Should I even try?????


Well-known member
I went to the MAC Store today for a MAJOR haul, which I will post pics of in a moment. When I walked into the store one of the MA's immediately came up to me to help... I handed her a list of products I wanted to buy and the first thing she asked me was "Do you work for MAC?" I said..."No... I just have a pro-card" (thinking she probably assumed I was a wacko for having such a long list of products)... and she says, "Well I ask because your makeup looks so amazing!" Now you ladies know it's always nice to get complimented by a MAC MA, especially when they're staring at your face so long it almost makes you feel uncomfortable. hehe To make a long story short she helped me out sooo much even though the store was slammed, and even some of the other MA's recognized me and said hello even though I don't frequent the store.
Here's the good part...
After I left I noticed that the blush I bought was not in palette form, so I went back to swap it out. As the MA was returning my blush, she had to call the store manager over to approve the exchange. Well he came over... pointed at ME... and said, "See, she knows how to do her makeup! She always looks good."

Then a lightbulb went off in my head. ((I need a better job, and how fun/exciting/wonderful would it be to work for MAC??)) So I'm thinking of applying. Experience = No portfolio, just a few weddings, proms and pageants. Five+ years of retail experience in sales. Do you think I should inquire next time I'm at the store?
Be honest with me y'all - is my makeup good enough to get on board?


Well-known member
Of course you could get hired! Your makeup always looks hot, and you've got an assload of retail experience under your belt.


Well-known member
I think you should go for it! Your FOTDs are inspiring. You have talent and you are friendly! Go for it! MAC would be lucky to have an MA like you!


Well-known member
i think that you should def.go for it.... i should be listening to my own advice too though... because when i do go to MAC with my makeup on they ask me if i work at MAC or just got my makeup done by them... they compliment my makeup and i always blush and think that i'm not good enough to work there... i really want to work at MAC but i'm in ome major denial! hahaha but one day that i went there the MA that i go to put an application in my bag and referred me! i was sooo happy but still havent applied?!? am i dumb or what? but yes go and apply get that job girl!


Well-known member
Well I've always wanted to do makeup as a career... but I have a degree in Business Administration and am pursuing another in Real Estate. I am also working on obtaining my real estate license and educating myself on investing. So judging from my background and current career path - my main focus is to maximize my income. Working for MAC would be a cool job with awesome perks that I could keep for a couple of years, but a dream job for me would "no job" - in other words, my money & investments would be working for me. Anyway, just thinking out loud.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chelsea
at a counter maybe, not a store

Its a common misconception that the artists/employees at a counter are different from those at a store. The only different between a counter and a store are the obvious differences in location and size, as well as a few items that are store exclusive and not available at counters. No matter if it's a counter or a store, you're representing the same company. The talent and hardwork between artists at a counter and at a store are not different. By undermining counters as being subpar compared to stores is insulting to the artists that work there.

I think you could definitely have a shot. Your FOTDs are great, you have skills for sure. I say go for it.


Well-known member
You can freelance for MAC and still "keep your day job." They'd hire you as a freelancer in a heartbeat, you can work the hours you want (I work 5 -10 hours a week), accept or turn down assignments, etc. You can't beat the flexibility and you stay in the MAC loop....go for it!


Well-known member
girl go for it! the 5 yr retail experience should get you in if not your make up skillz and let me tell you, you got skills!! hello? i've got 1938423985240 specktra members to back me up! haha
my friend who knows her sh*t (she knows MAC inside out and has EVERYTHING) and does amazing make up didn't get hired, just because she had NO retail experience whatsoever.. damn girl, i consider you HIRED. good luck and keep us posted


Well-known member
absolutely girl! i've seen your works and you are fabulous! you never know anything till you try, so i say go for it- you got nothing to lose


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
Its a common misconception that the artists/employees at a counter are different from those at a store. The only different between a counter and a store are the obvious differences in location and size, as well as a few items that are store exclusive and not available at counters. No matter if it's a counter or a store, you're representing the same company. The talent and hardwork between artists at a counter and at a store are not different. By undermining counters as being subpar compared to stores is insulting to the artists that work there.

I think you could definitely have a shot. Your FOTDs are great, you have skills for sure. I say go for it.

I second this!!

And Prs you definitely have a shot! Never hurts to try at least right?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
The only different between a counter and a store are the obvious differences in location and size, as well as a few items that are store exclusive and not available at counters. No matter if it's a counter or a store, you're representing the same company. .

You are of course totally correct about the talent and hard work required at both stores AND counters.

Maybe it's different in the states, but in Canada (well, west coast stores vs counters) MA's can only work in MAC stores if they have some sort of beautician certificate.... counter MA's can be pretty much anyone. For example, MAC Robson has said they wouldnt hire anyone without formal training/certification in the field.

But- seperate countries... quite possibly seperate rules. It would still be awesome to apply. It sounds like they've been super flattering to you, use it as an in!


Well-known member
I think I either really suck or the MAs at my MAC counter are bitches, because I went in one day, bought a bunch of stuff, and casually mentioned to the person checking me out how I would love to work here, and she said "Everyone wants to." and that's it.
I'm too intimidated to apply. I always feel like I'm being judged right away as soon as I walk up to them, too.


Well-known member
I think its your MAs... some seem to have this holier than thou attitude. Do you have any other counters near you. If so, I'd try doing the same thing there (dropping a casual hint). If not, I'd re-think applying for a while, at least until maybe some of thestaff turns over. Yeah, working for MAC would be nice, but do you want to work around a bunch of b*tches all day? Or are some of the MAs nice, and just not that one? In that case, you could deal with one of two bad seeds.


Well-known member
Maybe she just misunderstood what I was saying... I think maybe if she said "You should apply!" I might just think she's saying that to be nice, too. I don't know. I'm SO intimidated. I'd love to apply. Perhaps I will at the end of the summer, that's usually the best time to get jobs as people are returning to college..