Sexism- its never acceptable.


Well-known member
For thousands of years women have been subjected to mens intolerance and chauvenism. Its horrible and no woman should ever have to put up with a man telling them that they are incapable or that they are inferior. Strength is proving that you ARE in fact capable and that you are equal.

Equal. Not superior.

I know for alot of women that they may be slightly uncomfortable with a man giving makeup tips or applying makeup on them. I can understand that it may seem awkward, but its 2008 for gods sake. Can we mention:
Ben Nye? Max Factor? François Nars? Kevyn Aucoin? Sam Fine? to name a few...

CLEARLY there are men who know a thing or two about makeup.

Do I seem bitter? well I should, because I am.
Almost every day at my job I will be turned away for a female artist. I let it slide and move on. I'm not SO flaming that I scare people, I'm pleasant and approachable. Today we were close to closing time, and there were only 3 artists on the floor. Two were with customers, I was cleaning a brush. These two women come in and go right to one of the other girls working with me and start asking for help. My friend asks me if I am available, I say yes, and she explains that she is busy but that I will gladly help them instead. One of the two women then asks, LOUD enough that I can hear her "But he's a guy, does he know what he is talking about?" My friend says.. "Yes. he does" she then asks again "he does?"

CLEARLY this woman doesn't want me helping her, so when she turns around I hestitantly asked "Can I help you?" and she LAUGHS so loud that its theatrical and say "UM NO" and continues to laugh.

I felt the adrenaline rise, and then I just thought, this isn't worth it. She is ignorant and rude. Its sad that she doesn't realize how nasty she is.

I'm sorry everyone out there, but you shouldn't judge a MUA based on what their gender is, what their race is, or whatever. Judge them on their artistry.


Well-known member
Well news flash horrible shopper..In my experience MEN are the best hairdressers and makeup artists. My hairdresser is a man and I love love his work. It shouldn't matter if it is a man or woman as long as they are qualified to do the job you are requesting. That is so stupid...Damnit Now I'm MAD!!!
You are right , It isn't worth it..If they are that shallow...why waste your time and effort trying to make their outside look good when obviously their inside is Butt Ugly!! Let someone else have the pleasure.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Keep your chin up. I know it sucks, but people are just ignorant. For me personally, a polite, respectful, capable person is all I'm looking for when I get any of my beauty services done.

Hopefully, with more men being so visible in makeup artistry or other so-called female jobs like you, you'll help change people views.


Well-known member
That is unacceptable. Even if she is the customer she should have never treated you that way. I frankly love having a male MA and I know that a lot of women do. That lady is plain and simple a jerk with no class. I can see how that would get you down but please don't let it. It has no reflection on you. Only what a rotten person she is.


Well-known member
that woman doesn't deserve your expertise... and it's good that you didn't waste your time on her.

p.s. I love Kevyn Aucion, I wish he was still here


Well-known member
and so what if you were flaming-it's your world!!! those bitties missed out.
tish is right-some of the best ma's and hairdressers are men, my favorite ma is a man and folks know when i walk into the store go and grab him cause i don't want anyone else but him.
you look good and you seem to beat a face like nobody's business so keep doing what you do best.


Well-known member
That woman needs to sit the fuck down.
Obviously, an artist is an artist and all are equally qualified, but for the record, my favourite MAC ma is a male


Well-known member
Wow that girl is just a plain ignorant bitch, you cant fix stupid. Sorry you had to deal with that

But lets face it you do work in a profession where the general public assume that it is predominantly female (bad stereotyping), there are also a lot of females working in mainly male-populated jobs (engineers, architects) and they also face the things you have experienced from people.. OH she's a woman she musn't know enough, im better than her because im a man, i dont trust her, etc.... we're all still waiting for that day where we're all truly equal.


Well-known member
People are just stupid, no matter what the subject is, unfortunately

I'm actually kinda sexist in my own right. I make a beeline for a male MA whenever I see one. I always have such a fun time with them.


Well-known member
Wow, what a shame. When people wear blinders they never know just what they are missing out on. Your talent would have amazed her. Her stupidity=Her loss. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Well-known member
That makes me so, so sad

I have a friend who was with me at a MAC store where she saw a male MA and she asked me what he was doing there :s I was so disappointed that she couldn't appreciate his (obvious) talent just because he was male... It's sad how many people are so narrow-minded!


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that
I know getting to punch her in the face would probably be more satisfying than us telling you its her loss is! and I think you handled it well!


Well-known member
That's really one of my biggest pet peeves. I work in a salon/spa, and we have WONDERFUL male hairstylists, massotherapists and colorists. But when I mention the name? Wooo, most people freak the heck out.

I've gotten chewed out more times than I can imagine over trying to book someone with a male. Some people don't care. Some people, like me, prefer it (especially the massotherapists). I've even had a lady call one of the main managers and complain about me because I tried to set her an appointment up with a male.

Guess what? They sometimes don't get appointments through me if they play that way.


Well-known member
Grrrrr... Stupid, rude bitches! Don't let them get you down. It is totally their loss. I'm not going to try and say I know how you feel but I work in customer service as well and have to deal with all kinds of mean, nasty people too. Just think of all of the positive experiences you have had and remember that not everyone is a total bitch. It does suck that some people can still be so narrow minded in 2008.

And omg, I would seriously be over joyed to get help from you! >_<


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Well news flash horrible shopper..In my experience MEN are the best hairdressers and makeup artists. My hairdresser is a man and I love love his work. It shouldn't matter if it is a man or woman as long as they are qualified to do the job you are requesting. That is so stupid...Damnit Now I'm MAD!!!

I second that. Both my favourite hairstylists are men and they're the best! I don't mind if a male MUA is doing my makeup or serving me at the counter because I believe he's good and has good knowledge in beauty/cosmetics. They won't hire a MUA for nothing.

The woman's definitely rude! Don't let her get you because there are still a lot of us who appreciate male MUA


Well-known member
WOW! Im surprised that happened in NY... in my experience women would flock to the men I worked with over the rest of us ladies. I'm sorry hun :/


Well-known member
It was the woman's loss. You cannot change the prejudices people have been cultivating their entire lives. Ill-mannered customers are aplenty, but health is not - so don't stress!

Personally, I'd be delighted to have a male MUA - I'm ever so curious to understand how male MUAs envision the make-up looks they create ^_^

Keep on doing what you do best - life is much too short to nurse nuances!


Well-known member
That is absolutely unacceptable. When I walk into a mac store, I admire all of the raw talent the artists have. It doesn't matter, male or female- all mac ma's rock my world.

By the way, I must say. I have actually seen you in store and in action and you are amazing. Ignore the freaking haters, they suck!