Random Thoughts


Well-known member
I was playing in a soccer game today, and some jerk had the audacity to say a mean comment about me. Shame on him


Well-known member
today was a lazy day. all i did was sleep ;P

my birthday's coming up and i'm soooo excited!!!

my mom ordered me these from urban outfitters and i can't wait to get them in:


oh and okay one more thing. if people in england drive on the left and people in france drive on the right, what happens in the chunnel? :crap:


Well-known member
I wish my cat would stop catching birds. I have tried everything and don't want to make him stay in on such pretty days. I even have the collar with the bell around his neck but i swear to God he somehow stops the bell from ringing.



Well-known member
I just spent the last six hours finishing Kingdom Hearts II.
(forty one hours, eleven minutes played :p )
Now everything looks blurry, lol. Focusing on the stupid screen for too long.


Well-known member
I've worked 13 out of the last 14 days and I'm feeling pretty tired. Sure the money is going to be great but I have rent this week, as well as various other bills. Why can't all of the bad bills go away so I can go on a shopping spree damn it? Is that really too much to ask? Don't I deserve to spoil myself after working so hard?!

Well I'm heading over to the MAC website to pick out some stuff anyway lol! Just in case I break and *forget* to pay my gas bill.

/end rant


Well-known member
stupid stupid stupid me for waiting on some lame ass guy for 379 days. Grrrrrrr. *sigh* but it feels good to be free again... and now I'm off to have fun with the dancing nanas.



Well-known member
Don't paint your nails while watching the Daily Show. You laugh so hard you f**k them up.
I know O_O
Painting them red, looks like I'm bleeding.


Well-known member
I really hope I haven't made him wait too long. I love him so much, and don't ever want to lose him.


Well-known member
I really hate that we're struggling financially, while most of the people we hang out with are doing really well. They don't understand. I just want a couch!

I really need to finish this paper!!