The 44th President Obama!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru

hmmmm... Mrs. Clinton as Secretary of State eh? I like the idea but I don't, lol. I honestly feel like they would clash with each other more than aid each other. They seem to share the same goals for the country but offer some differing yet aggressive strategies. IMO she tends to take good ideas and run way to far with them making them almost impractical. But seeing how Obama is aggressive in his right, I feel like this could make either a very good or a very bad team

I do not think she has the personality to be Secretary of State, TBH. I think it is a position that has transformed and now requires a much more geniality than she seems to have.


Well-known member
I'm watching the Obama's on 60 minutes and I keep thinking Michelle's makeup is soooooooo pretty!!! :) Alright, I'll actually listen to what they are saying now.


Well-known member
I was checking out her makeup too
She looked nice..

They are so cute together, I love them
Can't wait until they are in the white house, such a lovely family!


Well-known member
So it's official I believe. Hillary Clinton HAS been offered the Secretary of the State position and is taking a few days to think it over.

Haha, think it over? I would be very surprised if that woman's quest for power will let her turn down this position. Ah, let's see if she can perhaps learn a bit more finesse before entering the position.