Not a Catholic? Not a true church...


Well-known member
I'm a Conservative Catholic and I applaud that he is reviving the old Latin Mass. That is the Mass that I grew up on since I was 6.

As a Catholic, I believe that the Catholic Church is the ONLY church. But then, we all have a right to be whatever religion we want. I choose to be Catholic and the Church teaches us that. Faith is one of the most powerful tools out there.

I'm not downing other religions. Please don't take it that way because I think a lot of religions have their won special way of doing things and it's not only Catholics that go to Heaven - people of all religions go there.



Well-known member
I'm sorry, but this doesn't surprise me in the least. Nations have been warring over "my god is better than yours" for centuries. It's not surprising that now denominations within in a particular religion are doing the same thing (just not to the extent of going to war over it).