So how was your day?


Well-known member
I don't know why, but I've been tired and not quite myself today. When I came back from grocery shopping I wanted to put the toothbrushes I got into the freezer with the rest of the groceries. Ahem.
I'll go to bed early with a good book, I think!
awww. i hope you are back to normal in the morning sweetie. perhaps it is the stress of your up coming interview that is making you a bit ... odd? :)


Well-known member
I think so too, Lou! On top of that I got some documents from my last job today, and contact with those people is always a bit stressful.

Didn't you have an important day at work today? I hope everything went smoothly?


Well-known member
I think so too, Lou! On top of that I got some documents from my last job today, and contact with those people is always a bit stressful.

Didn't you have an important day at work today? I hope everything went smoothly?
aww well i hope your stress ends very soon. and my day was stressful because i had to get my store ready for my area managers visit tomorrow. sadly because i have been stupidly short staffed i haven't finished doing everything that i want to do. :(


Well-known member
Good day, good day.

Minus the fact that I haven't done any Chinese studying today and I still haven't finished writing letters, but that's my own fault, hah. I need to clear out the desk in the sunroom that has the broken desktop and turn it into a study desk. That way I won't be distracted by the TV as well.

My Asian skincare goodies from arrived in the mail! Too bad I can't use them until my birthday (July 16) but when that comes around, I'll share. Heck, I'll probably post pictures of all gifts in the haul thread when that comes. c= Swap package also came and I have MAC Swell Baby in my hands.

Gave my dad the list of goodies I want from Sephora for my birthday. It's a big-ish list but mostly contains items from the same lines, just... different shades. I don't wanna pull something out of the giftbag and automatically know what it is, so. c= I'm imagining him walking into the store by himself and it makes me laugh so hard. I'm sure he'll have fun in there.


Well-known member
Ha! @ssaemblog, he is gonna hate it in there. My husband says 'how do you know what's good? ... and finds it chaotic ... he actually got bumped by a couple of purses and thought it was barbaric lol ! I told him that in Sephora the way to surviving is: "move or be moved!" especially when the ladies are on a manic makeup mission lol!.

on second thought you should draw your dad a map!


Well-known member
Gave my dad the list of goodies I want from Sephora for my birthday. It's a big-ish list but mostly contains items from the same lines, just... different shades. I don't wanna pull something out of the giftbag and automatically know what it is, so. c= I'm imagining him walking into the store by himself and it makes me laugh so hard. I'm sure he'll have fun in there.
hee hee! i'm sure he will do your proud and get your goodies for you! my dad goes to the cco for me. it's quite funny - he goes in with a list and asks the sales lady if they have anything off my list. they run around looking for bits while he just stands their looking like he doesn't belong there!


Well-known member
HAHA, well, he said he's going to ask for help, so it'll be okay.

I remember when I went to Ulta for the first time last year. He said he would buy me one thing for my birthday, so I wanted to find a really good concealer. I was walking around like crazy and he kept following me. Another guy was in there with his kids and my dad goes something like "Don't you just love being here?"

He's going to have more trouble trying to pick which items to buy rather than how to find them, hahahaha. 'Cos even though I have lots of items, it's just for variety and surprising me and I'm NOT expecting him to buy 500$ worth of cosmetics, lmfao. I had to make that clear over and over when Crazy Lady (aka my "mother") was like WTF WHY SO MANY OBJECTS.


Well-known member
check out the latest specktra blog post guys :) Keep it clean kids

i hope everybody had a great start to their weekend! sadly i was working but now it is fun time! hee hee!
Awesome post! thanks for putting it up <3

So today was great so far :) worked 9-4, now home. ate dinner. pizza didn't settle well with me, though :(


Well-known member
Happy fourth of July to all who live here in America!

I'm about to go off for grilling and fireworks later :) so very excited.


Well-known member
Happy fourth of July and belated Canada day to those who celebrate :)

It's been a nice three day weekend for me. Last night I watched True Blood and this morning I woke up and made strawberry peach ice cream. I hate the patience you have to have for food to be done. I don't get to try it until tomorrow. Later I am going to go checkout the fireworks show.


Well-known member
Happy fourth of July and belated Canada day to those who celebrate :)

It's been a nice three day weekend for me. Last night I watched True Blood and this morning I woke up and made strawberry peach ice cream. I hate the patience you have to have for food to be done. I don't get to try it until tomorrow. Later I am going to go checkout the fireworks show.
YUM! Strawberry peach ice cream sounds delish.


Well-known member
Ok, I just had to rant. I run a camper rental business with my husband. I had a gal call this morning leaving a voicemail requesting the layout of the camper, amenities, etc so she can start planning for her trip. She gives me the last name and dates. I can't find a reservation for her camper. I'm looking through e-mails, the reservation system, everything. When we get a booking, everyone gets a confirmation number - just like a flight. I finally find her husband's name on our wait list.

I remember speaking with him in April about this camper we were getting and how I would contact him when we bought it so he could reserve it. I contact him in May and he says he needs to talk to the wife. He calls a month later and it's booked. Disappointed, he leaves his name and number on our waitlist for a cancellation.

Flash back to the present. I call his wife back and explain all this. She swears up and down he gave me a credit card and that he had a reservation. She has two kids that were looking forward to this trip, etc etc. I apologized and told her I made it clear to him I did not have a camper available and re-iterated the situation. She tells me she isn't happy and that she will never use my company again.....not that she used me in the first place....ugh. My staff and I are convinced her husband doesn't have the balls to admit he messed up....but still....why should I get treated like poo?