So how was your day?


Well-known member
My fiance and I do that when it's summer. We bring an air mattress into the living room because the air conditioning never seems to reach the bedroom!
rockin, yeah :C I have an account on the mac site and when I go to check out my only option is debit/credit card. no paypal.

Katred, yeah :/ same. I'm tan as is, but the mac foundation makes me look....yellow. and does not match my neck at all. I tried mixing some with moistourizer and putting it on that way and like it much more, since it works more like a tinted moistourizer and gives me a tan glow - but that aside, i dont think i'll be wearing it in its full formula. makes me look like i have a mask on :( it's sad because I went in specifically to get foundation the other day, and now it's not as great. it looked perfect while in store, but at home/outside it's a whole dif. story. must be the bright lights

ssaemblog: nw20 is what i have for concealer, which actually looks pretty good, and by the look of your picture compared to mine, i'm way darker than you are! how did they think nw20 would match you? @-@
oh i wish we had an air bed!! we ended up sleeping on our sofa which is pretty big (it's a corner one) but because i move round lots in my sleep, i kept rolling onto nick and nearly onto the floor!


Well-known member
You should buy one! they're fairly cheap, considering it's a mattress, and a good investment. we travel a lot so we bring our mattress with. it's inflatable so we just deflate it and wrap it up and put it in the trunk. beats sleeping on the couch when visiting family! or on the ground when going camping. we do need a small battery to plug the air compressor into though if we go out camping and stuff, but it's not so bad.

And sure is nice to have when it turns into 102 degrees outside and it's hottttt at night.


Well-known member
Looks like it's white foundation for me then LOL. That is unless I can find something much lighter than MAC's NW15



Well-known member
OMG YAY! I just got my very first MSF in the mail. Refined.
it looks so pretty.

I have a feeling this is going to turn into a lifelong obsession....


Well-known member
yes, you need to match foundation to your neck so that your face doesn't look separate from your body ie. mask effect. Of course if foundation is too heavily applied around the outside of the face it will look like a mask too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jaylilee
ssaemblog: nw20 is what i have for concealer, which actually looks pretty good, and by the look of your picture compared to mine, i'm way darker than you are! how did they think nw20 would match you? @-@

Mhm, I'm a heck of a lot lighter than I thought.
My picture is actually a little lighter than I am IRL though 'cos it's a little edited, haha.
(Just changing the brightness and putting platinum colouring over it.)
But in my videos, I am light! I do have makeup-less faces in some videos.

It's the lighting, basically. Store lighting can make a person look darker and that's what happened with me. She let me choose which concealer I wanted, and in the store, 15 looked too light while 20 was just right. Not that way in natural lighting! Hahah. It was also in a Dillards so it was even darker-ish in there.

I like a happy medium between the face, neck, and chest. I wear a lot of tank tops by themselves. A face and neck a completely different colour than your chest doesn't look too cute either, lmao.


Well-known member
Agreed. Im always scared to wear foundation because while I can get a perfect "sunkissed" type effect....then the rest of my body doesnt look the same! flkhgslkfd!!!

also, i dyed my hair black and cut my bangs a few days ago. my fiance went "GASSSPPPP!!!" -- he was so used to my brown hair xD! oops?
and since I can never keep a straight face while taking a picture, here it is:



Well-known member
Mhm, I'm a heck of a lot lighter than I thought. My picture is actually a little lighter than I am IRL though 'cos it's a little edited, haha.
(Just changing the brightness and putting platinum colouring over it.)
But in my videos, I am light! I do have makeup-less faces in some videos.

It's the lighting, basically. Store lighting can make a person look darker and that's what happened with me. She let me choose which concealer I wanted, and in the store, 15 looked too light while 20 was just right. Not that way in natural lighting! Hahah. It was also in a Dillards so it was even darker-ish in there.

I like a happy medium between the face, neck, and chest. I wear a lot of tank tops by themselves. A face and neck a completely different colour than your chest doesn't look too cute either, lmao.

i agree - store lighting is never good. usually i pop outside to double check things match! i always hope the counter people don't think i'm rude!! perhaps sometimes they think i just want to run off with their mirror!?!


Well-known member
This is one of those moments that make me irritated with the hearing community as a whole for a while.

Get another comment on my videos with the "ugh, you annoy me by the way you speak." BS. Rip that girl a new one and then block her. I mean, really, I'm so glad you decided to waste your own time by listening to me talk and then leave me a comment about how annoying (half)hearing impaired people speak. REALLY. Went to sleep in a bad mood and now I'm awake in a bad mood, lmao.

June Favourites video will not be pretty in the beginning, ha.


Well-known member
This is one of those moments that make me irritated with the hearing community as a whole for a while.

Get another comment on my videos with the "ugh, you annoy me by the way you speak." BS. Rip that girl a new one and then block her. I mean, really, I'm so glad you decided to waste your own time by listening to me talk and then leave me a comment about how annoying (half)hearing impaired people speak. REALLY. Went to sleep in a bad mood and now I'm awake in a bad mood, lmao.

June Favourites video will not be pretty in the beginning, ha.
seriously people are so freaking rude!!! i honestly think that you speak extremely well, i can't believe that somebody would comment on that anyway!


Well-known member
my day was fine until a wild cupcake truck appeared outside of the building where i work.

i bought two.

i massacred them.



Well-known member
This is one of those moments that make me irritated with the hearing community as a whole for a while.

Get another comment on my videos with the "ugh, you annoy me by the way you speak." BS. Rip that girl a new one and then block her. I mean, really, I'm so glad you decided to waste your own time by listening to me talk and then leave me a comment about how annoying (half)hearing impaired people speak. REALLY. Went to sleep in a bad mood and now I'm awake in a bad mood, lmao.

June Favourites video will not be pretty in the beginning, ha.
Don't pay attention to them. People are annoying, in general. They love to put people down just to make themselves feel better.

My day was I failed my chemistry test lol granted, didn't study much for it so i wasn't expecting to ace it, either.
Gotta have to try harder for the next one.
Also have the biggest headache in the world.


Well-known member

Literally ignore her/him and the comment with no reply and work towards not being in a bad mood because of it - really, their opinion doesn't matter in the least.


Well-known member
^^ How ridiculously rude is that! Don't even dignify that with a response - they aren't worth the tip of your pinky finger! Feel better knowing that they're just jealous that you're so talented and gorgeous.


Specktra Bestie
This is one of those moments that make me irritated with the hearing community as a whole for a while.

Get another comment on my videos with the "ugh, you annoy me by the way you speak." BS. Rip that girl a new one and then block her. I mean, really, I'm so glad you decided to waste your own time by listening to me talk and then leave me a comment about how annoying (half)hearing impaired people speak. REALLY. Went to sleep in a bad mood and now I'm awake in a bad mood, lmao.

June Favourites video will not be pretty in the beginning, ha.
F@&k her, seriously. I can't even imagine why someone would leave a comment like that.


Well-known member
my day was fine until a wild cupcake truck appeared outside of the building where i work.

i bought two.

i massacred them.

lol! i wish we had cupcake trucks here! or on second thoughts maybe it's best we don't! i'd be buying one every day! :p


Well-known member
F@&k her, seriously. I can't even imagine why someone would leave a comment like that.
My face actually looks a couple of shades darker than my neck and chest at the moment, due to sun exposure (which I keep to a minimum - I only go out in it if I have to). In winter, though, my face is very pale, and I'm often asked if I'm unwell LOL.


Well-known member
Been so sleepy all day.... and have a killer stomach ache. not sure why.
Also not looking forward to next week :( i'm getting 3 teeth pulled! THREE. ugh.


Well-known member
I don't know why, but I've been tired and not quite myself today. When I came back from grocery shopping I wanted to put the toothbrushes I got into the freezer with the rest of the groceries. Ahem.
I'll go to bed early with a good book, I think!