"The devil made me do it"


Well-known member
Andrea Yates was the wacko that drowned all of her children, then put them all in bed. Susan Smith was the wackso that strapped her kids into their seatbelts and drove them into a lake because he boyfriend didn't like/want kids.

I honestly do not buy that Yates was in a state of psychosis when she drown her children. In many studies it states, complete psychosis only last for short periods of time and the person experiencing the psychosis can not focus enough to do what Yates did. Yates actually RAN her children down in the house, chased them around, drowned each child individually, then put them in their PJS and laid them all in bed, as if they were sleeping.

A person is a state of psychosis would drown one kid, go off talk to the refrigerator for a minute, have a moment of clarity, see what they have done and completley and totally freak out, calling for help, etc. You can google Andrea Yates 911 call after she murdered her children. She is very calm and unemotional saying she needs police to come, she wouldn't say what she had done just that police should come.

I know you weren't asking me but many people blame Yates husband because he was against birthcontrol and wanted his wife to produce many children, ignoring the fact that she was exhausted and POSSIBLY suffering PPD.

Andrea Yates was actually roommates with a woman named Dena Schlosser...Dena, murdered her 11 month old daughter but cutting off the childs arms and "offering them to god". Dena has spent less than 4 years in a mental hospital and was RELEASED to OUTPATIENT care. What the fuck is wrong with this countries system?


Well-known member
My god...I just threw up after reading this...it's absolutely sickening to think that someone could do something so awful...PP depression, psychosis, I don't care...it's sick, disgusting, and wrong.

Goddamnit...I'm being treated (and have been, for a few years) for bipolar disorder, and had to stop taking my meds while I was pregnant (just the first trimester), and then again while I was breastfeeding...I made sure my OB was aware of my mental health, I made sure my Psych. was aware that I was pregnant...I did what I had to do to make sure I was in a good mental state for my baby. I KNEW I had a mood disorder...and that it makes you more susceptible to PP depression/psychosis, but I had the people closest to me keeping an eye out for me, in case I started acting or speaking in a way that was even SLIGHTLY out of character. I did what I had to do while I was still "sane" to make sure that even if I wound up going through PPP, someone would get me the help I needed, and keep my son safe.
I thought ALL of that stuff through while I was still pregnant and on my medication, because I was concerned about PP issues, and I knew I couldn't live with myself if I ever tried to do anything to my son. If this woman gave a SHIT about that poor innocent child, she would've taken whatever precautions were necessary to ensure his safety...and hell...if the other people in her life knew about her pre-existing mental issues, they should've done what they had to do to protect that baby, too.
This is CRAP. I'm so damn tired of hearing and reading about parents hurting/mutilating/killing their children...it's sickening! I mean, my god...my son decided he was going to try and scoot around my bed, and wound up falling before I could catch him, and after he went to sleep for the night, I cried for a good 5 minutes because I felt like shit about letting my baby fall! How could someone purposely hurt their kid??? What is wrong with people??? I'm not an advocate of the death penalty for these people...it's too quick and painless...forget that crap. Have them publicly drawn and quartered...that might be a little more appropriate.
*sigh* Sorry for the rant...I needed to get that out, though...


Well-known member
The devil made me do it.

What a convenient way to absolve one's self of responsibility.


Well-known member
Oh, it must be so easy believing in the devil. You get to blame every little thing wrong in the world on him.


Well-known member
So disturbing.. But she's obviously mentally ill. The article states she was in and out of the psych ward. A normal, functioning person doesn't eat her childs brain or thinks the devil is telling her to do something so heinous and horrific. I feel sorry for her and her family, she needs some extensive psychological help. A woman in her right mind would NEVER do that.

Her last name is Sanchez.. The Latin culture (the majority of us anyway) finds children and family so wonderful and important, that's not normal at all. (And before someone says it, I'm not implying any other culture thinks it's normal to kill their children