Three Essential Brushes Poll


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If I were shipwrecked on a desert island I sunblock would be number one priority

Brushes umm

187 - we all know why.
272 - for packing on colour and blending
266 - for lining and my brows.


Well-known member
I am shipwrecked in the Mediterranean... between hot make-out sessions with the Greek God I found on the island, I do my makeup. The brushes I have are:

- 219. So versatile, great for contouring and lining.
- 275. Great for blending, applying, packing on colour. I love this thing.
- 187. Because this brush makes me go from simple to stunning in two seconds flat.



Well-known member
hmm...187 (multi-use face)
217 (blender, concealer, application of eye color/base)
and...219 (crease, outer corner, smudging, + lash line)


Well-known member
face - 187 (this is a no brainer)
eyes - 217 (it multitasks)
other - 208 (fluidlines and brows)


Well-known member
Here's my pick:

Face: 187 brush. No questions asked. I'm pretty sure the locals in the island I am stranded on will adore this brush too!

Eyes: 217. (Er, I'm torn between the 217 and the 224
). This is good for highlighting (both the browbone and inner corner), applying e/s as a wash, creasework, blending.

Other: 182. Love this as much as I love my 187. Awesome for foundation. Besides, if I get too lonely, I can just sit on the shore and pet my 182 brush!


Face: 187 for blush/foundation
Eye: 182 Kabuki for powder and MSFs
Other: 219 for eyeshadow/contouring and lining.


Well-known member
Damn. I suck at any kind of poll which limits my makeup usage!!!

1. #266-Liner, brows, lip
2. #259-I could do a whole eye with that and shade the outer v w/ #266 mentioned above
3. #109-Good for contouring, liquid foundation, powder, blush

Oh, wait. What's this? How about that! I happened to have a #182 in my pocket when the ship went down! Oh thank God. Now I don't have to choose one face brush. Yeah, so I guess I have 4 brushes.

Well, it is a fantasy and all....


Well-known member
187 - perfect for msfs and blush!
266 - makes lining oh so easy
182 - love! I don't know how I lived without it for so long =)


Well-known member
i'll have 187 for the face, 217 for the eyes and 219 for lining & smudging as well as defining the brow in this scenario.


I guess I'll have to be slightly different and go with:
- face #188
- eyes #272 does everything from packing on the lid to crease and blending
- other #266 lining and brows


Well-known member
Face (blush, powder): 129
Eyes: 242 (very versatile can apply both pigments and e/s)
187 (ha...only cause this is so expensive


Well-known member
109 & 208....and that's about it (if I absolutely had to pick an eye brush, I'd go with the 239)

I've gotten to the point were that if I'm not working, I don't wear anything but face stuff, brows, eyeliner & mascara.


I just went on vacation for 10 days. these are the brushes I brought with me.

Face: 187 and 182 (for mineral foundation)
Eyes: 217 (for shadow and blending), 242 (blending) and 266 (for fluidline)


Well-known member
face - 182 kabuki
eye - 224 i just love this is truly multipurpose!
187 - cheeks and MSFs

i can't live without any of these brushes