office hours


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whole lotta love came home with me today.

one word.



Well-known member
Yesterday I went to the UPS store to do return my package of Every Ivory PLW e/s and I'm so happy to have it out of my hands!


I really REALLY wanted whole lotta love so I waited until I could swatch it in person. Although the texture is beautiful, it looks (on me) exactly the same as Dollymix, which I rarely wear and I feel is too blue based, as is Band of Roses which also looks similar.


Well-known member
I peeked at this collection today. I get so overwhelmed when I go into a MAC store or a MAC counter that it's RIDICULOUS! People are everywhere and it seems that I just can't see for looking. It's like I can never see the forest for the trees. LOL! I swatched Stubborn and Whole Lotta Love blushes. Both are really nice. And I swatched Mauveless and Uninterrupted e/s's. Both very nice as well. I didn't get anything though.


Well-known member
I'm so anxious,to see this collex. I hurt my knee and haven't been able to make it to the store. Good thing though, I've paid all my bills down to zero. LOL


Well-known member
Everlasting Nude is the one limited gloss FYI Shame it's really nice on darker skin tones Full coverage so you don't need lip erase if you have darker lips


Well-known member
at least it's permanent! and now you don't have to feel guilty when you buy stuff either!
LOL Exactly! And hopefully I'll get this new position at my job, which means an increase, and they are so far behind, they have loads of OT. No life for me til probably March. But hey, it's bout to get cold, what am I missing? LOL


Well-known member
LOL Exactly! And hopefully I'll get this new position at my job, which means an increase, and they are so far behind, they have loads of OT. No life for me til probably March. But hey, it's bout to get cold, what am I missing? LOL
LOL yes its a good time to be doing overtime rather than when the weather's nice!

wearing always sunny again, with some bits of day gleam that were left on my brush from yesterday (yes, an UNCLEANED brush) it.


Well-known member
I was looking at this today. FINALLY, I passed on it all. couldn't really get into face and body b/c most of it was gone. Plus, like I said in Marilyn this is an expensive week for me. BUT I did look at Always Sunny a few times. LOL I couldn't make myself buy anything.


Well-known member
What blushes did you get so far?
So broke right now, I have not gone back for blush yet. I am thinking of doing a mini haul when the paycheck clears the bank and maybe snag and e/s or two from MM if there are any left. I want to get WLL, but I want to see it swatched against Overdyed and Tippy to convince myself I don't need it. Would they think I am totally from Mars if I showed up with swatches on my arm already and swatched some more? I want to get all of the pink/purple e/s and the grey one if NOT blue based grey or similar to Hocus Pocus...


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Copperhead
I peeked at this collection today. I get so overwhelmed when I go into a MAC store or a MAC counter that it's RIDICULOUS! People are everywhere and it seems that I just can't see for looking. It's like I can never see the forest for the trees. LOL! [snip]

I may be occ, but i make a list of stuff i want to test and stuff i want to buy, then i print it out and take it with me. That way i can focus without too much distraction, even when my local MAC is crowded.

I cross off stuff i discover i really do not want - MAC's descriptions are not always all that good, and web photos are often not accurate - the web is good, but it's not real life. I highlight things i must have, so when i finally get a MUA i can tell her exactly what i want without wasting time. And i make notes - often i find that colors i thought wouldn't look good on me or that i didn't want turn out better than some i put on my wish list; or i find that i like something but i want to think about it or compare it with something i already have.

And it helps if i'm trying to stay on budget, because with a list i can narrow things down - i can plan on how much i can spend and eliminate things i'm not crazy about - that way i avoid impulse buys - well, not all of them...

glammy girl

Well-known member
Lol I make notes for everything, glad to know I'm not alone on this because I get weird stares when I pull out my iPad with all my Mac notes :) it's just how I stay on track and don't end up buying more than I'm supposed to...


Well-known member
I wasn't too impressed with the pink shadows in this collection so my MA suggested Girlie --- I just love this colour, can't believe I hadn't picked it up earlier.