Solar Bits... suggestions??


Well-known member
Ok so my husband has put me on a budget.
So I passed up Naughty Nauticals.. and Neo-Sci Fi, but I just couldn't pass up the Solar Bits!! I'm a sucker for neutrals. ANYWAY that's off topic. I bought Black Ore and Sunpower - Both unique and gorgeous. SO Here is my questions.

Yesterday I wore Sunpower over UDPP with a couple other peachy gold shadows and it looked SUPER pretty but at the end of the day I had creasing.
I NEVER have creasing especially with UDPP!! So I thought today I would do a black smokey look with Black Ore.. So I used UDPP + Blacktrack as bases (hello!! when I do a smokey look with blacktrack as a base it DOES NOT budge!!) And thought for sure I was home free. Well by mid day I had CREASES!!! ARGH Not cute especially when you have a smokey eye!! (BTW Black Ore over blacktrack is GORGEOUS I had so many compliements!! Even from my mom who doesn't care for smokey eyes.

Anyway... Anyone have any suggestions?
I used a 239 brush to pat on the solar bits.. and rubbed a little bit with my finger to make sure it wasn't too thick. Should I use a different base? Different brush? Anyone else have this problem and figured it out already?? I need suggestions!!

Ugh thanks for reading my stupidly long post!!
(PS Erine1881 I'm counting on you for some help!!)


Well-known member
Are you sure its the Solar Bits and not your skin since two different bases have done it? I use UDPP as well and I NEVER crease with it, but these last few weeks I have been going through some changes and my skin is a bit oily atm - nothing stops the creasing right now for me, not even UDPP


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Are you sure its the Solar Bits and not your skin since two different bases have done it? I use UDPP as well and I NEVER crease with it, but these last few weeks I have been going through some changes and my skin is a bit oily atm - nothing stops the creasing right now for me, not even UDPP

Yeah.. it's not my skin. I'm drier for the most part I have a little oil on my forehead and nose... I never have oily lids. I use UDPP every day with everything else and never have a creasing problem.. and when I use blacktrack it never creases at all on me. ??

PS LOVE your baby's name!! Have you read the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer??