The Twitter Thread - post all here


Well-known member
Re: Anyone have Twitter?

I do. Mine is: Laura Cimino (lalubell) on Twitter


Well-known member
Re: Anyone have Twitter?

I'm Jenn_97

add me and lmk your from specktra, I'm gonna try to go thru and add everyone in this thread

I finally caved in and decided to set up a Twitter account but it seems that Twitter is not working. Is it just my computer or is the site down?


Well-known member
Re: Twitter?

The site goes certain times of the day from the amount of people that use twitter!

How do you like twitter so far?
Re: Twitter?

Well I haven't been able to register
I said- Okay I'm going to do it, went to the site but the darn thing won't load. I wasn't sure if it had something to do with my connection or the site itself. I thought- there's no way TWITTER could go down! You answered my question! I'll let you know how I like it once I am able to register.

How do you or anyone else like twitter?


Well-known member
Re: Twitter?

Haha. I LOVE twitter! I'm a complete twitter addict, if I had texting.. oh man oh man my twitter would probably be spammed! hahahaha
Re: Twitter?

Well I joined and a bunch of spammers added me. At least I think they are spammers. I'm not really looking to talk to sexy girls
Well except for you all! ha


Well-known member
Re: Twitter?

Originally Posted by lookinlovely
Well I joined and a bunch of spammers added me. At least I think they are spammers. I'm not really looking to talk to sexy girls
Well except for you all! ha

ahaha it happed to me too! I started to deleting them, but they are always coming so, I don't care anymore xD


Well-known member
Re: Twitter?

twitter is weird on my computer. Sometimes I can't get on it and sometimes I have to refresh a million times before I see updates.
I think it's because it's so popular that it crashes. Twitter has a lot of glitches and bugs but I love it. I use it more like a blog than a "social network".