Release dates for the UK

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Well-known member
I've just spoken to another lovely lady at the UK customer services for MAC/Estee Lauder 08700342999) and she's given me the release dates for the upcoming collections so here goes girlies...

A Muse - 3rd August
Avant Gold - 3rd August
Technacolour - 3rd August
Plushglass - 7th September
Untamed - 7th September
Rockocco - 7th September
Viva Glam - 7th September

I hope that helps you all plan your savings!!! I know it has me!!! I can't believe they're releasing everything so close together!!!!


Well-known member
so their releasing 3 collections on the same day... that cant be right 3rd august and 1st septemeber


Well-known member
Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
so their releasing 3 collections on the same day... that cant be right 3rd august and 1st septemeber

Thats what she said!!! I can't believe it myself!!! Try giving them a ring and see what they tell you. Its the customer services number off the website. I'm going to have to save hard for this one!


Well-known member
Is today, the big day then?

Also, does this mean MAC counters wont be selling stuff from previous collections, eg lure, she shines, etc?


Well-known member
I phoned Mail Order and apparently there is a tech problem on the website which is why A Muse and Avant Gold is not up yet. They expect the site to be up and running with the collections either this evening or by 2pm tomorrow.

Mail Order has also sold out of the A Muse MSFs and most of the eyeshadows too.

Avant Gold is available via Mail Order.

Come on bloody website. I needs me some MSFs!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CuddleyBlossoms
I phoned Mail Order and apparently there is a tech problem on the website which is why A Muse and Avant Gold is not up yet. They expect the site to be up and running with the collections either this evening or by 2pm tomorrow.

Mail Order has also sold out of the A Muse MSFs and most of the eyeshadows too.

Avant Gold is available via Mail Order.

Come on bloody website. I needs me some MSFs!

Thanks for letting us know, I am so bored with hitting refresh on the site every time I'm in my office!


Well-known member
I had to edit the post because since my local store has had the update book in, they've tld me that untamed, rockocco and plushglass will all be out the first thursday in september, making it the 7th!!! Same day as viva glam release!!!


Well-known member
Thanks for information, I was wondering when Rockocco would be out here. Looks like 7 September is going to be expensive with Untamed and Viva Glam as well.


Well-known member
Ok, I have the opportunity to go to MAC in London on Sep 12th... was considering putting it off... but now am definitely going to go... all the lovely collections...

does anyone know what time the London stores are open until?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by m4dswine
Ok, I have the opportunity to go to MAC in London on Sep 12th... was considering putting it off... but now am definitely going to go... all the lovely collections...

does anyone know what time the London stores are open until?

all the dept stores on oxfod street open quite late, e.g. selfridges. i like selfridges cos the mac counter is quite big and they get exclusives. i dont know what time the mac stores are open till though.

hope that helps!


Active member
ooh cant wait for them to be released! i think the mac shops are open till about 6 - half 6 .. not too sure though!


Active member
Does anyone know when we'll get Formal Black and Nocturnelle in the UK? I've already got one of the Out Loud Liquidlast liners (Inkspill), my counter let me have that a week before the release date, nothing else really grabbed me from that collection.

I have money burning a hole in my pocket and I'm dying for the Holiday releases.


Well-known member
Ooo does that mean that if I speak real nicely to the pro store when i go tomorrow I might be able to get the Loud Lash? Woohoo!!


Well-known member
UK release dates?

A girl needs to know how long she's got to save
I'm in love with the new MSFs

I can see me having an unhappy new years eve due to lack of funds
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