So how was your day?


Well-known member
I thought it would be nice if we chatted about our personal lives a little more! I know everybody on Specktra has a passion for all things beauty related! But what else do you guys like to do in your spare time? Or even at your work? Share a little snippet of how your day was here!

Yesterday was my day off work and i had a pretty lazy day! It involved cleaning the house, doing some stuff in the garden (i swear all my flowers die on me!) and then i relaxed, played with my kitties and just generally felt lazy! The highlight of my day was being asked by our neighbours if we could look after their guinea pigs for them next month! I freaking lofve piggies so this has made me so happy!!
And for those of you who don't know much about piggies watch this video!


Specktra Bestie
This is a great idea! My day yesterday was fairly uneventful. I got turned down for a job that I was pretty optimistic about, which really sucks. I have to say that March is almost always the worst month of the year for me. This goes back a long time. I just constantly seem to have a particularly rough ride. I'm happy it's almost over. I spent the evening organising my makeup and trying not to get overwhelmed by the cold I'm developing. Ugh. Sorry this is all in one long paragraph, but the site isn't letting me enter a return... Or go back and make changes/ corrections...


Well-known member
This is a great idea! My day yesterday was fairly uneventful. I got turned down for a job that I was pretty optimistic about, which really sucks. I have to say that March is almost always the worst month of the year for me. This goes back a long time. I just constantly seem to have a particularly rough ride. I'm happy it's almost over. I spent the evening organising my makeup and trying not to get overwhelmed by the cold I'm developing. Ugh. Sorry this is all in one long paragraph, but the site isn't letting me enter a return... Or go back and make changes/ corrections...
oh i am so sorry you are having a touch time right now. on the plus side March is nearly over!
And i hope that you get another job interview soon that you be equally as excited about! And just keep trying to stay positive. I know it is hard when you are feeling low but things really will get better for you. And you always have us guys to vent to in the meantime! Spending the night organising your make up sounds pretty fun to me! sorry about the cold though... lots of chicken soup for you right?!

Oh and I shall message you about the issues you have been having with the site!


Well-known member
So overall yesterday was ok for me. I had something annoying to sort out at work though which put a downer on things. Sadly I don't feel like I can go into detail because it's an issue with a staff member but it's just upsetting for all of us really.

On the plus side when i came home from work our neighbours kitty was playing on the driveway so i stroked her for a bit. Then i was chatting to our neighbour who said they were thinking of breeding her just once so she could have babies. I would very much be interested in one of her kittens! she's a lovely looking cat and very sweet but still playful. Nick just smiled and said maybe. I have wanted a third kitty for a while now but he keeps saying no! so to upgrade to a maybe is a good thing!

I also discovered something else cute! munchkin cats! they are normal cats but with short legs!

see! how sweet is that?! and funny! have a great day guys!


Well-known member
LOL, that looks like a cross between a cat and a dachshund - a kind of 'sausage cat' ! Can't imagine it being able to climb trees very easily with those little legs


Well-known member
ooh im sorry to hear abt tt kate. hope things do look up for you. i experienced that myself a few months ago, before i got the job im in now. something else will turn up, dont worry! bt at least u got to organise ur makeup right? i love doing that.. just reshuffling everything.. i feel a little like gollum in lotr and saying "my precious" when i see my makeup all nicely arranged.. haha. is that weird?

hah lou that cat looks so adorable! unfortunately, im terrified of cats. i got scratched once when i was really young, and ever since then, i avoid cats and even kittens. i do admire them from afar (esp the cute kittens) bt im just too scared to go near. hah.. quite pathetic for a 22-year-old.

well its already friday here in Singapore, so im happy. my work is coming to an end so i get to relax on friday night. my day has been pretty boring bt im hoping to go to the bb counter after work to check out a corrector. i read on this forum tt its pretty gd so i shall check tt out. and maybe the rich lip color l/s are already in so that will be fun!

have a great friday girls!


Well-known member
I avoid cats too, but because I'm allergic to them. It's dogs that I'm terrified of!


Well-known member
I avoid cats too, but because I'm allergic to them. It's dogs that I'm terrified of!
dogs scare my hubby! he was pushed over by one when he was a kid and has hated them ever since. and sorry you're alergic to kitties! that's a shame! my kitties are my babies and i can't imagine being without them!


Well-known member
LMAO! Love the munchkin cats! Sorry to hear you've got no-fun stuff to deal with at work, Lou! :( I have a pretty good day yesterday - got one more presentation over and done with and went out for Japanese food with Jerome, but I somehow managed to twist and hurt my knee at the end of the night, so I had to go to bed early with some Tylenol! It's feeling much better this morning, though :) My hair cut is later this morning, so I'm excited, and then it's homework for the rest of the day! TGIF, everyone - hope you all have an amazing day! :)


Specktra Bestie
Thanks for the well-wishes ladies! Yesterday was actually a pretty good day for me. TGE and I got interviewed for a film society newsletter about the movie we made together (not a naughty movie, mind you!) and made arrangements for an opening screening here some time in early May. I'm looking forward to that, because it seems like this has been taking forever... While I'm eager to find a job, I'm also appreciating the time this affords me to work on other things. I've also been able to do more writing than usual, both on my blog and creatively, which always feels good.


Well-known member
yay! i am pleased you had a positive day. and if it wasn't a naughty film then what was it about? and that's great about doing more writing and feeling creative! hopefully i will be doing more writing soon!


Well-known member
Hi gang! I had a pretty odd day from the start! I had the oddest dream about being in a mall, mostly dark, all new stores, but all closed because of the economy. Every store was fully stocked and ready for business, but until things turned around, the place was in darkness! I also saw thing above the shops instead of a 2nd floor. Oversized animal statues, a Santa and a sleigh that were animated. I swear...something out of a Tim Burton movie. It was so twisted. lol Then I woke up to a swollen eye. Not makeup. I have a little bit on my lid and it hurts and is itchy so hopefully will calm down by tomorrow.

I spent the day being lazy. Well, not really. I moved around tarot decks. just sold some and the west coast is coming on for the evening looking things over. I claimed a drawer in that bureau and started making it my face drawer. Cramps are setting in, but I got my nails done in Orly Rage ( a metallic pinkish gold colour) and we got the best Chinese take out for supper. The house smells yummy because now I am burning incense and about to watch some Tudors! Oh, and I am in love with tinted moisturizer!


Specktra Bestie
Hi gang! I had a pretty odd day from the start! I had the oddest dream about being in a mall, mostly dark, all new stores, but all closed because of the economy. Every store was fully stocked and ready for business, but until things turned around, the place was in darkness! I also saw thing above the shops instead of a 2nd floor. Oversized animal statues, a Santa and a sleigh that were animated. I swear...something out of a Tim Burton movie. It was so twisted. lol Then I woke up to a swollen eye. Not makeup. I have a little bit on my lid and it hurts and is itchy so hopefully will calm down by tomorrow.

I spent the day being lazy. Well, not really. I moved around tarot decks. just sold some and the west coast is coming on for the evening looking things over. I claimed a drawer in that bureau and started making it my face drawer. Cramps are setting in, but I got my nails done in Orly Rage ( a metallic pinkish gold colour) and we got the best Chinese take out for supper. The house smells yummy because now I am burning incense and about to watch some Tudors! Oh, and I am in love with tinted moisturizer!
That is a fascinating dream. I always try to remember mine, but last night I took medication for my cold, which always wipes my memories quite clean.

What kind of Tarot decks do you have? I sort of collect them, although I've had to take a break because I'm running out of places to store them (and because I'd bought so many of the ones I really wanted).


Well-known member
That is a fascinating dream. I always try to remember mine, but last night I took medication for my cold, which always wipes my memories quite clean.
What kind of Tarot decks do you have? I sort of collect them, although I've had to take a break because I'm running out of places to store them (and because I'd bought so many of the ones I really wanted).
oh the film sounds quite entertaining! and i rarely remember my dreams. although the last one i remember was about 3 weeks ago. I was told i had to kill david arquette but every time i tried he morphed into a leopard. messed up i tell you!

i'm at work today and i have to sort out a mistake i made yesterday. i undercharged somebody by £100! so before head office find out i need to get the money off home. i am hoping if i call saying how i'll loose my job if he doesn't pay (that wouldnt happen btw) that he will feel like he has to pay. plus i shall send him some free blu ray discs as a thank you too.


Well-known member
Lou~Hoping this link will work, only darn. I don't think it was on sale when we bought it! I will have to check with hubby...he has the receipt. Anyhow, it is a small navy and white check, down to the knees with a removable hood. I needed something lightweight and fun for this time of year when we start getting lots of showers. And since it is dark I can wear it again in the late summer when we get them again! It'll go well with jeans!

Katred~I had about 600+ decks ranging from every subject under the sun. Whimsical, dark, Gothic, historical, fairies, gnomes, children, cats, Pagan, Buddhist, Christian, Celtic, everything! I had a lot of real collector decks too, by Folchi and others, so sold them off as I never used them. I was afraid to breathe on them. Here is my present list of decks that I have, now that I have trimmed down considerably, not counting the backups of ones I love the most! I still have some to get rid of and I think some that never made it on the list! I need to start trimming down the oracle section, which is a pain, because they have super large packaging and take up loads of room. An entire 6 drawer lingerie chest to be exact!

Tarot Collection: ~~~
1JJ Swiss
Ancestral Path
Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Italian
Animals Divine
Anna K 2nd edition
Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau Grand Trumps
Baroque Bohemian Cats
Baroque Bohemian Cats Gold
Bohemian Gothic
Bohemian Gothic Silver
Buckland Romani
Celtic Fairies
Celtic Wisdom
Circle of Life
Dame Fortune
Deviant Moon
Faerie Tarot
Fairy Tale
Fantastical Creatures
Fantastic Menagerie
Fifth Tarot
Fortuna's Wheel
Gaian LE
Goddess (pocket)
Golden Botticelli
Golden Tarot of Klimt
Golden Tarot of the Renaissance
Golden Tarot of the Tsar
Gothic Vargo
Halloween (Tin)
Hanson Roberts
Infinite Visions
Journey to the Orient
Kitchen Tarot
Legacy of the Divine (SE)
Legacy of the Divine (MM)
Love Tarot
Lover's Path
Magical Forest
Margarete Peterson
Marseille Noblet
Medieval Tarot
Medieval Enchantment
Medieval Scapini
Modern Medieval
Mona Lisa
Morgan Greer
Mystic Dreamer
Mystic Faerie
New Palladini
Old English
Old Path
Osho Zen
Pagan Cats
PCS/Waite Commmerative
Rabbit 2nd Ed.
Rider-Waite Jubilee Edition #487
Robin Wood
Russian St. Petersburg
Sacred Circle
Sacred Rose
Secret Forest
Ship of Fools
Star Tarot
Steampunk Tarot
Steele Wizard
Sun and Moon Tarot
Tarot for Cats
Tarot of the Celtic Fairies
Tarot of Dreams-Glossy
Tarot of Dreams-Satin
Tarot of Dreams-MM
Tarot of Eden
Tarot of Jane Austen
Tarot of the 1001 Nights
Tarot of the Magical Forest
Tarot of the Renaissance
Tarot of the Sidhe (majors)
Tarot of the Sweet Twilight
Tarot of Trees
Tarot of Vampyres
Touchstone (LE)
Touchstone (MM)
Universal Fantasy
Victoria Regina
Victorian Romantic
Victorian Romantic Gold Edition
Visconti Gold (LS)
Visconti Grand Trumps
Vision Quest
Waking the Wild Spirit
Wizards Tarot

Affirmations for the Everyday Goddess
Alice in Wonderland playing cards
Ancient Feminine Wisdom
Angel Oracle
Angels and Madonnas
Angel Therapy
Animal Spirits Knowledge Cards
Anubis Oracle
Archangel Oracle
Archangel Oracle
Art Nouveau Oracle
Ascended Masters
Astrological Oracle
Bach Floral Oracle
Bird Cards
Bird Signs
Brittas Wahrsagekarten Lenormand
Cards of Nostradamus
Celtic Shaman Pack
Celtic Tree Oracle
Daily Guidance from your Angels
Dreaming in Color Luman
Druid Animal Oracle
Druid Plant Oracle
Enchanted Oracle
Every Day Oracle
Faerie Wisdom
Fairy Ring
Fairy Oracle
Fairy Pack
Froud's Faeries
Gentle Wisdom of the Faerie Realm
Goddess Oracle
Goddess Guidance Oracle
Goddess Knowledge Cards
Good Witch Bad Witch Oracle
Green Man Tree Oracle
Gypsy Witch
Haindl Rune Oracle
Healing with the Angels
Healing with the Faeries
Heart of the Faerie
Jeu de La Fortune
Le Jeu du Destin Antique
Les Vieux Jours Lenormand
Little Czech Oracle
Lovers Oracle
Madame Endora
Madame Lenormand
Magical Messages from the Fairies
Mystical Lenormand
Marchen Tarot
Marseille Oracle
Medicine Cards
Melissa Lenormand
Messages of Life
Messages of Light
Mother's Wisdom
Mythic Oracle
Ogham Celtic Oracle
Oracle of the Dragonfae
Oracle of the Goddess
Oracle of the Grail Code
Paracelsus Oracle
Playing Card Oracle
Rune Cards
Saints Oracle
Saints and Angels
Secret World of Crystals
Shaman's Oracle
Sibilla Oracle
Soul Cards 1
Soul Cards 2
Spirit of the Wheel
StoryWorld-Animal Tales
StoryWorld-Quests and Adventures
StoryWorld-Stories of the Sea
StoryWorld-Christmas Tales
StoryWorld-Tales from the Haunted House
Tao Oracle
Victorian Flower Oracle
We Are One
Well-Worn Path/Hidden Path
Wiccan Cards
Wild Wisdom of the Faery
Wisdom of Avalon
Wisdom of the Hidden Realms
Witches Runes


Well-known member
Oh the coat is super cute! and the link worked! i love that little checker print! very nice for spring time. i'm not sure what type of coat i want yet. but a hood is a must because we get lots of april showers here!! and holy cow you have one massive tarrot collection! i'm impressed! and i can also see why it takes up so much space in your home!


Well-known member
Thanks! Yes, the hood is awesome, but it also snaps off, so I can wear it all either way. I really like the look! Of course, here it is, a few days after I bought it and now it is on sale. Doesn't that figure?

I am soooo mad. My sister drives me insane. She is 3 years older than me and gets all super preachy and "holier than thou" towards people. All our family gatherings are full of her acting this way and boasting about what a great Catholic she is. I want to barf because she hasn't an ounce of charity in her. Well, she just flipped out on FB scolding me for not fasting during Lent so I removed her from my account and wrote a letter to both her and my parents explaining why and that I don't ever want to hear her preach at me again. I then continued to mention that now her children are 18 years old and over the weird little Christmas gift exchange is over, too. She wants expensive things, she gives us candy or fruitbread that she baked. Ugh! This has been coming to a head for about, oh, 40 years? lol And I know once my parents pass I will never see her again. In fact I dropped over my parents house two nights ago to check up on them as we came home from the mall and my mother complained at how they never hear from her. She lives one town over and has never visited, never called me up on the phone (in 19 years!) and is always telling people what to do. Finally I have broken with her and life will be so much more peaceful. My nephews are adults now. It is up to them what they want to do. Luckily I have a slew of nieces and nephews on the other side, as well. And we all agreed to stop gift giving at age 13. There are just too many of us.

Why are some people so narrow minded? She has always thought everyone should be just like her, and she is the last person I would consider a role model, next to tyrants. Grrr...


Well-known member
Thanks! Yes, the hood is awesome, but it also snaps off, so I can wear it all either way. I really like the look! Of course, here it is, a few days after I bought it and now it is on sale. Doesn't that figure?

I am soooo mad. My sister drives me insane. She is 3 years older than me and gets all super preachy and "holier than thou" towards people. All our family gatherings are full of her acting this way and boasting about what a great Catholic she is. I want to barf because she hasn't an ounce of charity in her. Well, she just flipped out on FB scolding me for not fasting during Lent so I removed her from my account and wrote a letter to both her and my parents explaining why and that I don't ever want to hear her preach at me again. I then continued to mention that now her children are 18 years old and over the weird little Christmas gift exchange is over, too. She wants expensive things, she gives us candy or fruitbread that she baked. Ugh! This has been coming to a head for about, oh, 40 years? lol And I know once my parents pass I will never see her again. In fact I dropped over my parents house two nights ago to check up on them as we came home from the mall and my mother complained at how they never hear from her. She lives one town over and has never visited, never called me up on the phone (in 19 years!) and is always telling people what to do. Finally I have broken with her and life will be so much more peaceful. My nephews are adults now. It is up to them what they want to do. Luckily I have a slew of nieces and nephews on the other side, as well. And we all agreed to stop gift giving at age 13. There are just too many of us.

Why are some people so narrow minded? She has always thought everyone should be just like her, and she is the last person I would consider a role model, next to tyrants. Grrr...
yeah that does suck about it going on sale. things like that have happened to me but some stores in the uk actually refund the difference if you come back within a certain amount of time and it has gone on sale which is nice of them. plus i always warn my customers if things will be reduced the next day.

and i am sorry about the issues with your sister. she sounds like your polar opposite to be honest. and quite frankly if you don't want to give anything up for lent or whatever then that is your choice and not hers. and you certaintly shouldn't be preached at on something so public as facebook. not cool at all.


Well-known member
Thanks Lou! She always acts like this. 10 minutes in her house and she is telling everyone what to do or believe in, she walks all over her co-workers and sticks her nose in the air. Major self-esteem problems, obviously. But that church has a reputation in her town for being very odd and cult-like and it freaks me out. She even wants us to say grace when we go out to restaurants for meals. Seriously? OMG. Too funny. She shows off. And thinks she is some great example. She is also driving her sons and husband insane, but loves to target me. Not any more! In a way this is very freeing. Something I have wanted to do and say for a long time now. I am finally taking a stand against her and hubby entirely backs me up. We cannot stand how she behaves. Besides, I was always taught that it more important to give up things like selfishness or a bad attitude, do charitable works, etc. for Lent, rather than give up meat. How does that help anything? It isn't going to help the people in Japan. Giving to Red Cross will. Sheesh.


Well-known member
Thanks Lou! She always acts like this. 10 minutes in her house and she is telling everyone what to do or believe in, she walks all over her co-workers and sticks her nose in the air. Major self-esteem problems, obviously. But that church has a reputation in her town for being very odd and cult-like and it freaks me out. She even wants us to say grace when we go out to restaurants for meals. Seriously? OMG. Too funny. She shows off. And thinks she is some great example. She is also driving her sons and husband insane, but loves to target me. Not any more! In a way this is very freeing. Something I have wanted to do and say for a long time now. I am finally taking a stand against her and hubby entirely backs me up. We cannot stand how she behaves. Besides, I was always taught that it more important to give up things like selfishness or a bad attitude, do charitable works, etc. for Lent, rather than give up meat. How does that help anything? It isn't going to help the people in Japan. Giving to Red Cross will. Sheesh.
oh yea, she doesn't sound like the type of person i would want to be around. i hate people that force what they believe in on others. i am very open minded and generally go with the flow. but i hate it when people preach at me and tell me what i should and shouldn't be thinking. and yeah i can't image saying grace while eating out. and why show off about it? that's just a little odd. and good point about what really matters right now. giving to charities is much better than giving up chocolate or something like that.

dylan is being a very clingy kitty tonight! he keeps jumping all over me and trying to cuddle. not so good when i am trying to do things!!