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Purple Smoky-ish Eyes Tutorial (First) - Works well with glasses!!


Hey everyone!

Pardon my lack of formality, this is my first tutorial.
I hope I took enough pictures for you to figure it out.

This look works with or without glasses, and it is relatively easy, with not too many things being used!



Okay, so first off, everyone says to use a primer, typically I do not, but for the purpose of this tutorial, I will do so.
Make sure you blend well!

Use a purple colour all over your lids to the crease, I used this pot from MAC but any darker purple will work!

Using my Sephora Palette I put a dark grey into my crease using just a drugstore crease blending brush. The grey I used is circled in red. (sorry these pictures are hard to see)

(Pardon the red eyebrows, I got them done yesterday)

Put black just on the corner of your crease and bring up a little to a point. I used the colour circled in yellow (in the above picture), but you can use any sparkly black.

Apply your liquid eyeliner ( I used Sephora brand, in black), and swooping out the ends.

At this point, I also like to line the bottom 1/4 of my eyes


Curl your eyelashes and apply mascara. I not only apply it normally, but I like to rest it on top of my lashes and roll it for extra coverage

and Viola!
You're done!
If you have any questions, I will try and answer them!
I have 3 pairs of glasses, sorry they are such bad pictures, but hopefully it gives you an idea! :)

and there you go. sorry about my hair also, its so ridiculousy hot here and im too lazy to do anything!

Thats all for now :)

If you like I'll post more tutorials!



Well-known member
Great tutorial!!! I love picture tutorials over video ones! You did a great job and I love the look! all your glasses are cute!