The Real World: Hollywood


Active member
I think Joey's the male version of a "butterface".




Well-known member
umm, this is kinda off topic but do yall remember Jamie from San Diego? Shes gonna be in a mini series called Samurai Girl, i saw the commercial for it during Secret Life of the american teen... Good for her! i always liked her, shes really cute and seems like a good actress...


Well-known member
Never heard of Samurai Girl. I'm assuming Jamie is the asian girl? :/

Has anyone heard any of Brianna's songs off her album??? Som of her songs are on Youtube and I listened to them. She's good and good enough to be successful.

But personally, I'm not THAT impressed. I feel like her voice isn't very strong and that she pushes and strains her voice a bit too much. But there are really beautiful parts in her songs. I'm kind of a harsh critic. :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizzbeba
If my boyfriend ever came home with his hair done the way Joey does his, I'd kindly wash it with a quickness.

My mom can't stand his hair, either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LuckyGirl3513
umm, this is kinda off topic but do yall remember Jamie from San Diego? Shes gonna be in a mini series called Samurai Girl, i saw the commercial for it during Secret Life of the american teen... Good for her! i always liked her, shes really cute and seems like a good actress...

I thought that was her! Also, another sidebar....but do they have any kinda limit on how many challenges/gauntlets you can do? I saw Mike from new NYC and was like c'mon long do you need to do this???? But I can't wait to see the MIZ...I even try to catch him when my son watches wrestling


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pretebrowneyes
I thought that was her! Also, another sidebar....but do they have any kinda limit on how many challenges/gauntlets you can do? I saw Mike from new NYC and was like c'mon long do you need to do this???? But I can't wait to see the MIZ...I even try to catch him when my son watches wrestling

Yeah isnt that crazy! Heres some more info on it.. Dont yall think shes looking better than she did on real world? Not to mention a total bad ass...

And yeah, there seems like there should be a limit but i swear some people have been on like 15 gauntlets... i mean, do they have real jobs?