Parrot e/s on ebay!


Well-known member
There is a Parrot that is being sold on ebay already up to $23.50 and it still has 9 days to go!


Well-known member
Damn Parrot is such a pretty color! Hopefully they'll re-invent it in a new collection... like freshwater and belle azure.


Well-known member
Very strange...OK some people do have 100% postive feedback but what if I ever had one motherf***in buyer or seller who has his bad day and gives me a negative feedback....?
Funny it that he thinks that Golden Olive is a Pro Pigment! And Frost is NOT discontinued!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by roxybc
/\ It's back down to $31 for some reason with one day left

It looks like someone retracted their bid. I think that may be the reason.


Well-known member
I put one of mine up about a month ago. I ended up with 3 of them. 1 in the Liza quad, one in the Jewel palette, and one in the pan. I put the one in the pan on ebay. I had no clue it was this wanted. The auction ended at 49$, iirc. I felt so bad I sent her some extra pigment samples with it.


Well-known member
There are 2 Parrot's on ebay and two Holiday Palette's containing Parrot right now. Im just as addicted to Ebay as I am MAC. Sad to say.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimone2004
There are 2 Parrot's on ebay and two Holiday Palette's containing Parrot right now. Im just as addicted to Ebay as I am MAC. Sad to say.....

Hahah, even though I very rarely actually buy anything on ebay, I could spend hours just looking at all the MAC stuff on there. I don't know what it is; it's such a nice time-consumer when I'm bored.


Originally Posted by moonrevel
Hahah, even though I very rarely actually buy anything on ebay, I could spend hours just looking at all the MAC stuff on there. I don't know what it is; it's such a nice time-consumer when I'm bored.

I'm amazed that you can manage that.

Anytime I'm on a no-buy I have to completely ignore ebay because otherwise I *always* get something. Such good deals on there if you know where to look.

And thankfully I got Parrot at normal price.


Well-known member
one auction finished at $49 and another is at $34 with over 5 days to go!!

too bad i love mine. but if i'm ever strapped for cash i know what to do!