PC can be so stupid sometimes...


Well-known member
I decided to start a new thread after reading about the debate on the 14 year old girl arrested for racial remarks. In this day and age of political correctness, one cannot be too careful. After reading the latest announcement at my job, I can't help but wonder who the hell comes up with these politically correct terms. Here goes my rant.

I am a caregiver of disabled children/adults. We are no longer to refer to them as clients. Some brilliant politician has decided that we are now to refer to them as "people served" Having been in this field for several years, it is frustrating to me that every couple of years, a new term comes out to supposedly describe my client base. First off, I want to know why they have to be pigeonholed into a category in the first place. They are humans first and foremost. Second, how confusing is it for people with limited understanding to be consistently re-named? I have worked through the name changes special needs, handicapped, disabled, clients, and now people served. "People served" makes it sound like I am down on my knees giving guys blowjobs
To whomever decided on the name, thanks so much
Maybe next time you will get up off your fat ass and do my job for a day and realise that these are people just like you and me, and they do not deserve to be segregated.


Well-known member
shawna-i love you.

politicians are so stupid. And people are so damn sensitive. Pretty soon you won't be able to say things the way you see them because it will "offend someone". YES you ARE supposed to get offended. I mean jesus christ people piss me off in general.

Shawna-you are my hero babe.


Well-known member
I have to say that it takes a tremendous amout of stupid to make me angry, but I read that notice at work and just flipped out. GRRRRRRRRR.


Well-known member
on another note, tag and other games that involve touching have been deemed unsafe and are no longer allowed to be played at recess in some Mass schools, for fear of getting sued.

I think our legal system is more to blame than anything for all the PC bull that we have to deal with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shawna
I decided to start a new thread after reading about the debate on the 14 year old girl arrested for racial remarks. In this day and age of political correctness, one cannot be too careful. After reading the latest announcement at my job, I can't help but wonder who the hell comes up with these politically correct terms. Here goes my rant.

I am a caregiver of disabled children/adults. We are no longer to refer to them as clients. Some brilliant politician has decided that we are now to refer to them as "people served" Having been in this field for several years, it is frustrating to me that every couple of years, a new term comes out to supposedly describe my client base. First off, I want to know why they have to be pigeonholed into a category in the first place. They are humans first and foremost. Second, how confusing is it for people with limited understanding to be consistently re-named? I have worked through the name changes special needs, handicapped, disabled, clients, and now people served. "People served" makes it sound like I am down on my knees giving guys blowjobs
To whomever decided on the name, thanks so much
Maybe next time you will get up off your fat ass and do my job for a day and realise that these are people just like you and me, and they do not deserve to be segregated.

I have to agree with you 100%...


Well-known member
Oh Lord. "People served" just make me think of McDonald's customers. What a stupid name. There is nothing wrong with the word client.

Originally Posted by Shawna
....Second, how confusing is it for people with limited understanding to be consistently re-named? .....

No kidding. Did anyone even consider that??

Originally Posted by quandolak
..... i called the group in question disabled and not as the teacher wanted them to be called *people with a disibility*. ...I mean wtf ....

Isn't it amazing how shuffling around a few vowels and consonants will piss someone off??

Originally Posted by quandolak
...... I think they would be more insulted over this obsession with renaming them with fancy *sensative* names every few months. OOOOH goodie new label time....pfffffft

Again, no kidding!! I mean by doing this, you are constantly focusing on the fact that they are different, which is ironically what the name change is supposed to prevent. Urgh!

Some applicable definitions of Client:

2. customer: a person or organization to whom goods or services are provided and sold

3. user of social services agency: a user of the services offered by a social services agency

4. person or entity helped by another: a person or entity dependent on the protection or patronage of another person or entity

How do those not work?

My turn: Ummmm....I now find the word makeup offensive. I am now a person of the cosmetic utilizing persuasion.


Well-known member
Oh yes, I heard about the tag thing.

It's the legal system, the parents (in the schools with tag), etc.

Our country is raising the biggest bunch of whimps ever. Did you know in some state Minnisota i think they had a football team. Because they lost 4 games they pulled the team and said no more?

All because we don't want to OFFEND anyone. *rolls eyes*

Take away the kids recess you arleady got rid of red rover you already got rid of harmless kid games - cant let kids be kids and your teaching them to be quitters, and it's beyond pathetic.

I seriously think that there needs to begin the a huge movement in this country to get rid of all of the PC crap and most of all let the kids be kids.


Well-known member
Crap, anyone with a thin PC skin would hate me! I have been served, and believe you me, it has a much more sinister connotation than the idiot politcians who seem to be suffering some intellectual lack themselves - i.e. COMMON SENSE

I'd like to know where common sense has gone, along with common decency. And, if I accidentally use a term that was perfectly good two years ago, and didn't know had been changed, I certainly don't want to be called out and told I'm a bigot. Um, can't people just respect that I might just be ignorant, and despite that, I have rights too? Yeah, that's my handicap, and I'm sticking to that claim. I'd feel discriminated against, anyone threatened me with some bigotry suit, for not knowing a particular PC word.

Anyway, I'm glad you bring this up.


Well-known member
Common sense? Common Decency? In politicians? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

I believe if they ever had either of those it would be the day hell would freeze over.

I think we would be in the same boat Dierdre. Anyone with a think skin in that area well-lets just say I have never had a problem with telling someone to grow up, get over it, or just giving them the bird. :p

I hate political correctness with every fiber of my being and I've been called everything under the sun. And with every name I get called I respond the exact same way- " Just calling them as I see them"

People seriously need to get over themselves. It's all about egocentric, ethnocentric etc

And having worked with Autistic kids, Downs kids, Aspberger kids, kids who were literally mentally retarded, and BD kids and kids who are so special needs they literally are like in their own little world...

I really feel where Shawna is coming from. It's the dumbest thing ever.

And further more-it is a condition. What's next? Someone with diabetes or Heart problems will say they are emotionally abused because the two words or so harsh? What about a Cancer victim? It's too hard to hear that word?

What are we supposed to tell the lady with cancer? I'm sorry but there is a big fluffy ball growing inside your breast that could excellerate the time that you will be hanging out on this planet? *rolls eyes*

Or diabetes- "I know this is tough to hear but there are times when one may eat too much sugar and that sometimes hurts our bloods feelings so it reacts negatively. Perhaps we can help our bloods feelings"

Or the heart issue-" Oh! You're heart sounds sad. Let us try to fix it while your dreaming."

Then of course you get major surgery.

I mean this is literally what it is coming down to people. And with this whole feeling BS we're dishing the children now-soon (and this is to the extream here) soon we will be tampering with medical science and we will be having to fluff things up and with that it will not be understood a lot of the urgancy.

This is where PC is heading right here. We dont see it but it is.


OK i'm going to get off my soap box once again. Sorry i hate PC with every fiber of my being


Well-known member
Hahaha, I love your analogies, I wish I could say they're ridiculous. But you may have just set the bar even lower in the world of PC.

See, I'm not a poor driver, I'm boundary/lightchange challenged. I'm not wrinkly, I'm collagen deficient. ---- you ever notice how the PC terms are even more dreadful?

I'm a big fan of accurate, direct words, than fluffy, vague words that don't communicate anything at all.

Oh. To sum up (for me, anyway) - PC blows chunks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
...Take away the kids recess you arleady got rid of red rover you already got rid of harmless kid games - cant let kids be kids and your teaching them to be quitters, and it's beyond pathetic....

I have a friend whose son plays sports in a league where they don't keep scores at the games. They still follow the rules. They just play without winners or losers. They just want the kids to have fun and feel good about themselves. Hey, no shit, but can't the kids learn to compete in a healthy manner?

Is that the stupidest thing? All the kids keep score anyway.


Well-known member
So here is a real shocker. I was working last night and asked the woman I work for (who is physically disabled, not mentally disabled) what she likes to be called. Guess what, turns out she likes to be called by her name!!!!!!! Maybe the politicians should consider that. Do we have a smilie for flipping the bird here?
Yes we do. That's why I love Specktra


Well-known member
but the problem is competing is bad-it hurts little childrens psychies or whatever. I mean im infuriated because we as a society are taking away things kids can and cannot do. We're essentially taking away their childhood. Instead we shove them in front of video games that are violent and do keep score and that is how they learn. But what will happen when the parents decide it hurts their kids feeling when they loose THOSE GAMES?

Those game companies are going to be sued because parents cant take responsibility. Then Parents hate it when kids want to play tag. What is going to happen when our society of little puffballs grow up and enter into the real world when you have people like me and bosses who will look you in the eye and tell you exactly what is happening that they are not doing exactly right what next? Will they sue because it hurt their feelings?

If you take this PC Crap to the extream-and I'm talking all the way to the extream the society of our nation is bound to crumble. Our economy will crumble. Our lifestyle will crumble. And its all because of these dumb ass lawsuits that like to sue people for no reason other than their feelings got hurt. *ROLLS EYES*

Shawna-She likes to be called by her name? *GASP* THATS SO UN PC! :p

Dumb lawmakers LOL


Well-known member

I spilled coffee in my lap =( I'm suing Specktra because it was reading these forums instead of doing my work which caused me to spill my coffee, and get burned.



Well-known member
This is the part I don't get; kids loose at soccer, some people are disabled (sorry have a disability), some people can't drive. Not talking about it or calling it something else doesn't change the fact that it is. How about if something upsets somebody they try to do something about it instead of coming up with a different name for it?