for me its when ur BF complains that i look at makeup too much and dont spend time with him cuase im constantly "looking at stupid makeup" (specktra) lol soo addicted!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pnk85
13. When you have more than 3 windows open and they are all on Specktra

Lol. Always!!

- When your idea of socialising is to post on 30+ threads on one day.


Well-known member
when your little brother asks you to take him to vons so he can cash his coins to buy iron maiden tickets and then yells out you because you didnt take him, cuz you were on SPECKTRA! lol

(he didnt end up buying them lol)


Well-known member
When you secretly search the site hour after hour and act like you're working...With a little window up so your boss doesn't notice.

And when you should have started the project hours ago, and you keep putting it off because you're more interested in FOTDs!

So sad. I wish I never found this site because I'm seriously addicted. It's my crack


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
oh you guys are so funny. and true

I said MSF to the A at MAC and she's like............

You know you're obsessed with specktra when you daydream about being on when you're not. If you haven't gotten on in a day or two you feel lost.

I go to work and think about how I'm going to go home and snuggle up...with specktra!

LMAO i did the SAME thing to a MAC MA!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovelyweapon
LMAO i did the SAME thing to a MAC MA!

LoL I said "I have one of the MSF's...." Then I saw her face was blank and said "....mineralize skinfinish" lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pnk85
13. When you have more than 3 windows open and they are all on Specktra

This is so me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pnk85
13. When you have more than 3 windows open and they are all on Specktra

I disagree. I have at least 5 windows open and they are all specktra. And then my computer strts running slow. But I just can't help it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mrheine
when the 30 seconds between searches are the longest of your life!

haha! soo true!

when you can't start the day without checking the "New Posts" to see if you missed anything while you were sleeping. lol. (don't know if someone mentioned this already)


Well-known member
Bookmarked Specktra on the toolbar for quick access.

Always look at the greetings section (top right) to see if anyone sent a message(s).

You know more about the upcoming collections than the MAs themselves!

SO TRUE about saying MSFs to MA then have to explain "mineralized skinfinish"?!

Spend hours surfing Specktra until early next morning (more like 3am-5am) then you decide to go to sleep.. hehe

Sisters yelling for me to go eat dinner while typing this up or just reading the new posts on Specktra... Like what's happening right NOW! hahaha

Originally Posted by Babylard
6. you browse the clearance bin every single day, hoping to find those darn discontinued goodies or just for a great find/deal. (i finally found northern lights and light flush whooooot!)

7. you are always checking to see who has thanked you and revisited the post to see if anyone has made any references to you.

So agreed! hahaha I see you're reading my reference to you now, so "HELLO!!!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by runninggirl05
for me its when ur BF complains that i look at makeup too much and dont spend time with him cuase im constantly "looking at stupid makeup" (specktra) lol soo addicted!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
When every time you put on makeup, you think "I should post this on Specktra."

When one of your "Things To Do" is to get around to posting updated pics of your makeup collection.

When you are taking pics of your makeup collection!!

When you don't do makeup (professionally) but ramble off various products to others, leaving them wondering, "What the hell?!?"

OMG! When you say/hear something informative in real life and wish you had a "Thanks" button.

HAHA the last one for me! I keep thinking, I wish you had a thanks button whenever someone tells me something useful or does something for me! Especially on other forums, I like to browse asianbeautyblog and I keep subconciously looking for a thanks button.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
Spend hours surfing Specktra until early next morning (more like 3am-5am) then you decide to go to sleep.. hehe

yup! or 6am or 7... i've actually done that recently.... damn insomnia


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AmberLilith
yup! or 6am or 7... i've actually done that recently.... damn insomnia

oooooh dang. It's 6am RIGHT NOW. I think I've been on specktra since like.... 11pm?? you guys are killin me!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AmberLilith
yup! or 6am or 7... i've actually done that recently.... damn insomnia

I've also done the very same but have to cut down now since I work more than 10hrs and mostly physical work so I need my sleep. *sighs*


Well-known member
I find myself up late at night browsing this site! And I find that many times if I want makeup advice I turn to Specktra instead of asking the MUAs I know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
LoL I said "I have one of the MSF's...." Then I saw her face was blank and said "....mineralize skinfinish" lol.

That is so awesome! This happens a lot to me when a new product comes out that I read about on Specktra and I go ask the MUAs at MAC for it and they don't understand what I"m talking about. One of them even said to me that I know the names of the products more than she does. All this I learned at Specktra.