OK who wants to do a weight loss challenge?


Well-known member
I am thinking have a goal date and we can support eachother. I was thinking something like the first goal date to be May 1! WHos in?
Diet modification, exercise and it is always good to take yer measurements. Whaddya say? Any takers?


Well-known member
I'm tempted but I am WAY bigger than most people on the boards so will feel a bit stupid.
But I'm happy to post weight loss amounts as opposed to current weight, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Glitziegal
I'm tempted but I am WAY bigger than most people on the boards so will feel a bit stupid.
But I'm happy to post weight loss amounts as opposed to current weight, lol.

I can insure you that you're not the fattest

I'm in!

Before Christmas I started to go to the gym, but I didnt went back since december 18th... Shame on me.
I need motivation... soooo much!


Well-known member
Sorry I didn't post alot before, but I was goign to be late for work if I wrote anymore!

I started back doing weight watchers 2.5 weeks ago. I am following there flex (non points) plan and so far I have lost 9 pounds and my clothes are falling off of me! I don't go to the meetings or anything, I just follow their plan. So some support from you fabulous ladies would be awesome! Maybe we should set up some sort of yahoo group or forum?


Well-known member
flex plan hey?

Well great then! I will have to weigh myself tomorrow (ugh).
OK, 3L of water a day for me! And I have to try for more fruit (hate peeling and preping it). I need to go shopping and get my arse back to the gym.
Mich mimi: Flex hey? Is it harder to follow? I dunno if I could do that one....


Well-known member
i'd love to do this but i don't meaure or weigh. i just watch how my clothes are fitting me. is that ok?


Well-known member
Of course, there are no rules! Oficially starts MOnday, but Now if you want! Please post whatever your goals are and whatever else you want. I am excited! Yay!


Well-known member
I want to loose about 50 pounds
More, if needed

Im going back to the gym this monday
I've paid one month for nothing, I haven't been there since december

I've always been the fat girl, since im 7 years old
I want to learn who the real me is... 8)
Achieve my goals, and let people love me, get into my life without me being suspicious of ''why do they love me?''

(sorry, messy english)


Well-known member
Woo Hoo! I'm in!

I need to lose the 10 lbs I've put on since life got hectic late last year! Once I get that lost I need to lose another 30 so I will be at my goal.
I did WW (weight watchers) last year and lost 30 lbs so I will start that again.

If we get some participation in this I can setup a subforum for it.


Well-known member
I lost about 15 pounds last year (October-December) because I joined L.A. Weight Loss but once the holidays came I stopped going in to see my counselor because I knew I was cheating and didn't want to tell her. I have not lost any weight since the end of December and I haven't gained any of it back yet but I need some motivation. I feel too embarassed to go back in and see my counselor because I feel like a failure. So I would love to set smaller monthly goals. I started exercizing yesterday(only 15 mins) and I am going to try to exercize at least 4 times a week. I paid so much to start the program and I know I need to go back so my plan is to go in Monday.


Well-known member

I'm in. I gained about 10 lbs last year and I want to loose them since I'm getting married in July. I need to look good for my wedding

I weigh 132 Lbs
want to loose 12 lbs


Active member
i want to be a size 6 or 4 perferably a 4 but a 6 first. i am doing weight watchers with my sister and my mom. i want to look good in a bikini as of now i am a size 8/6 but i want to be a solid 6, i just want ot tone my tummy and legs more so my goal is to be a size four by June 21, since its my bday and the first official day of summer


New member
I am so in!!!

my first goal is to lose 2 pant sizes....I have so much more to lose but I like to take baby steps.

I also need to healthier.

I have the water done. All I ever drink is water and I finish about gallon a day on my own. (no joke)

I need to make sure I workout 5 days a week.

This is not so much a weight loss thing for me as it is long term health.
I've always done it the wrong way and now I am ready to get it done right!


Well-known member
I'm so in too! Ahh this is great! I need the motivation to hit up the gym after work! I need to lose. . .80 pounds. . .lol Not for asthetic reasons, for health! Diabeties and heart attack-type stuff run in my family and since I'm superbly overweight it could kill me. (Yay) lol This is so cool! Diet starts Monday! ^_^


- Exercise once a day at least! (Gym, Running, Swimming, etc, some kind of active cardio for 1 hr)
- Weight training 2x a week (at least)
- Eat a good breakfast
- Light dinner
- Cut out all soda and up the water
- Run at least 5 miles a week in Feb. (I used to be a runner before I packed on the pounds. :p)
- Walk more, sit on butt less at work. hehe

This is so cool! I'll post pictures of my before and after when the challenge is over. Yay ^_^


Well-known member
If anyone is interested in following the weight watchers points plan, I have the formula that determines the points value on most foods.