Piercing advice, which to get rid of


Well-known member
Thank you for all the responses your all so sweet!!!

Esem you should get a piercing! my mom got her nose pierced when she was like 46 and she loves it and was even contimplating on getting a monroe cause she likes mine so much


Well-known member
I like all of them, but I'm also a piercing/tattoo junkie and if it weren't for my job I'd definitely have more!


Well-known member
I agree with the posters suggesting to remove the left nostril piercing... it will balance the look.

May I ask, with your vert labret, how was the bleeding factor? I just think of how much a cut lip bleeds and freak out!


Well-known member
I don't think it would look cluttered just because all your current jewelry is pretty small so It wouldn't look bad at all.


Well-known member
May I ask, with your vert labret, how was the bleeding factor? I just think of how much a cut lip bleeds and freak out!

I actually dont remember it bleeding at all, if it did it was very little, and it was'nt painful either surprisingly, just a quick pinch and thats it and it healed super fast. Overall a great piercing.


Well-known member
You are so cute! I would absolutely say get the septum, then decide if you want to take out one of the nostril piercings. I would try to avoid looking too symmetrical, but that is a matter of one's own personal style.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by duckduck
You are so cute! I would absolutely say get the septum, then decide if you want to take out one of the nostril piercings. I would try to avoid looking too symmetrical, but that is a matter of one's own personal style.

Yeah, thats a good plan, get it done, then maybe decide after if you really want to get rid of something. then you can try without various things and see how it looks (provided you arent worried about taking stuff out and putting them back in - my monroe is a bitch to change!)

FWIW I think you look good with all of the piercings, you pull it off really well. Some people really do look cluttered, especially with a lot around the bottom of the face, but you dont at all.


Well-known member
I'm not digging both nose piercings, I think you should take out the left one. Other than that, you're super cute, and I'd say go for the septum. :]


Well-known member
Keep the vertical labret!! So cute!! But take out one of the nose rings and definitely get your septum done

Almost everyone i know has one nostril pierced along with their septum AND monroe, it all looks so cute together BUT the vertical labret is more unique so yea, keep that too ROFL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prettysecrets
I love piercings to. but since you want things to be less cluttered,lol,I say just keep one nose ring.

ITA! One is good.


Well-known member
Haven't read all the responses yet, but my instinct is to say KEEP THEM ALL!!!
I think they look great and you are beautiful.
Of course I am quite biased in having a pretty 'cluttered' face myself, i think it can look great.
I think the ones you have now really suit you, your face isn't cluttered (I knew someone with seven labrets/vertical labrets and two madonnas and more...)