SOOOO f**king PISSED!!!


Well-known member
That is pretty horrible.....The sad part is maybe your Mom has not gotten pissed off or fed up enough where she won't put up with the treatment from him or his kids any longer. Your mom's boyfriend can only treat her in the manner she allows him to. I know it is hard to see your mom go through it...But your mom has to be the one that is sick and tired enough to put a stop to it.


Well-known member
I am so sorry for what you are going through


Well-known member
oh dear that's horrible. i'm so sorry to hear. she shouldn't worry about what his oldest daughter thinks. it's not a good environment for u or your mom. i hope u guys can find a way out


Well-known member
Wow I would be pissed off too. Actually I would be more than pissed it's more like this
. My mom never put a man before her kids cuz she knew that no man could EVER take her kids place. I think that your mom needs to put her foot down and if he doesnt like it then he can leave. Cuz this is your mom's house not his. And to think that we're the ones that have to push these assholes out yet they treat us like we're nothing. I think she should really do something about it cuz she doesnt deserve this. She has put up with so much CRAP!! I think you should have a talk with your mother about this cuz this is ridicoulous. I wish you luck.


Well-known member
wow this really sucks especially since you cant really say anything because your living in his house. your mom needs to stand up for her self tho and dont let him talk to her like that. your mom should have knocked the fuck outta that kid no lie if that was me and he was talking all that crap it would have been one quick paw pow in the mouth. tell your mom to stand up for her self because if she doesn't his kids will continue walking all over her


Well-known member
Your mother does not deserve to be treated like that at all, and she knows it. Talk to her about why she allows it to happen and try to reason with her. Tell her that you don't like the way that he treats you, her first priority is you (illustrated by her moving you into the bedroom against her boyfriend's wishes). That may snap her out of it. Or maybe it wouldn't, but I think that it is worth a shot. Good luck!


Well-known member
okay your mom doesnt deserve to be treated like that yes. but why is she allowing it just because she has nowhere else to go? that's bull shit! loosing your self respect just for a home is noway for anyone to live! thats not love he does NOT love your mom if he did he would knock his kids sensless for treating and disrespecting her IF he cared! and when you moved into that house your mom shouldnt have had to beg him to let you stay in an EMPTY room. im sorry but you guys need to combine salaries and maybe get an apartment together, im sure it would take a load off financially for the both of you if you guys do it together. because if he call your mom a cunt and disrespect her infront of you and his children he wont be afraid to hit her aswell. verbal abuse is just as bad. your mom needs to wise up and get the fuck outta there.


Well-known member
OMG I am actually angry at this guy and his children. That is the most shocking thing ever to hear.

In no way what-so-ever should your mum be treated like that? Have you spoke to her about this? Is there emergency accommodation you can find out about.

That daughter of his needs a kick into reality, she will get no-where in life treating adults like that.

If I was you, I would have blown at him, he has no right!


Well-known member
What a wanker!! How come some people turn out so badly... Oh yeah - thats how his kids already are...

You just have to persivere with this one and maybe try to get to your own space as soon as you can - and try and take your mum with you. Trouble is people make their own minds up about things and your mum will free herself of this only when/if she is ready.

He is a complete tosser by the sounds of it tho.


Well-known member
this is hurtful i know first hand but everyone and you can get mad and rant against him but your mom is the one who has to get fed up and demand her respect herself. you can tell her all day long but its up to her to strike back to protect her dignity. i know it hurts you like non other. every dog has its day believe me!! as far as your mom saying if she leaves him the daughter wins,look its not about that; its about peace of mind so let him have his crazy azz daughters and retarded son!!!. see my fault i got caught up a minute this stuff caused a flash back in some ways for me!!!
Believe me! Once she stands her ground and command her respect she will win!!
I am praying for peace, and stability to comfort you and mom


Well-known member
Trash like that will always be trash. Get out as soon as you can. This is an emergency state and that is your priority. Revenge and retaliation can come later.

Of course a swift kick in the balls to that boy and his father never hurt you. As for the girl, kill it with fire.

(please don't kill it, lol)


Well-known member
Damn that sucks, its not a pleasant thing to witness from first hand
experience. On top of that little brats that getting away with anything.

I once told my mother, after my dad had a go at her, that if she'd had
sons instead of daughters he would have had his lights punched out.
Luckily they are now divorced. I completely have empathy for how
you feel witnessing your mother get treated like this. Its not right.

At least you are there for your mom & I hope it all works out for you.


Well-known member
Hey there -

I just started beauty school 3 weeks ago now and it is the most fun I have had in a classroom in my life. I love it! So hopefully you can get some real pleasure while your studying to counteract the shitness at home.

I know this is small concellation but when things are bad, the only place they can go is better - so just try and keep in mind that things will improve.

Your mums choice is your mums choice and you don't have to fight her battles for her, just be there for her and give her strength - enjoy your time together and do fun stuff and make sure she enjoys every moment with you and maybe this will help her to understand that life can be pleasant and lovely