RIP Anna Nicole Smith


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She was an addlebrained, drugged out, opiate addicted gold digger.


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Originally Posted by Shimmer
She was an addlebrained, drugged out, opiate addicted gold digger.

Cuz she just had a baby?

I'm curious what the autopsy report was, and if it was suicide.

I feel bad for her newborn.


Well-known member
The baby situation IS definitely sad. I hope that once paternity is established the child's father can give her a good life.


Well-known member
i couldn't believe it either! i was never a big fan of her but i feel very very sad ... i honestly think that her death is because all the struggle she has been through the last months ... =(


Well-known member
it doesnt matter what she has done in the past. her life was effed up dude. she just had a new baby and her son died right after. she was taken over by drugs, and she had no real family. it's sad. i really think it was too much for her and she commited suicide. i just feel bad that there are people like her out there who have no one to turn to. i always say that if they had just one person who really kared for those people that are depressed they wouldnt have to give up on life. pure sadness.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheRitz
it doesnt matter what she has done in the past. her life was effed up dude. she just had a new baby and her son died right after. she was taken over by drugs, and she had no real family. it's sad. i really think it was too much for her and she commited suicide. i just feel bad that there are people like her out there who have no one to turn to. i always say that if they had just one person who really kared for those people that are depressed they wouldnt have to give up on life. pure sadness.

She had people who cared. Her family in Texas cared. I had the (questionable) privilege of one of the local stations interviewing them when her son died. They cared, they were heartbroken. She turned her back on them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheRitz
it doesnt matter what she has done in the past. her life was effed up dude. she just had a new baby and her son died right after. she was taken over by drugs, and she had no real family. it's sad. i really think it was too much for her and she commited suicide. i just feel bad that there are people like her out there who have no one to turn to. i always say that if they had just one person who really kared for those people that are depressed they wouldnt have to give up on life. pure sadness.

Well, it's all speculation, of course, but if she did commit suicide...

You just can't say that "if they had just one person who really kared for those people that are depressed they wouldnt have to give up on life." Profound depression sometimes doesn't have anything to do with who cares about you.

Granted, in this case it seems she had a very sad life and certainly recent events were tragic. However, if she already had major depression issues (my guess is yes. "evidence": weight fluctuations, apparent drug use, strange behavior, promiscuity) and then possibly post-partum depression on top of them, plus the loss of her son... the poor woman should be admired for holding on as well as she did, and for not harming her baby physically as really profound depression can make some horrible choices seem very logical.

I really feel sorry for her, for her baby, and for the two men who profess to be the baby's father. It's just tragic all of the way around.

[/end rant]


Well-known member
I thought I read wrong, but when I just signed into MSN, I had to go back and read to see if my eyes were deceiving me. Though she has done alot wrong in life, I'm sad that she's gone so early. Life is too precious and this just shows how no one knows what the future may hold. It's even sadder that her baby girl has to grow up not knowing her family (hopefully that changes though), or not having immediate family at all.


Well-known member
I hate to hear this. I am not a fan, but she just seemed like a very unhappy person the past few years. She has been through a lot in her life, especially in the last few months, losing her son and then giving birth and not knowing the paternity. What a tragic ending to a tragic life.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by heatherhoneyb
I hate to hear this. I am not a fan, but she just seemed like a very unhappy person the past few years. She has been through a lot in her life, especially in the last few months, losing her son and then giving birth and not knowing the paternity. What a tragic ending to a tragic life.

I agree.