School Teacher Fakes Cancer ?!?!?


Well-known member
What a horrible thing to do.
Obviously, someone's looking for some MAJOR attention.


Well-known member
I do not have the words, honestly. But I'll give you one - deplorable.

As someone who just lost her mother to cancer in July, this story makes me incredibly angry.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I'm just so angry after reading this.

Those people poured their hearts out for her. That school, that community went all out to show support for her and for the cause that so many people are ACTUALLY suffering with and dying from.

I can't imagine what kind of karma is waiting in the shadows for her.


Well-known member
after reading that I don't know what to say either. she has some real issues that need to be worked out. i feel bad for all of those that she fooled into believing and those that did everything they could to make her feel better.


Well-known member
It breaks my heart to see such young people showing genuine compassion for someone they cared about only to find out she was taking advantage of them. I hate to see the long term effects this ordeal has on the young adults she has conned( sp?)

MIL is a teacher that was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last Christmas and was mistreated by her bosses. Which is deplorable in its own right, but to see a women take advantage of a serious illness THREE different times i wish she could be charged with something...


Well-known member
Yeah,I heard about that.That is majorly effedup
My mothers best friend,whom was a second mother to me since I was a baby,died of breast cancer a couple years ago.To see someone suffer like that is really horrible,so for someone to make up a story such as that is really pathetic and nothing to mess around with.


Well-known member
believe me, it happens. i know someone who claimed she had cancer, two infact. one i won't go into too much detail about, but the other one, i saw her out in a club in my town one night, and i asked how she was, and she said 'well i got diagnosed with cancer today' and i said 'omg etc etc why arent you at home'... her response? 'its fine i'll drink it away'. turned out to be BS of course. this also comes from the girl who claimed she was gang raped and took it to the police, turns out there was a video of it and yeah... it wasn't gang rape.

some people can't help themselves. they'll do whatever they can to get attention or gain sympathy.

i'm not friends with her anymore to say the least... :p


Well-known member
whats sickening is that this wasn't the first time she claimed to do this. She has mental issues. Another thing i wonder was that she took this pretty far, what if she never got caught, would she have faked her own death?


Well-known member
Well since my grandmother passed from Breast Cancer on July 20th of this year and my sister died at age 28 from Breast Cancer this is a very personal and tragic illness that plagues my family. ..Therefore, I will refrain from the words and thoughts that I have for a person that would pretend to have such a devastating illness obviously for personal gain.


Well-known member
people do some interesting things when they want attention. i don't understand why someone who dedicated their life until that point to the education of a mass group of people, kids so willing to give their compassion and support, why would she abuse that? i can only imagine how many lies you'd have to tell to keep that one big lie going.. and all the things you'd have to do to vouch for those lies, and i just can't believe she could ever keep a straight face going into that school every day. no wonder she was so pale and sick, she was sick with guilt.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
believe me, it happens. i know someone who claimed she had cancer, two infact. one i won't go into too much detail about, but the other one, i saw her out in a club in my town one night, and i asked how she was, and she said 'well i got diagnosed with cancer today' and i said 'omg etc etc why arent you at home'... her response? 'its fine i'll drink it away'. turned out to be BS of course. this also comes from the girl who claimed she was gang raped and took it to the police, turns out there was a video of it and yeah... it wasn't gang rape.

some people can't help themselves. they'll do whatever they can to get attention or gain sympathy.

i'm not friends with her anymore to say the least... :p

Unfortunately, I've seen this too. Even more insane, people who claim to be deathly ill and/or cancer-stricken and other than the treatments they've claimed to have gotten, take absolutely no medicine and have no side effects. Not that everyone is affected the same way, but I do believe signs are there and people, caught up in the whirlwind, just don't see them.


Well-known member
YES, I'VE HEARD OF PEOPLE THAT MAKE OR FAKE SICKNESSES TO get attention, but this bitch is just crazyyy.


Well-known member
Well, she may not have cancer, but it looks like she may be suffering from her own illness, mental illness, which is a serious health issue. So, I think it's cruel to jump on her in that retrospect. The words "mental issues" and "crazy" shouldn't be used so carelessly and as an insult. We wouldn't do that with heart or liver diseases, so why is it more acceptable for a disease/disorder of the brain?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Serial killers tend to have mental disorders, people are also usually not that sympathetic to their self inflicted "plight" either. Why? Because their "illness" usually involves manipulating and abusing people. The very nature of their "diseases" involves hurting others.

I am not even that sure she is mentally ill, she knew what she was doing was wrong to some extent, or she would not have gone to such lengths to fabricate, conceal, and perpetuate her lie. And she wouldn't have dropped out of sight and run away when her lie was found out. She did all this to fuel her need for sympathy and attention, including conning and disillusioning children, and we are supposed to feel sorry for her? Sorry, just can't muster it.

You're right. I just thought of pedophiles and their mental illnesses and couldn't find much sympathy even if I tried. I got carried away and frustrated with the stigma society holds against mental disorders in general and strayed from the specific topic.

I still find it sad for this woman actions. I think most people can agree it's not remotely "normal".


Well-known member
It's true that this woman must have mental issues that need to be treated, that is clear.

But I also believe that she should be held accountable on some level. And ensure that she can never do something like this again.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
This story was also featured in the most recent issue of Glamour magazine and I read it last night. I agree with the other posts, it's weird things ppl do for attention. I'm especially angry as I lost an aunt to breast cancer last winter and I don't appreciate ppl making a joke out of cancer :/


Well-known member
The link confirms that she has bipolar disorder. However, as is also stated in the linked article, her so called episodes do not at all resemble bipolar episodes. She truly could have days, weeks, or even months where she believed she was dying of breast cancer. But the fact that she manufactured symptoms strongly suggests that it wasn't due to her bipolar disorder. Now as one doctor stated, she seems to be a classic example of Munchausen's syndrome. There is a lot of debate however if Munchausen's is even a true disorder.

The thing to note here is that you can make an excuse for all of your actions based on your mental state at the time. It doesn't make it ok. I think the only real time that it is acceptable to use the insanity defense is if the person actually had no comprehension of the consequences of her actions, and her active manufacture of her supposed symptoms tell me that she knew exactly what she was doing. Does she had a valid mental illness that needs treatment? Yes. But she is still responsible for her incredibly hurtful actions.

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