So how was your day?


Well-known member
Oh one of those moments! yeah, that usually ends up in sore muscles the day after. Was the drama any good though? ;p has to be worth the pain!
I've been on a marathon of Numbers....not self imposed. My fiance's the one obsessed with the show so far lol but, I have to admit, it's a good show.


Well-known member
YES. It's 14 episodes total and I watched half of it in one day. I needed a Taiwanese show to watch but I wanted to stay away from the typical jerk guy, stupid girl, rich mom that is mom of jerk guy sort of deal. This has my creepy mystery with a teeny bit of love in it just to balance it all out. It also helps that two of the dudes from one of my favourite Taiwanese shows are in it (well... one now that one died BUT STILL (the character, not the dude irl lol)).

Will probably watch more once I get back into my room.

I used to really like Numbers! I don't dislike it now but I haven't watched it like I used to.


Well-known member
YES. It's 14 episodes total and I watched half of it in one day. I needed a Taiwanese show to watch but I wanted to stay away from the typical jerk guy, stupid girl, rich mom that is mom of jerk guy sort of deal. This has my creepy mystery with a teeny bit of love in it just to balance it all out. It also helps that two of the dudes from one of my favourite Taiwanese shows are in it (well... one now that one died BUT STILL (the character, not the dude irl lol)).

Will probably watch more once I get back into my room.

I used to really like Numbers! I don't dislike it now but I haven't watched it like I used to.
I laughed, because every time I look for a japanese/chinese type drama, I end up finding that same one.
Last drama I watched 1 Litre of Tears, and I swear that's just about how much I cried while watching it too x--x first non shallow one I've seen in a long, long time.


Well-known member
I second that motion!!!
I'm home for the week, just studying and taking care of stuff... no 9-5 for me this time around.

And so my day has started with me feeling yuck. I go back to school in august for my last semester in college, then I graduate....this whole thing just thinking about it makes me feel sick. I know it's probably nerves, and the whole horizon in front of me of not knowing what to do with my life... but ugh lol I don't like the feeling. Need to find a full time job now before I graduate as well. @--@

Someone tell me there is life after school, please lol


Well-known member
Aaaahaha, that was my first Japanese/Asian drama in general ever.

Taiwanese and Japanese programs have more variety. Korean ones are usually stuck with the same annoying plot, which is why I watch one a year. I've started on a few, but never finished 'cos it'd be so boring. I've only gotten through Cinderella's Sister and You're Beautiful (which had a really lame ending). Plus Koreans like to hire idols that really just don't work in the acting area and meh. Okay, Taiwan does too, but eh, I'm biased.

So Taiwanese and Japanese it is. I haven't seen mainland Chinese dramas, so I can't say anything about those.



Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by jaylilee

Someone tell me there is life after school, please lol

There is! Don't worry!

My day was too hot. Just that. And tomorrow will be even hotter. I hate the heat, my tiny appartment resembles an oven!


Well-known member
There is! Don't worry!

My day was too hot. Just that. And tomorrow will be even hotter. I hate the heat, my tiny appartment resembles an oven!
thanks I needed that xD

Turn on the fan!!!

So today I realized, when i went into mac for foundation, the MA matched me wrong! I'm hispanic, but I don't think I'm NC42. When I wore it in comparison to my shiseido 060, one shade on one side, one shade on the other, shiseido 060 blends in perfectly, whereas studio sculpt spf15 makes me look yellowy... not entirely a bad thing, since it makes me look like i have a tan - and it's summer, but I have a feeling the rest of the time it'd make me look like I have a mask on. :C i think I might have to go back to MAC and ask that they match me to a different shade.... else I'm just going to go back to shiseido for foundation, me thinks.


Well-known member
Well, it's 7:30 so my day is pretty much over.

Another day of dealing with a forty-three year old child. I get annoyed|pissed off every single day I live here, but whatever, ha. I was in this "we're not going to get any storms" mood today and we actually got hit with one. Well, we were all at the mall and the mall area missed it, but my house didn't. I'm not sure how bad it was, but I guess not too bad since everything was the way it was. Not looking forward to tomorrow, eep. It's like... 70% in the mountains and 50% everywhere else. I'll just wait until later tonight and tomorrow when they go and tell us how bad they think it'll be. Or not be. On the bright side, the rest of the week after Tuesday is supposed to be storm\rain free.

Oh, and first video of last week hit 8,000 views and still going. Can't say the same for the one I put up Saturday, ha. Oh well.


Well-known member
I am hoping it doesn't rain for a while. I have a friend coming over to visit me at the end of the week and we have plans of hitting the pool.


Well-known member
ok it was crazy hot last night! so hot me and hubby slept downstairs because it was a touch cooler! lol!


Well-known member
In my bedroom it was 26,5C (80F) tonight, so I feel your pain!
When I opened my door this morning, my neighbour came just out of his appartment in nothing than green boxers. He has the body of Danny DeVito, so - ewwwwwwwww!!!

Today it's going to be 36C (100F) over here. I just want to die in this heat. I'm not made for summer.


Well-known member
That's strange, because they definitely take PayPal here in the UK. I've paid that way myself.


Specktra Bestie
Quote: Originally Posted by jaylilee

So today I realized, when i went into mac for foundation, the MA matched me wrong! I'm hispanic, but I don't think I'm NC42. When I wore it in comparison to my shiseido 060, one shade on one side, one shade on the other, shiseido 060 blends in perfectly, whereas studio sculpt spf15 makes me look yellowy... not entirely a bad thing, since it makes me look like i have a tan - and it's summer, but I have a feeling the rest of the time it'd make me look like I have a mask on. :C i think I might have to go back to MAC and ask that they match me to a different shade.... else I'm just going to go back to shiseido for foundation, me thinks.

I don't put a lot of faith in the ability of Mac to match people to foundations- not meaning any offense to anyone who works there, it's just that my own experiences haven't been great. I've generally been matched at NC20 or 25, but I kept noticing that even the NC20 didn't blend well with my neck unless I was quite "tanned". I tried NC15 and it's been a much better match. Always best to make these decisions oneself, I guess.


Well-known member
It's odd that MAC does such a poor job at matching; NARS on the other hand I find the makeup artists are spot-on with foundation matching. (I actually let them pick it out when getting a look done at an event and they always grab the same perfect one :)


Well-known member
In my bedroom it was 26,5C (80F) tonight, so I feel your pain!
When I opened my door this morning, my neighbour came just out of his appartment in nothing than green boxers. He has the body of Danny DeVito, so - ewwwwwwwww!!!

Today it's going to be 36C (100F) over here. I just want to die in this heat. I'm not made for summer.
oh wow!! you're so lucky.... hee hee!
and i hope that the heat isn't too much for you. it has cooled down loads here today and is currently raining too which is good. we needed it!


Well-known member
Why can't it be someone with the appearance of, say, John Barrowman?! That's what I want to know!

It's going to rain tomorrow, apparently - or so the weather forecast tells us... I hope it comes true!


Well-known member
I don't put a lot of faith in the ability of Mac to match people to foundations- not meaning any offense to anyone who works there, it's just that my own experiences haven't been great. I've generally been matched at NC20 or 25, but I kept noticing that even the NC20 didn't blend well with my neck unless I was quite "tanned". I tried NC15 and it's been a much better match. Always best to make these decisions oneself, I guess.
Not being able to get to a MAC counter or store, I've had them send me samples of NW15 and NW20, but whilst NW15 (Studio Sculpt - their recommendation) seems a similar colour to my face, it's still way darker than my neck. Am I right in thinking that your foundation should be the same colour as your neck? I actually tried Manic Panic's white foundation, and was surprised that it was much closer to my neck colour than NW15 was LOL


Well-known member
Pretty much.

After Christmas, I went in for a concealer and knew nothing about matching. She put on NW15 and NW20. With that lighting, NW20 looked good. Then I started realizing that NW20 was way too dark. Same with Sunday when I got my TM at Sephora. Stephanie said Light was the perfect match. Yeah, in the store. I go outside and my face is a hell of a lot darker than my chest and neck. I've seen myself as light skinned, but never really fair. It's kind of odd.


Well-known member
ok it was crazy hot last night! so hot me and hubby slept downstairs because it was a touch cooler! lol!

My fiance and I do that when it's summer. We bring an air mattress into the living room because the air conditioning never seems to reach the bedroom!

rockin, yeah :C I have an account on the mac site and when I go to check out my only option is debit/credit card. no paypal.

Katred, yeah :/ same. I'm tan as is, but the mac foundation makes me look....yellow. and does not match my neck at all. I tried mixing some with moistourizer and putting it on that way and like it much more, since it works more like a tinted moistourizer and gives me a tan glow - but that aside, i dont think i'll be wearing it in its full formula. makes me look like i have a mask on :( it's sad because I went in specifically to get foundation the other day, and now it's not as great. it looked perfect while in store, but at home/outside it's a whole dif. story. must be the bright lights

ssaemblog: nw20 is what i have for concealer, which actually looks pretty good, and by the look of your picture compared to mine, i'm way darker than you are! how did they think nw20 would match you? @-@

so... uh...I have a chemistry test tomorrow. I have not studied for said chemistry test. FML.