Post about your 'makeup past'


Well-known member
oh jesus, this makes me wonder if i will wonder in the future about my makeup now.

back when i was 12-15 i was OBBSESSED with blue eyeliner. Thats all i wore. Sersioulsy. I had this new foundation that i bought with my mom at the beauty supply store and i have a picture of it. I looked like a greasy muffin. Then I would top it off with bright pink lipstick..gotta love wet n wild!


Well-known member
I try not to think about it. I cringe when I remember wearing so much bright blue eyeshadow to the youth group party that I must've looked like a ho. *shudder* Not to mention that I had shaved my head & pierced my nose when I was 14 or 15, and I was all about black. Rock on. I try to keep in mind that it was 1987 so I had some "slight" excuse LOL!


Active member
I wore mascara and a pineapple flavored frost nude lipstick all the way through middle school then stopped wearing anything in HS. I'm glad .. I'd rather be known for not wearing any than wearing too much. I only REALLY got into MU two years ago and it took another year for me to figure out foundation and proper blush placement. I've gotten much more into neutrals though.

MAC was the first brand I bought eyeshadow from so Bitter+Surreal was my daily duo for about six months


Well-known member
i'm cringing as i write this but when i was around 11 having just discovered the world of beauty and makeup, i thought it would be really cool to wear silver eyeshadow with matching lip gloss. So therefore i went out and found a bluey/ silvery lippy (can't believe ppl sold those sorts of colours!!) and a real cheap drug store silver eye shadow (can't believe they sold silver coloured eyeshadow either!) and applied it on everyday. Unfortunately no one told me how hideous i looked and how metal my face looked after all that.. ARGHHH!!! never again i tell you! Luckily i've learnt....


Well-known member
OH GODDD the brownish lipstick phase whyyY! I think I was like 13 when all i wore was brownish lipstick and not like...Touch nude brown but like BROWN. then when i got to my highschool it was all aout lining the lips in black or dark brown and fillling them in with nude. when i transferred high schools it was all guidette, lots of smokey eye and pink lip and tan skin. jeez


Well-known member
those were the days

Where to begin!
I started using makeup at age 15 (im 19 now). I didnt dabble into the world of makeup...hell, I hit rock bottom. I used the heaviest, creamiest foundation Walgreens had, NYC concealer (which I still use for blemishes) for my dark circles, and reddish/brick blush. As far as e/s go, I used purples...pastel-y, easter purples. The worst would have to be how I did my eyes and lips.

I tweezed my eyes to form sort of an upside down U shape, or half moon. I used white as a highlighter. After I applied the purple e/s, then lined my eyes with a thick stark white pencil, then lined a thin line of black liquid liner over that. Curled the lashes, and applied 4 coats of more through spare time in class!
And the lips...the frostiest I could find! Now when I see old pics, I look so clown-chic!

Times have changed...I now use a light tinted moisturizer, neutral e/s, and sheer glosses. Thank goodness for that!


Well-known member
Oh lord! LOL. In 6th grade my friend thought they'd be cool and they brought makeup to lunch, and they had these little things that had like 10 eyeshadows in one thing, and one had bright blue, dark purple and dark blue... I decided to try to try them... DURING SCHOOL! I had people come up to me and ask if i had a black eye

Then in 7th grade it was a LOT of silver cream eyeshadow and clear mascara (clumpy mascara made me scream then, and it still does :p) since i was too cheap to buy a decent black mascara and bright blue eyeliner (note: i can't even pull of blue when i know how to do makeup, i'm just not a blue person)

Now, i'm all good... I'm 14 and i visit MAC biweekly to visit my MA to give me new looks. All of the girls in my grade LOAD on black eyeliner up to their crease and clumpy mascara. It's funny, i used to not want to pay for even Revlon, and now i'm dishing out 22 bucks for mascara :p


I remember in Jr. High I wore super shiny flavored lipglosses. I wore it for a class picture and it actually reflected off the camera flash. In High School, I would melt the tip of a Maybelline brow pencil with a lighter and use it as eyeliner on the inside rim of my eye. Needless to say, I had a lot pink eye back then. I also wore Revlon Blackberry lipstick. I must have gone thru 10 tubes...


Well-known member
I have a reaaaally weird makeup history. Im 15, but last year I was HORRIBLE at makeup....
I cringe whenever I see this picture...its horrifying
this was me last summer, and no...its not a wig ::shudders::

this was during december of last year

and finally this is current

basically thats how much ive changed in just a year...phew.


Well-known member
i know i'm only thirteen, but i have had horrible makeup experiences. i was way into wearing an ugly green all over my lid and then this horrid 80's blue on the crease. i didn't blend either, so i looked like a hooker. then i had a phase where a drew a circle of black eyeliner around my eyes, and have tails on the end. i looked like a little hooker. it was horrible.


Well-known member
I only started wearing makeup not that long ago...and having learnt so much from online places such as this, have yet to make a truly awful makeup mistake. But that's probably because I'm under the delusion that hot/wild colours are fun to wear and not really fussed about the consequences.

My regret is probably coming into it so late; my mother was so strict about me not wearing it when I was beginning to get curious about it that it really put me off and when I became 'legal', she was always telling me I was too plain and should consider wearing it. Total 180. Hmph.


Well-known member
This only lasted about a few months but it was horrible! I used to liquid line my eyes all the way to the crease until I saw how bad it looked in the yearbook. Then I lined my eyes thin and looked like a circle. No bad colours, though ^_^


Well-known member
LOL, i have makeup past.

I'm only 18, but whe n ifirst started to wear makeup (i was about 12) i just wore all these cheap shadows and lipglasses, i got all excited abotu colors i didnt even know how to wear, and whoa did i go thru the oreo lip for about 4 months (i HATE that look). But then i hit 14, magazines, tv, internet, and LOADS OF practice and learning, i now freelance, its funny to think thats how i started.


Well-known member
Posting again, technically my 'present' is my bad makeup past - yesterday I accidentally went too 70s disco which for a casual night out dining with good friends was silly (I had Royal Wink as e/l, Freshwater e/s on lid, Vellum e/s on crease & Woodwinked gently dusted all over, up to browbone. Bad bad bad! Live and learn ;P).


Well-known member
wow jokers_kick - great transformation. your makeup skills and techniques are heaps better now!! you are so pretty girl and love the blues... nice! And you say your only 15??? geez, you seem much older than that!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jess98765
wow jokers_kick - great transformation. your makeup skills and techniques are heaps better now!! you are so pretty girl and love the blues... nice! And you say your only 15??? geez, you seem much older than that!!!

thanks! haha yeah I used to be reaaaaally bad at makeup. No one <b>ever</b> beleives that im 15 haha, but unfortunately I am...I can't even get a job or drive yet!!! It really sucks being young haha.


Well-known member
ah goodness. i started at the tender age of 12 with Clinique, and my mothers old estee lauder eyeshadows. then i got into Urban Decay and Stila - then from age 18 and til now MAC...