School Teacher Fakes Cancer ?!?!?


Well-known member
Wow, what a disgusting human being. It's like a slap in the face to cancer sufferers and survivors, and she should definitely be punished for it. That sounds like fraud to me... bipolar, huh? Nice copout. Sorry, no compassion or sympathy for this wench from me.

We had this girl/lady on another forum I used to frequent who pulled something similar. It was sort of like specktra in that certain members were pretty close-knit and you kind of felt like you knew each other in a way.. Anyhow, she garnered all this sympathy by saying that she was diagnosed with cancer and was undergoing treatment so a few members had called her to wish her well, and sent flowers to her house and everything. This was ongoing for a month or so.. anyhow, long story short she would have her "daughter" and her "mother" post updates and everything and "they" would also answer her phone sometimes when she was 'too sick to talk'. Note the quotation marks.. obviously all these people turned out to be her just running this ridiculous scheme. She even went so far as to tell everyone what hospital she was staying at, and when one of the forum members called to see what room she was in so she could send flowers, they had no one by that name. Hmm. Also, there was a situation with some kind of bone marrow transplant registration number or something (she told everyone it was bone cancer), which she gave out. It ended up being like, a Microsoft Office program serial number or something.. just totally ridiculous. And when some of the members with awesome detective skills ran her name in Washington State records, there were prior convictions for fraud and stuff.

I just don't understand people.. why not do something GOOD to get attention? For the right reasons. Ugh.

It's messed up that good people are taken away from us by these diseases, and scumbags like this teacher and the lady i just mentioned continue to live their disgusting lives pretending to be something they're not. It's just completely unfair.