Tipping your MAC MA?


Well-known member
I thought we were not allowed to accept tips due to security and loss prevention... i.e. keeping money on our person could look like we have pinched from the till?

I'm gonna find out if we are allowed...


Well-known member
Yes, where on the web do we send the compliment on the website. I had extremely good service and had intended to write but if the website is the best place, I want to write it there. The MA totally went above and beyond when I had a little mix-up and to this day will always come up to me and smile and remembers my name. Even my dh is impressed with her awesome service and friendliness.


Well-known member
I tip my MA whenever he does a makeover. I've never been told otherwise, so I'll keep doing so unless it'll get him in trouble. It's at a Macy's MAC counter, I don't know if that makes a difference. Usually an extra 10 in return for the time and help.


Well-known member
We're allowed to accept tips, this was at the Pro store I worked in. Im not sure how it is at other locations, but at this specific one, we were allowed to.


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A few weeks ago it was SUPER busy and I did SO many applications on the three days of the weekend. I got over $40 in tips and guess where it went? Hello Kitty. That's why I almost have the entire collection along with my gratis. xD


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Originally Posted by GreekChick
I understand it's company policy to not accept tips, but it's something I can't understand.
When you go to a club, and ask for a beer, the only thing a bartender will do is pop the bottle open, and even then they expect to be tipped.
As mentionned above, it's always better to receive good comments, however if a bartender can get tipped, why shouldn't a person doing a full-hour makeup?

I agree with ya completely!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
I thought we were not allowed to accept tips due to security and loss prevention... i.e. keeping money on our person could look like we have pinched from the till?

I'm gonna find out if we are allowed...

we accept tips at my counter. i'm in a macy's.


Well-known member
We're not allowed to
I'm in a Macy's in Cali...but I have been offered a few times, which was nice


Well-known member
I've never had a fantastic experience with a MAC MUA. (At the counter I go to, most don't seem to want to be bothered, and others are confused about which colors go with my skintone.) I'll remember this thread in the future, however, if I ever encounter a fantastic MUA -- I'll send a compliment through the website.


Well-known member
I know my store takes tip but we are a freestanding store. I've accepted tips at other counters though when I was on the freelance team. But tips are nice, but I do also want to encourage you gals to take a moment to write in about your fave ma at your store/counter. I know at my store, it is a huge deal. Plus a lot of times you get a free goodie as well.


Well-known member
The first time I got a full-face makeup application, the MUA seemed pretty nice. She was introducing all these new MAC products to me that I have never used before. I was planning on buying a quad that day so she used the colors in the quad to show me a nice smokey look. She put false lashes on me and use many other products such as fix +, paint pots, etc. I think she assumed I was gonna purchase most of the things she used on me but I only ended up getting two of eyeshadows. After she heard that, she got a bit upset and her attitude changed completely. Before she got upset, I was actually going to tip her because I loved what she did on my eyes but good thing I didn't because her attitude at the end just made me feel !#$@#%@#.


Well-known member
They're not allowed to accept at my local counter, DirtyPlum got the reasons spot on it's for honesty, loss prevention, security purposes etc here. I work in the same department store and they spell it out in massive letters that none of us can accept any gifts whether it be money or chocolate or anything like that. It's a shame really because some MAs have been so lovely and helpful to me that I'd like to give something in return to boost there day.

I like the idea of writing though - I'm sure if Head Office received a letter complimenting MAs at a certain location there would be rewards involved for them. I keep meaning to write about my local Lush as well, they are lovely in there.


I never even thought to tip!

I'd just assumed what I spent on product would go towards their sales requirements. I will definitely call the 1-800 number to let them know about my favorite MAs though!! I also need to find out if they can accept tips. Oops!


Well-known member
when i started shopping at MAC with my face MUA. i asked her and she said no! So i usually buy her lunch since i work in the mall as well! i also write to the website about how great she is!


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Originally Posted by shabdebaz
I've never heard of not being allowed to accept tips. We get tipped all the time. We, of course, don't expect one, but it's nice when we get one. I don't think the customer is ever expected to tip since they are usually making a significant purchase. That's why anyone out there who complains about the $50 purchase...keep in mind that that is a pretty awesome deal. At a salon or something, you don't get any product for your money and you are definitely expected to tip.

I work for MAC as well and I've never heard of being not allowed to accept tips, it's an unspoken of thing because technically tips should go onto our paycheques and should be taxed, but we've always been allowed, at my store!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
When we get a compliment on the website that's a BIG DEAL! It's read by all our managers, trainers and regional manager too. It really helps when it comes time to reviews and stuff. It's really hard to get people to do them though because they honestly just forget when they get home.

If it's any incentive though they usually send you something for free haha. Always write a compliment for your MA if you had a good experience.

Awwweee I love getting compliments through the website. A girl that I met through work, who was a regular customer of mine, was talking with me about passing on good words to my manager about me and so I suggested she just sent an email if she really wanted to do that, I wonder if she actually did it and I'm really excited to find out!!