her favourite word it "trash". she basically said that the man i love, the father of my child, is white trash because he smokes pot. who gives a shit? he goes to work everyday. works 15 hrs a day. he doesn't burn in the house or around me. so if he wants to burn a joint after a long day at work, who fucking cares? why is it her place to judge him? especially since he is my boyfriend. her best friends boyfriend. fuck her. this coming from a woman who emascualtes her husband every chance she gets. he is the one who makes all the household income, and he has to ask her when he wants to buy ANYTHING. i'm not talking just big purchases. i mean everything. i don't think that's right. she treats him like a child, and carries his balls in her purse. but that's none of my business. it's his and hers. if he's ok with that, why would i say anything? it's not my place.

but she can do whatever she wants. two years ago, my brother got his girlfriend pregnant. they were comtemplating getting an abortion, which i didn't agree with. they were both adults. he was 25, she was 34. they could have handled a baby. she already had a child. i told my friend about it, because i needed to talk about it. she went and wrote a letter to my parents, telling them that my brother's gf was going to have an abortion and that my parents needed to stop it. however, she left it anon. so my brother thought it was me that wrote it,an didn't speak to me for months. then he moved 4 days away and things have never been the same. my 'friend' told me just a few months ago, that it was her who wrote the letter. and i told her that it was ok. i forgave her. but i didn't really. it is just one more instance that her views infringed on our friendship. she had no right to say anything to my parents. it was none of her business, but she took it upon herself to judge a situation, and throw her 2 cents into it.

so i guess i wanted to see what you guys think. am i wrong? or is it possible to stay friends with someone when you have to censor every conversation? we can talk, as long as it's not about a, b, c, or d. i don't know if i want to be in a relationship like that.

what do you think? can we salvage a friendship?


Well-known member
I think you guys need to somehow agree to disagree on certain issues, but I think that would be hard to do concerning the issues that she has raised. They are pretty divisive and it seems like rather than talking to you about them she'd rather go and indirectly bring them up on the internet, which is childish. I would suggest making a point of only talking to her about the kind of things you talk about with people you hardly know - benign topics that would be less likely to start an argument. If she says anything just mention to her that you value your friendship and enjoy her company, but you don't want to start an argument about issues which are clearly two-sided with really no right or wrong answer to reach. I hope it can work out for you!!


Well-known member
I totally agree with you. No one is perfect so we shouldn't be judging other people. As for you friend, i do believe that a true friend is somebody who will accept you for who you are ( with all your flaws). Now, i am not saying that your friend shouldn't tell you that you are wrong when he/she believes that you are. I am merely saying that you should be able to agree to disagree and be patient and tolerant enough toward each other. A true friend wouldn't want to control you and mold you according to his/her beliefs. Apparently, your friend has trouble understanding that. I would still see her but the relationship would not be at the same level.


Well-known member
Quite honestly, I wouldn't waste my time trying to salvage anything with this person.
Breech of trust like that is a huge issue for me, and driving a wedge between myself and my brother(s) is unforgivable.


Well-known member
I don't understand WHY you would still WANT to be her friend.

She doesn't even seem to to WANT to be YOUR friend.

And furthermore-as shimmer said-driving a wedge between you and your brother-where now nothing is the same anymore with your brother is beyond forgiveable.

You've done nothing but allow her to treat you this way.

I don't know how to put it any more clearly-she is not your best friend. If she were-she wouldn't automatically contradict you, she wouldn't have done that shit with your brother, and she wouldn't tell your husband how to live his life.

I'm going to tell you this woman wants to control you and she doesn't want a friend she wants a "yes man".

Friends don't do any of the shit this girl has done. Friends 1) respect trust 2) try not to minipulate people with their family members 3) Do not go out of their way to disagree with whatever you have to say 4) Force your belief on others.

I'll give you an example of my best friend and I.

She is a die hard liberal, loves Democrats, isn't very spiritual, and is a clothing snob. I on the other hand am a Die hard liberterian leaning more towards conservative views, very spiritual and could care less about clothing. BUT she never forces her beliefs on me and I never force my beliefs on her. We discuss it and sometimes have a good time debating politics (hannity and colmes style yo) and when we go shopping she shows me the difference of fabrics-and when we go to the makeup counter, I show her why Chanel is better than Covergirl. LOL

It's a give and take and while both of us are at completely different ends of the spectrum we know that if something were to happen the other would be there-and whatever was said would go no further! It's a communication but each person must be willing to recieve it.

You need to realize that true friends dont do the crap she does.


Active member
thanks everyone. i know that everything everyone is saying is true. and it's all shit that i have already said to myself. it sounds sad, but i just don't like to fail at things. a friendship is like a romantic relationship to me. but without the romantic part!l if that makes sense. this girl and i have been friends for over 10 years, and i guess i have a hard time letting go. but i do know that it is the best thing for me. i'm not going to allow her to upset me or to stress me out, especially because i am pregnant. stress is not good for me or my son, so i won't allow it. i sent her a 3 page letter today, ending the whole thing. i was honest and too the point, but not rude. i just said that i can't be friends with someone who looks down on me for the choices that i plan on making. the funny thing is, she is judging my parenting skills before my child is even here! lol

i just wish she would understand that i don't have a problem with her disagreeing with me. but to outright tell me i'm wrong and am going to be a bad parent because i'm not doing things her way, total bullshit.

i'll give some examples of how i'm going to be a bad parent -

i plan on circumcising my son - i should go to jail for child abuse. literally, that is what she said.

i will be going back to work after my mat leave - that's just WRONG. a mother's place is at home, and i will be a bad mom for leaving my son with someone else.

i will get babysitters - same as above. she will not leave her kids with a babysitter and thinks that anyone who does is neglecting their child.

my son will go to a conventional school - this is WRONG. she homeschools her kids, so that is the only RIGHT way to have your children learn.

she's fucking crazy. i don't care what she does with her kids, but to say that if i do any of the above with my own, i'm a bad parent - well fuck you.

so i know i made the right decision. it just sucks to lose a friend. even one that wasn't always the greatest. she was perfect, as long as we weren't talking about kidsor husbands! lol


Well-known member
*Still avin te keyboard issues...We are ( )avin t is fixed soon...but in t e meantime, it ll be a pain in t e ass...SORRY*

Sounds like s e as some control issues....

I would ve seriously reconsidered tis person as your friend a w()ile back...s e doesnt sound like a very supportive or nurturin person...

Anyone t at would blatently insult your S.O. is NOT a friend, IMO....

I d say more, but in a nuts ell, t ats about te size of it, anyway...Besides, nobody would want to read it anyway, wit my keyboard bein broken, and all....

PS: YOU ( )avnt failed at ANYT IN!!! S E is t e one w om failed YOU!!!


little teaser

Well-known member
judgmental and closed minded and thinks she is always right.. dont you just hate people like that, i dont know how you have remain friends with her and she insults your so, and cause problems with you and your family.. I think you should let go of the friendship it doesnt sound healthy and dont worry your really not loseing a friend your gaining respect..


Well-known member
Don't need friends like that. Wasn't her place to write your parents a letter. She sounds crazy, and very judgemental. People like that, act like their shit dont' stink. The only reason they really act that way is because their own life isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Guess what else, she's a hater!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Quite honestly, I wouldn't waste my time trying to salvage anything with this person.
Breech of trust like that is a huge issue for me, and driving a wedge between myself and my brother(s) is unforgivable.

Totally agree...sounds to me like someone LOVES to be the center of attention, no matter if it's positive or negative. She's toxic...I say cut off all ties to her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DanaB
thanks everyone. i know that everything everyone is saying is true. and it's all shit that i have already said to myself. it sounds sad, but i just don't like to fail at things. a friendship is like a romantic relationship to me. but without the romantic part!l if that makes sense. this girl and i have been friends for over 10 years, and i guess i have a hard time letting go. but i do know that it is the best thing for me. i'm not going to allow her to upset me or to stress me out, especially because i am pregnant. stress is not good for me or my son, so i won't allow it. i sent her a 3 page letter today, ending the whole thing. i was honest and too the point, but not rude. i just said that i can't be friends with someone who looks down on me for the choices that i plan on making. the funny thing is, she is judging my parenting skills before my child is even here! lol

i just wish she would understand that i don't have a problem with her disagreeing with me. but to outright tell me i'm wrong and am going to be a bad parent because i'm not doing things her way, total bullshit.

i'll give some examples of how i'm going to be a bad parent -

i plan on circumcising my son - i should go to jail for child abuse. literally, that is what she said.

i will be going back to work after my mat leave - that's just WRONG. a mother's place is at home, and i will be a bad mom for leaving my son with someone else.

i will get babysitters - same as above. she will not leave her kids with a babysitter and thinks that anyone who does is neglecting their child.

my son will go to a conventional school - this is WRONG. she homeschools her kids, so that is the only RIGHT way to have your children learn.

she's fucking crazy. i don't care what she does with her kids, but to say that if i do any of the above with my own, i'm a bad parent - well fuck you.

so i know i made the right decision. it just sucks to lose a friend. even one that wasn't always the greatest. she was perfect, as long as we weren't talking about kidsor husbands! lol

I agree...she's nuts. Just end it with her, or you'll have her hounding you forever.


Well-known member
dude i seriously think she's that kind of girl who calls every 30 seconds just to bitch or might come and kill everyone in the middle of the night *shudders*


J/k but she does seemt that crazy

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Having been in controlling friendship relationships before, GET OUT NOW. The last one made me feel like shit about myself, to the point it was affecting other parts of my life. The amount of pain and stress this person caused me was not worth the amount of fun we had together.

You have to weigh the good with the bad. If the bad outweighs the good (I'm not talking numerical values, like she does 5 bad things to you like being late or , but like she does 5 unforgivably bad things to you), the friendship isn't worth it. Some friendships you do have to censor yourself and not bring up certain topics, but this one sounds like you can't tell the girl anything.


although it's good to have a friend who is really concerned about you and has no problems with voicing her opinions out good or bad, yours has went past the barrier.

Your friend has problems with trust issues - she should have known that what you have confided to her should not be let out to someone else. what's the point of having a friend who will blow out every secret/thoughts you have. worse, it wrecked your relationship with your brother.

anyway, all i know, when someone tries to make you feel shitty about yourself (about the parenting part), stay awayyyyy from them!!!!!


Well-known member
OMG do we have the same friend?! haha sorry it's just that your friend sounds exactly like my former best friend. Now I'm stubborn but she was beyond that! I don't tell people how to live their lives unless they ask for my opinion on a certain matter.

Me and this girl were best friends since high school, when we got out of high school we started going to the same college ... we were glued at the hip. For that reason her pyscho boyfriend hated me, this moron threatened to kill me! haha yea that's the level of psycho he's at. Of course he changed his mind when my cousins paid him a visit. He was known for cheating on her, but I kept my mouth shut. Knowing her I knew it was none of my business. When she finally realized he had been cheating on her she asked what I thought, I said I don't know him, I don't hang out with him but our community talks and if she heard it from his own friends then it's up to hear to decide what to do with that information. Of course she got mad at me.

Oh and she even swore up and down that Mexicans weren't Latin. Our half-Palestinian half-Mexican friend fought until he was blue with her. But what she thought was right so it doesn't matter.

It also seems like your friend has a lil lack of respect for you, i.e. what she says about your boyfriend being white trash. My friend is also like this ... I personally don't drink or do any type of drug. What other people do is their business, I only ask that they respect my wishes and don't do it when they're with me. A lot of my friends, including my boyfriend, have stopped drinking because of how much they respect my wishes and the fact that they're always with me.
She on the other hand doesn't want to do that. I told her drink all you want but please don't get drunk when you are with me. Her response was to get plastered and then attempt to be "funny" by making fun of me in front of our community saying that I can't "hang" with Christians because I'm to "Hezbollahish" ... and that's coming from another Arab!

Personally I felt like if she couldn't respect me then there's no point of her being my friend. We still talk when we see each other, and when she's sober, but I don't surround myself with people like that. In my opinion THAT is trash.


Well-known member
Toxic friends... plenty plenty out there. Honestly, this person is not your balcony person... a person that sits in your balcony and cheers for you and supports your life. I had a friend like that who was just a little too prudent to handle at times... it led to me telling her things last ouf of all my friends... b/c I hated doing it. That's not a friend... we're no longer friends.... but sometimes I would have to say "please, just be a friend and be supportive... I'm not asking for you to judge me" and it would shut her up....

Good luck!

Friends are suppose to enhance your life... if she's taking away... get rid of her? =)