Super chapped lips? Found the solution! :)


Well-known member
How can I get my boyfriend to put this on his lips without him knowing the true intention of the product? lol if he hears its for breastfeeding mothers he will never agree


Well-known member
I have this same issue! What I usually do is smother my lips in blistex or vasoline at night then brush it away in the morning. I do need to exfoliate every day. Also, using a lip primer ( like MAC ) before putting on lipstick seems to do the trick. My go to chapstick is babylips and it keeps my lips nice and soft all day :)


Vaseline is meant to protect the skin so it won't get absorbed into the skin. Also bees wax can also be drying, that's why if you ever noticed you buy burts bees that you apply it more that could be why. I recently started using the silver Chapstick brand. It's ultra hydrating and stays on really well, I use it every time I go to bed and it stays on until the morning!


Active member
The Lansinoh is the best. I promise. You'll never use anything else after. I've been using it under matte formulas and it helps with those as well