Not for the weak!! Caution. **STRONGLY ADVISE CAUTION** /admin


Well-known member
Okay there is this huge YouTube craze going on for sometime now. There are users posting reactions to a very vulgar video that is posted on an external website. Even Joe Rogan filmed his reaction.

Some of may have seen this already -


But I am not here to promote that site. I am just itching to discuss people's thoughts and opinions on it to those who choose to watch it.

I personally watched it twice because I the first time thru I just could not believe it was real. I keep looking for the clue that it was fake. I still think that the 'cup' video was faked but after seeing 'finger', I have had a slight change of mind.


Well-known member
Yeah I saw this on Perez Hilton, cuz people were making songs and spoofs on it. I can't tell if it's real or not, and I dont REALLY want to know! lol! Cause it's soooo gross either way!


Well-known member
I agree with gross.

I don't understand the desire to do what they do. But to each their own. I am more worried about what goes down and to get these girls to do these things. It is a real disease (I don't know if that is the appropriate word) but do these girls really want to do this?


Well-known member
That's sick!


Well-known member
ommmmmmgggggggggggggg..i was so not prepared for this type of gross..i thought the warning would be like bloody graphic.but man..this is just sickk...i think this is what they call scat play or whatever. Man, the porn industry or whatever industry its under is really running out of ideas aye? all i can say is..EW!


Well-known member
I wasn't even able to view the whole thing. That's so repulsive! These may be snuff films? They are just to humiliate women.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaisyPie
I'm too scared to view it, and after reading the replies, I'm glad I chickened out!

That's really is OK! You know your tolerence level better than anyone.


Well-known member
i watched the first 20 seconds cuz I didn't know what it could be about. thats truly disgusting.

and there are disgusting people in the world. so I don't doubt that its real. people are fucking sick.


Well-known member
I seriously think those girls either did it for drugs and/or while on drugs. It's a f'd up world.


Well-known member
And there goes my appetite.

I've seen them before, but it just proves that people will do anything for money.
And, if they're doing it willingly, is it really degradation/humiliation?


Well-known member
For those that haven't seen it...

After seeing this, I did see reviews on you tube. It was more on reaction level. Apparently, some viewers on you tube thought it was funny and others got physically ill from seeing it. Perhaps, that's reason the creator of these films made these woman do such acts to just know people would get sick or laugh. I don't know, but I feel the creator of these is very sadistic towards women.

Personally, I feel whoever created this did this to take the viewer by surprise. It happens very quickly on the both films. You see two girls together and it almost appears that they are about to get it on, but they are dressed. Next scene, there is an anus with a large amount of loose feces coming out with a cup to catch it. Next, the two women are licking on this. This happens within seconds. That's when I stopped it. I felt I saw enough to get an idea of where this was leading.

Second clip

It appears one woman is vomiting into another mouth. I stop the tape quickly. This tape too was going into an area that was disgraceful to both the women and the viewer.

I believe there is something really gravely wrong behind the scenes that we do not know about that made these women perform such acts.

I see absolutely no value in seeing these films. If anything, I feel there may be something criminal behind the creation of them and should be throughly investigated.

To those who haven't seen it. You have been fully warned.


Well-known member
Uggh, I've seen stuff this nasty that guys do on Jackass.
I just think that it isn't marketed as being *sexual* on Jackass though (although I totally laughed when that guy snorted wasabi in the movie, heh).

But uhhh... nasty. It's either gross out or it's porn. Meh, videos like this should be only one genre.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer

if they're doing it willingly, is it really degradation/humiliation?

a thought I had as well.

Who is the real 'monster'? The filmaker, the women, the viewers, me for opening this can of worms and spreading the horror? There are far off worse things to watch. Watching and being grossed out is not the hard part for me. It is accepting these woman may have voluntarily did this or that some sick fuck is forcing them to do it against their will. And I agree with the poster who said that this may need some investigating.


Well-known member
Really, think about what conditions would women do that willingly? Okay, some may say money. Deep down your self-esteem would be zero to do this on film for money. It would be like prostituting yourself in a way. Okay taking money for drugs? Here again, that's not right either. They did it for fun? I can't see that. They barely are trying to do it. Something is really wrong here. I am sure these ladies didn't come up with the idea themselves. Hey, let's do X and put this on film. I just will not believe that.

I see them as victims even if they did take money. Did they know that this would be spread around the world to humiliate them? I doubt it.

I just wonder if they are missing ladies tanked up on drugs. This sicko used them for films for money and then he gets rid of them. That's my gut feeling. So many women are missing.

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