Quite a few FOTDS!


Well-known member
I love all of your looks! You did an awesome job.........just another question about the vaseline...does it ever crease on you? I've used it before & I thought I used a small amount, but it ended up creasing on me, so this wasn't a favorite of mine. I wanted it to work since the colors looked so great with it on.


I LOVE that you were using drugstore stuff & it looked good with great pigmentation. For awhile i was getting sad cuz most girls use mac and thats too expensive so i figured i couldnt do this stuff. You inspired me to put all these milani shadows to work
Thanks girl stay up


Well-known member
oh mah goodness! LOVE LOVE LOVE- you are beautiful, do you know that? Your lashes are amazing! nice work, mate!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Khalia25
There was a discussion here about D/S make up vs. higher end...this FOTD is a prime example of how a person can do WONDERS with D/S lines. ALL of the looks are FABULOUS. Wow.....

Aww thank you! I'm a little too poor for higher end stuff! Oh well, I guess i try to make due!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeupgal
I was going to ask the Vaseline question too, so thanks for telling us how to do this. I'm afraid my shadow is going to be all over the place after a bit, but I'm gonna try it. All of these looks are gorgeous. I especially love the green.

It is worth a try! Once you get the hang of it you will be really glad you did try it! It's hard for me to tell you exactly how much to put on, but if you do it wrong the first try, the next try you'll get it right! Trust me! I put waay to much on the first time i tried Vaseline, haven't made that mistake again, haha! Enough rambling...it's worth a try!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aeryss
all looks are great - i love especially the first one!
and i like your technique very much, it fits your eyes so well (i couldn't wear this "hard" v-line *jealous* ^^)

Aww, haha thanks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hotpink1326
I LOVE them all!!! Beautiful... please keep the posting your FOTDs

Aww thank you very much, I will definetley keep posting!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MacArtist
The colors are stunning and you do a great job in blending the lid, the only CC I would give is to blend into crease and up to the edge of the brow bone just so the color doesn't stop and then go nude (not sure if that comes across right?). You are totally gorgeous!

Yea, I totally understand what you're saying, someone else gave me that same CC a few days ago and I have been working on bringing the color up higher! Thanks, I need all the CC I can get!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by yummy411
gorgeous! what's the staying power like of vaseline?

All day!! I applied my makeup this morning at 10 a.m., ran errands in 95 degree weather, worked, washed my car, it's now 11:20 p.m. and my e/s is still on and going strong!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
Each of those looks is hot! Makes me want to try Maybelline eyeshadows.

Try them, the high pearl ones though! I've tried a few of the shimmer once, and they just aren't pigmented enough...the high pearl finishes are really good though~


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MirandaTN
Seriously beautiful! Every single one of them! Great job and hope to see more from you!

Thank you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
I love all of your looks! You did an awesome job.........just another question about the vaseline...does it ever crease on you? I've used it before & I thought I used a small amount, but it ended up creasing on me, so this wasn't a favorite of mine. I wanted it to work since the colors looked so great with it on.

I haven't had a problem with creasing, but I put very little Vaseline on, I mean it's just enough to make my lid a little sticky! I think you should try it again with just a tinny little bit on your lid just to make it a little sticky...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LaItaliana
I LOVE that you were using drugstore stuff & it looked good with great pigmentation. For awhile i was getting sad cuz most girls use mac and thats too expensive so i figured i couldnt do this stuff. You inspired me to put all these milani shadows to work
Thanks girl stay up

Yay!! I'm glad i'm not the only one who can' afford MAC, haha! Milani e/s is great!!!! I love them!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sincola
Very pretty!!! I loooove all these looks; you look gorgeous with any colour!!

aww, thank you!