Question for the MUAs - do you sell makeup to kids?


Well-known member
this is crazy ... a few months ago i was at la senza
(its like victoria secret ) and i saw a group of maybe nine year old girl's buyin thongs !!! I dunno why these girls are
rushing so much to be older by weaing make up and thongs for that matter i guess at the end of the day it's
the parents who are allowing it i mean seriously what does an 8 year old need with a cell phone or blush shouldn't they be more focused on geography class.

these parents need to teach their little girls that beauty comes from
within, that u dont need make up to be beautiful at such a young age, teach them how to be comfortable in their own skin first then once there older and understand then bring out the goodies of mac

Anyways i think maybe 14'ish is a good age to start wearing suttle makeup and 18+ for that whole smoked out look


Well-known member
Since the parent thing has been brought up, I'd also like to point out my great disdain for the media. "Airbrushed Model" is the look our youth aspire to, and while the pressure is still greater for girls then boys, it's becoming a pretty even playing field.

Our wee ones are bombarded every day with unrealistic ideas of beauty, socialization and sex! A lot of parents let this happen, either they encourage "sexy" behavior in the kids (ie child pageants) or they turn a blind eye to the ever-quickening advancement of their children.

This subject just makes my blood boil...I'll step off my soap box now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
First - Polly Pocket!!! OMG! Totally miss those days haha

As for the tweens we don't get many coming to buy anything. They just want to get their make-up done, and for free. We really can't say no if we're not busy but I personally do not feel comfrotable doing make-up on a child. I didn't wear make-up until I was 18.

The worse is the moms, they're just asking to have their daughters grow up to be Playboy bunnies. I'm not a baby sitter I'm not going to give your little girl a make-over.

Then we get into the prom girl nightmare ... I HATE prom girls!

Oh yea,I felt SO bad for the girl I know at the MAC counter,she had prom girl after prom girl coming in.She told me that she wishes that they would just walk on out of there.And a lot of the time they just expected to just have their faces done right then and there,with no appt.,even though there were lots of girls ahead of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Corvs Queen
I am a little off put by this comment because it seems so general. I started wearing makeup at 14 and I bought it with my own money and I knew the value of it. I would never act like a lot these tweens you ladies have described. I would have been ashamed of myself.

That's because we had to earn that money. And even then, my mother would give me like 5$ for the whole week.
Nowadays, it's "Oh here's 50$, go to the mall with your friends." It's an entirely different generation that takes everything for granted, IMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
Oh yea,I felt SO bad for the girl I know at the MAC counter,she had prom girl after prom girl coming in.She told me that she wishes that they would just walk on out of there.And a lot of the time they just expected to just have their faces done right then and there,with no appt.,even though there were lots of girls ahead of them.

Exactly. If they're told no, they scream "WELL WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOOO??!!!!!!!!!!!".


Well-known member
I work for MAC - our motto, as most of u know is “All ages, all races, all sexes..." and I do whole heartedly stand by it.

I dont have an issue with young girls wearing a LITTLE MU - but only a LITTLE and OCCASIONALLY!

However, wearing and owning is a separate issue! I do think under 14 is a no-no for owning MU, cos I dont think its something they should be concerned with at that age. If for some particular occasion they wanna dabble in a bit of mascara and lipbalm then yeah why not - and if they can borrow that from their siblings/mothers/whoever then even better. But anything more than that (esp blush and l/s) is unneccessary - but then it comes down to parenting which is where I believe the buck should stop.

I have had some pretty young girls (early teens) come in for foundation... most are worried about their spots. Otherwise its the eyeshadows/fluidlines that draw them in... and yeah it does feel a bit odd cos you know that its the excitement rather than the practicality of it for them... but at the end of the day if they wanna buy then we will sell. I would rather they buy MU rather than sexy underwear and inappropriate clothes...

They love the bright colours and concept of wearing it, but dont necessarily understand the art of it and sometimes quality of it. But I guess MU is something everyone should enjoy but theres no rush at that age... theres certainly no rush to grow up!

Sometimes I think these cheaper chemist brands are actually quite good, due to the poorer quality of some of these, they dont have much colour payoff so can help younger/inexperienced/broke MU fans feed their excitement or whatever without looking too done up... IMO.

I dont think its right to turn any customer away or show any disagreement cos I guess those young girls will be the MUAs of tomorrow or MAC customers one day - we dont want to put them off lol!

But hey all our enthusiasm started somewhere (gosh I was hooked on lip products at 12, but mum kept a tight rein on me til 16/18) but as long the enthusiasm is controlled I guess its ok...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissCrystal
these parents need to teach their little girls that beauty comes from
within, that u dont need make up to be beautiful at such a young age, teach them how to be comfortable in their own skin first then once there older and understand then bring out the goodies of mac

Anyways i think maybe 14'ish is a good age to start wearing suttle makeup and 18+ for that whole smoked out look

ITA.... exactly, its when they buy MU due to insecurities - why worry abt what u look like at that age. If buying for a bit of fun or cos ur curious, ok that can be forgiven but yep it annoys me when young girls complain abt 'dark circles' - gosh, go worry abt ur schoolwork or better still. dont worry at all!


Well-known member
^^ I've also noticed that alot of young girls will ask for bronzer, and always a dark one. That makes me think of the tanned trend as it amazes that alot of tweens are actually following the "Hollywood Bronze" that celebrities used to sport in the media.
Another thing I find interesting is that the super bronzed trend has died down alot, especially in the past two years. When I look at celebrities via magazines and television, I've noticed that none of them are burnt to the core anymore. The healthy, flushed look has definetly replaced the tanned one. Yet, 2 out of 3 teenagers who come shop at MAC at so very very tanned, it almost hurts to look at their skin. They also like to walk away with a foundation which is shades darker.

It makes me wonder: Most of the young girls nowadays follow fashion and wear makeup. After years of exposing their skin to sunbeds, how are they going to get used to the " chic flushed, your skin but better" trend which is slowly replacing the old bronzed one?
I don't disagree with being sunkissed. When done lightly and well, it can enhance facial features and give the impression of a leaner body. I'm just curious to see how they'll go back to sporting their own color (which they consider bleak) when they're so used to seeing their features enhanced with a tan...


Well-known member
I wasn't allowed to wear make-up to school until my family moved to Maryland, where 6th grade was part of the middle schools instead of the elementary schools. Before that, I could wear make-up on weekends, but my mom always made me save up my allowance money to buy it and would only let me get stuff from Rite Aid or BeautiControl, which her boss sold from home. I only ever had Lipsmackers, foundation, and a couple eye shadows and mascara. Sometimes I'd get a lipstick too. But I rarely ever wore the foundation because I could never get the shade right, and I didn't like the feel of lipstick on my lips! Haha, this was definitely before the drugstores introduced the used make-up return policies! I rarely wore make-up to school once I was allowed, and once I got to high school, I only wore eye liner and mascara. For me, especially when I was younger, it was a treat to buy new make-up and wear it to the movies. I often see a lot of tweens at the MAC store and make-up counters in my area, and while some of them do use their own money, more often than not, it's Mom who's telling the MA to "make my daughter look older" (yes, I've heard it!) or telling the daughter to "pick out whatever you want, sweetie." It just bugs me a little because many of these girls, especially in the area where I live, are just GIVEN these things and don't necessarily understand the value of money or the products.

Although I do have to say, one girl, when I was at the MAC store last week, actually said to her friend "I have to put back one of the eye shadows because I don't have enough money...I need to get some more babysitting jobs!" I thought that was cute, and I was happy to see that there is some little glimmer of hope that not all the world is doomed.

Oh, while we're on the topic of youngins and make-up, I met a little girl yesterday, 7 years old to be exact, who complimented my vibrant blue eye shadow look. She asked me what I used and if she would be able to do it herself! I told her one day she would, and she proudly proclaimed "My mommy bought me pretty blue shadow today and I'm wearing it because I'm not in school! But it's a lot gone now." Her mother asked me what I used to get my stuff to stay on. I told her UDPP. She laughed and promised to take her daughter to Sephora to get some for the two of them to share. Awwwwwww.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissCrystal
this is crazy ... a few months ago i was at la senza
(its like victoria secret ) and i saw a group of maybe nine year old girl's buyin thongs !!! I dunno why these girls are
rushing so much to be older by weaing make up and thongs for that matter i guess at the end of the day it's
the parents who are allowing it i mean seriously what does an 8 year old need with a cell phone or blush shouldn't they be more focused on geography class.

UGH. I just remembered a story, ya'll.

It was my first day working at Hot Topic, and some little girl picked up 4 inch leopard print peep toe wedges, and said,


And that momma looked at her and said, "Yeah uhm, NO."

"BUT MOMMMMMY. I want them!"

Mommy said, " are TEN. Put em back.", and gave her the "If You Don't Put Those Shoes Down I'll Beat Your Ass" look.

Then the little bastard stared me down like "What the fuck are you doing here?" I wanted to pop her with those shoes for actin like that in that store.

And Miss Crystal, I TOTALLY loved Geography class


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pink_lily002
Although I do have to say, one girl, when I was at the MAC store last week, actually said to her friend "I have to put back one of the eye shadows because I don't have enough money...I need to get some more babysitting jobs!" I thought that was cute, and I was happy to see that there is some little glimmer of hope that not all the world is doomed.

Oh, while we're on the topic of youngins and make-up, I met a little girl yesterday, 7 years old to be exact, who complimented my vibrant blue eye shadow look. She asked me what I used and if she would be able to do it herself! I told her one day she would, and she proudly proclaimed "My mommy bought me pretty blue shadow today and I'm wearing it because I'm not in school! But it's a lot gone now." Her mother asked me what I used to get my stuff to stay on. I told her UDPP. She laughed and promised to take her daughter to Sephora to get some for the two of them to share. Awwwwwww.

Now stuff like that is cute! The first girl sounds as if she knows the value of a dollar, and the second girl...come on, that's just sweet. At least the UDPP will last them both a LONG time!


Well-known member
I didn't start to heavy wear make-up until I was really 18. It was always Bonne Bell or Lip Smackers for me. Shoot, those things tasted good! Dr. Pepper was the best! Hahahahah.

It's sad. I'm teaching a class this summer. One of the girls wears foundation, she's 12. I was like.. you don't need it. She's like.. "Yes I do! I have bad skin, you see this pimple?!" And I'm like.. "What pimple? You have glowing skin, don't damage it with make-up this early."


Well-known member
I feel so embrassed everytime I actually go into a comesmtic department or Mac.

I've been mistaken MANY MANY times for a 12 year old even though I'm 15. I do appericate the value of my money and I am so frugal I won't buy anything unless I've been eyeing it for a year! I save up the little leftover money from lunch to buy makeup. To be honest, I've only bought eyeliners and nail laquer...I know it's stupid but I will make myself actually WORK for one little thing. I buy one bottle or eyeliner or something I want after one report card with straight A's - no expections, no I was one percent away (I hate it when that happens); just straight A's and that's for one full semster. So the max is two things per year, although online coruses count for me too.

I'm not even allowed to go to the mall so it's hard enough to go right after I feel like I've earned my treat. I get to go to the mall when we have a concert nearby or something. My boyfriend helps me track my progress too and motivates me when I am stressed. A reason to keep me going after hours of studying!

I've had enough cheap nail polish so I decided to go good quailty after all my hard work. Oh my gosh, I love mac's nail laquer cause it will last me a few weeks through taekwondo. (I think I sounded so stupid saying that). But I only paint my nails when I have some special event going on and it'll last. I just love it. I don't like cheap nail polish cause of the horrible quailty though.

The first time I went into mac I was extremely shy...I was 14 and I still looked like I was 12. >.< I brought a friend with me too.
Everyone was staring at us. The MU was so nice but I felt so intimidated.
I only allowed myself to buy one thing though from mac. So I just bought one bottle of laquer.
She was so nice that I was like gosh one day when I saved up enough I will come back and try some other nice things too. When I paid, she saw my Chinese New Year packet of money and she was like aw. I keep all my saved up money in there.

I felt like I was ready to try a bit of makeup, just as experimentation. I went to the London Drugs to buy myself a liquid eyeliner. I got a pencil as a gift from a friend. A few months ago or so, I saw the duel eye eye kohl online. I wanted to test out this different type of pencil but I had enough of bad quailty. I wondered what good quality was like. It seemed like a good INVESTMENT because it was about $10 CDN per side and it was "the good stuff". I love it, but it is smudgey so I use it on the bottom. It was a good experience!

If I finish writing my paper on Britsh Columbia's Film and Television Industry (for my social studies online coruse) and my other online coruses this summer, I will buy myself a pallette of eyeshadow. I've experimented with cheap brands and Estee Lauder (which was a gift). Estee Lauder makes my eyes itchy, so I will try out MAC. I also got a few Dior eyeshadows and I love them but I need something to go with them. (No, I am not going to wear silver eyeshadow and white eyeshadow with my dark skin lol looks scary).
But of coruse I'll be 16 or 17 by then with a job. I will absolutely work for my makeup!
Although I will still limit myself. All my money will be saved up for leasing a car and university. I will only buy a couple things for myself.
I'll wait for mac's 25 anniversary to buy a pallette. I hope there'll be something neutral.

I don't take it for granted. I'm not like other teens. I actually hate a lot of those snobby girls who think they're all that with fake tans and designer whatever and treat it like crap. This one girl I knew threw MONEY in the garbagde after getting the change from the vending machine to buy candy. WHAT IN THE shouldn't that money be donated to charity. I just hate girls like that; so cocky.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
That's because we had to earn that money. And even then, my mother would give me like 5$ for the whole week.
Nowadays, it's "Oh here's 50$, go to the mall with your friends." It's an entirely different generation that takes everything for granted, IMO.

I didn't have to earn my money. My Grandparents (raised by them) told me that my grades were more important than working while I was in school so they wouldn't let me get a job. Not even a summer job. If I asked for 20 bucks to go to CVS or Wal-Mart for some makeup they gave it to me. I am not spoilt nor did I or do I now think that they owed it to me. I never took advantage of their generosity. I knew that if they were going to let me wear makeup and pay for it at 14 that I better not dare leave the house looking like a $2 hoochie.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animecute
I feel so embrassed everytime I actually go into a comesmtic department or Mac.

I've been mistaken MANY MANY times for a 12 year old even though I'm 15. I do appericate the value of my money and I am so frugal I won't buy anything unless I've been eyeing it for a year! I save up the little leftover money from lunch to buy makeup. To be honest, I've only bought eyeliners and nail laquer...I know it's stupid but I will make myself actually WORK for one little thing. I buy one bottle or eyeliner or something I want after one report card with straight A's - no expections, no I was one percent away (I hate it when that happens); just straight A's and that's for one full semster. So the max is two things per year, although online coruses count for me too.

I'm not even allowed to go to the mall so it's hard enough to go right after I feel like I've earned my treat. I get to go to the mall when we have a concert nearby or something. My boyfriend helps me track my progress too and motivates me when I am stressed. A reason to keep me going after hours of studying!

I've had enough cheap nail polish so I decided to go good quailty after all my hard work. Oh my gosh, I love mac's nail laquer cause it will last me a few weeks through taekwondo. (I think I sounded so stupid saying that). But I only paint my nails when I have some special event going on and it'll last. I just love it. I don't like cheap nail polish cause of the horrible quailty though.

The first time I went into mac I was extremely shy...I was 14 and I still looked like I was 12. >.< I brought a friend with me too.
Everyone was staring at us. The MU was so nice but I felt so intimidated.
I only allowed myself to buy one thing though from mac. So I just bought one bottle of laquer.
She was so nice that I was like gosh one day when I saved up enough I will come back and try some other nice things too. When I paid, she saw my Chinese New Year packet of money and she was like aw. I keep all my saved up money in there.

I felt like I was ready to try a bit of makeup, just as experimentation. I went to the London Drugs to buy myself a liquid eyeliner. I got a pencil as a gift from a friend. A few months ago or so, I saw the duel eye eye kohl online. I wanted to test out this different type of pencil but I had enough of bad quailty. I wondered what good quality was like. It seemed like a good INVESTMENT because it was about $10 CDN per side and it was "the good stuff". I love it, but it is smudgey so I use it on the bottom. It was a good experience!

If I finish writing my paper on Britsh Columbia's Film and Television Industry (for my social studies online coruse) and my other online coruses this summer, I will buy myself a pallette of eyeshadow. I've experimented with cheap brands and Estee Lauder (which was a gift). Estee Lauder makes my eyes itchy, so I will try out MAC. I also got a few Dior eyeshadows and I love them but I need something to go with them. (No, I am not going to wear silver eyeshadow and white eyeshadow with my dark skin lol looks scary).
But of coruse I'll be 16 or 17 by then with a job. I will absolutely work for my makeup!
Although I will still limit myself. All my money will be saved up for leasing a car and university. I will only buy a couple things for myself.
I'll wait for mac's 25 anniversary to buy a pallette. I hope there'll be something neutral.

I don't take it for granted. I'm not like other teens. I actually hate a lot of those snobby girls who think they're all that with fake tans and designer whatever and treat it like crap. This one girl I knew threw MONEY in the garbagde after getting the change from the vending machine to buy candy. WHAT IN THE shouldn't that money be donated to charity. I just hate girls like that; so cocky.

I honestly wish that all girls were like you! You're mature, intelligent, and you understand money. I'm proud of you [and others like you] and you're gonna grow up to be an amazing woman! Its nice to see girls that appreciate what they have.

I hate seeing people throw change in the trash...pennies are one thing, but anything more...good Lord.


Well-known member
I think I started wearing makeup when I was 15 and it was drugstore brand and I think all I wore was mascara and a little bit of powder...soo when I see 12-14 yr. olds coming to the lancome counter and wanting my full face of makeup and wanting me to give them a complete makeover it makes me want to barf...and don't even get me started with the acrylics on these girls(a la gwen stefani)..I agree that most girls are handed there daddy's credit card to be sent off to go the mall (I wasn't even allowed to go the mall w/out my mom until I was like 16!!) anyway, I had a part time job and made straight A's in school (started working when I was 16) I don't see why parents spoil their kids so much...I actually loved working! I loved getting that $200 paycheck every week! haha and OMG how great does it feel to buy a piece of makeup that you earned with your own's like your baby, you appreciate it so much! Oh and even though I made my own money my mother still kind of monitored what I was spending it on....I still thank her for that, otherwise I would have spent every dime I earned on makeup!


Originally Posted by animecute
I feel so embrassed everytime I actually go into a comesmtic department or Mac.

I've been mistaken MANY MANY times for a 12 year old even though I'm 15. I do appericate the value of my money and I am so frugal I won't buy anything unless I've been eyeing it for a year! I save up the little leftover money from lunch to buy makeup. To be honest, I've only bought eyeliners and nail laquer...I know it's stupid but I will make myself actually WORK for one little thing. I buy one bottle or eyeliner or something I want after one report card with straight A's - no expections, no I was one percent away (I hate it when that happens); just straight A's and that's for one full semster. So the max is two things per year, although online coruses count for me too.

I'm not even allowed to go to the mall so it's hard enough to go right after I feel like I've earned my treat. I get to go to the mall when we have a concert nearby or something. My boyfriend helps me track my progress too and motivates me when I am stressed. A reason to keep me going after hours of studying!

I've had enough cheap nail polish so I decided to go good quailty after all my hard work. Oh my gosh, I love mac's nail laquer cause it will last me a few weeks through taekwondo. (I think I sounded so stupid saying that). But I only paint my nails when I have some special event going on and it'll last. I just love it. I don't like cheap nail polish cause of the horrible quailty though.

The first time I went into mac I was extremely shy...I was 14 and I still looked like I was 12. >.< I brought a friend with me too.
Everyone was staring at us. The MU was so nice but I felt so intimidated.
I only allowed myself to buy one thing though from mac. So I just bought one bottle of laquer.
She was so nice that I was like gosh one day when I saved up enough I will come back and try some other nice things too. When I paid, she saw my Chinese New Year packet of money and she was like aw. I keep all my saved up money in there.

I felt like I was ready to try a bit of makeup, just as experimentation. I went to the London Drugs to buy myself a liquid eyeliner. I got a pencil as a gift from a friend. A few months ago or so, I saw the duel eye eye kohl online. I wanted to test out this different type of pencil but I had enough of bad quailty. I wondered what good quality was like. It seemed like a good INVESTMENT because it was about $10 CDN per side and it was "the good stuff". I love it, but it is smudgey so I use it on the bottom. It was a good experience!

If I finish writing my paper on Britsh Columbia's Film and Television Industry (for my social studies online coruse) and my other online coruses this summer, I will buy myself a pallette of eyeshadow. I've experimented with cheap brands and Estee Lauder (which was a gift). Estee Lauder makes my eyes itchy, so I will try out MAC. I also got a few Dior eyeshadows and I love them but I need something to go with them. (No, I am not going to wear silver eyeshadow and white eyeshadow with my dark skin lol looks scary).
But of coruse I'll be 16 or 17 by then with a job. I will absolutely work for my makeup!
Although I will still limit myself. All my money will be saved up for leasing a car and university. I will only buy a couple things for myself.
I'll wait for mac's 25 anniversary to buy a pallette. I hope there'll be something neutral.

I don't take it for granted. I'm not like other teens. I actually hate a lot of those snobby girls who think they're all that with fake tans and designer whatever and treat it like crap. This one girl I knew threw MONEY in the garbagde after getting the change from the vending machine to buy candy. WHAT IN THE shouldn't that money be donated to charity. I just hate girls like that; so cocky.

I wholeheartedly agree.
I'm also 15 and I do the exact same thing.
My parents have always told me the importance for saving up for college, so any money I do earn from odd jobs are put in a savings account.


Well-known member
I always drop the key phrase 'age appropriate' into any make-up sale I do that involves young girls in any way, and that seems to cut off any 'I want smokey eyes and I want them now!' Verruca Salt-esque demands.

I also go for the same few items over and over again no matter what. Sheer pinky gloss, pinky shimmer shadow, sheer ballerina pink nail polish. They get to wear make-up and feel like a grown-up and I don't get a moral twinge at making a pre-teen look like a hooker. Everybody wins!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PolyphonicLove
I honestly wish that all girls were like you! You're mature, intelligent, and you understand money. I'm proud of you [and others like you] and you're gonna grow up to be an amazing woman! Its nice to see girls that appreciate what they have.

I hate seeing people throw change in the trash...pennies are one thing, but anything more...good Lord.

Aw thanks. lol that actually made me tear up a bit.

That girl threw away a couple dollars and a quater! But gosh, even pennies are worth saving in my opinion. It costs money to make the darn pennies. I think they're wonderful in my wallet so when you have to pay tax you don't get all that loose change!

Sorry I have to rant, but gosh some other teen girls I have to say piss me off so much. Today a group of girls passed by talking trash about others and swearing like it's so cool. I really hate it. I understand if you swear cause you're in deep pain or something but goodness does anyone have any manners anymore? I'm starting to see this in grade 3s! Gossip's grown so bad in my classes too. "omg she's so muscley" or "her boobs are so big they must be implants" or anything of that sort.
HA - I overheard some girls talking trash behind my back (I don't think they noticed I was sitting in front of them) and the worst diss they could come up with is "Her are is soo shiny. What a poser." and I'm just thinking is that the best diss they can come up with?


Well-known member
Yeah, when I wanted some things when I was a teen, I had to earn it. Actually, I was never rewarded for my straight A's. I instead saved as much lunch money as I could just to buy a few pretty things for myself. And now I work harder than ever to earn up money to buy things for myself. I only accept money from my parents if they give it to me, otherwise, I don't ask for it. They are paying my tuition, so any extras, I'm going to earn myself.