Opinions on Makeup Case 1.6


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
EEs is an abbreviation for employees.

2-Gratis-Free products with the launch of every collection. You also get gratis from the last 3 big collections when you start.

Nice, huh?

what do u mean last 3?what if they are all sold out?and everythings gone?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
When stores get gratis to distribute to EEs, it doesn't just come off of the shelf. It is mailed seperately from MAC's distribution facility. Generally, they send a little extra and the mgr will keep it on hand for new hires.

And for your other question: Yes, it is the same gratis policy for counters and stores. The only diff is say you work for a Nordies counter, and MAC does a Nordies exclusive, the artists at the Nordies counter get gratis from that launch. Whereas the artists from other dept stores and freestanding stores won't get that Nordies exclusive launch gratis. This generally applies to any dept store or freestanding exclusive collection. Make sense?

Hope that helps.

yes yes yes it makes perfect sense!thanks a bunch...so how long untill i get my first gratis?


Well-known member
Bumping this up cause I have a question!!
can someone post a pic, or give me a link to the 1.6 opened up all the way? I don't care it if's full of stuff or not! My sweetie pie BF wants to buy it for me but I keep telling him wait, b/c I want to make sure I'll like it. he just thinks I'll want that over another due to my MAC whore sensibilities 8)


Well-known member
Yes, it's definately insulated....and very well at that. I left it in the back seat of my car at work the other day (103'), windows rolled up, and not in the shade. I didn't do it on purpose, I was at work and didn't get a chance to go back outside. I was sick to my stomach for 6 hours thinking when I got off that all my lipstick would be melted. lol, I wonder what people were thinking when I ran out of the mall...pulled out my case...almost burned my hand cause the outside was so hot..opened it on the malls parking lot....and pulled out all my lipsticks one by one to check them. They were sweating a little but still in perfect condition. Now I know why I paid so freaking much for that traincase. Definately worth the money. And pro discount gets 40% off. You can sometimes find them on ebay used for around $100.


Well-known member
i think its really cute and all and has the nice little MAC logo plate, but really the large Sephora case is the excat same thing for over a hundred dollars less. And the MAC case really isnt that big, so if you are obsessed and have a rather large collection this really isnt going to do you any good.


Well-known member
I'd say no. The pro briefcase is much better. Doesn't have a lock though.
You can get the same thing as the MAC case (w/o the mac name printed on it) on ebay. For a lot less.
The insulation on the mac case is kinda crappy. It won't do any more than any other insulated, nice quality case does to protect your makeup, and it costs a lot more money.
Japonesque makes some good quality traincases. I have two cp-175 cases. My next purchase will be the new cp-933.


Well-known member
What I can't wait for is a train case on wheels, similar to this design in durability, security, temperature proof and dam near nuclear proof.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tiramisu
oh my... I just died and went to heaven.


Do you have one of these cases? Do share what you think!!

I wish! I am drooling just like you... maybe one day soon...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tiramisu
oh my... I just died and went to heaven.


Do you have one of these cases? Do share what you think!!

I bought my case from there and for the price I love it.. I didnt get the super big one though (I should have) its very sturdy and the sides are all padded so I really like it I highly recomend them!:thumbsup:


Well-known member
This traincase was sold at the MAC Warehouse sale recently for $50 Canadian. If you girls only saw the mountain of girls you had to climb to get to it though!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brandiisamonkey
I bought my case from there and for the price I love it.. I didnt get the super big one though (I should have) its very sturdy and the sides are all padded so I really like it I highly recomend them!:thumbsup:

which case# did you get?


Well-known member
I agree

Originally Posted by kare31
I have the MAC 1.6 case and I have not been happy with it. I bought it because it's insulated and durable, two qualities most other cases i've tried dont seem to have. The case is super-heavy; it really hurts to try to carry it, whether by hand or on my shoulder.

It doesnt really hold all that much; i can fit the same amount into the mac carryall, which is lighter, and convenient. I dont have that large of a collection, 2 x15 eyeshadow palettes, blush palette, 5 quads, a handful of paints, a dozen liners, a dozen lipsticks, few mascaras, a few foundations and powders, and that sucker is FULL. I thought i was moving up from the carry all to a lot of room, but not so much.

The thing that really drives me crazy is that it tips over easily, unless opened all the way, no matter how i arrange things inside. Since it has to be opened all the way, it takes up tons of space, so i normally have to set it on my floor, which is not convenient.

Honestly, i only keep it because it says mac on it, and for $225, that's pretty sad. I store my things it when i'm at home, but i travel with the carry all. I havent really seen the heat resistant aspect of it, and it definitely is durable though. If you really want a MAC case, i vote for the carry all. Holds tons, light, doesnt take up a lot space.

I have both the case and carryall, my hubby bought both as a gift. I tried to use the traincase daily but as you said, it kept tipping over and there isn't enough room on my bathroom counter to open it all the way. It now stores all my extras, especially l/e's. I've traveled three times and two of the three, I brought the carryall. The traincase just doesn't work for me for daily use and again I agree, too heavy for travel. With the new travel regulations, many things needed to be packed in my check in luggage, so everything else fit in the carryall. HTH


Well-known member
Mac is comming out with a new train case thats supposta be around 2x the size of the 1.6 but thats just what ive heard through some of my friends who work for mac

as for the heat resistance on the mac train case it will withstand quite a large ammount of heat but it will only be able to hold the heat for soo long about and hour or less.

I know for a fact that it is completely flood/water proof beacuse i have submerged my case in water with paper tissues inside to test this and when opened all the tissues were dry. [this of course depends on how you treat your train case if you bang it up then i cant guaranty it wil hold up to water]

Also the trays wont fold into eachother ccrushing your makeup which is probably the most important feature of the train case.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac_goddess
What I can't wait for is a train case on wheels, similar to this design in durability, security, temperature proof and dam near nuclear proof.

but way larger!!