Too obese to bear the consequences of the breaking the law...?


Well-known member
we dont have capital punishment here. i wish we did for peados and murderers though. one thing i dont really agree with is how long inmates stay on death row for...he did the murders in 1986 and 22years later he gets exucuted? i dunno it just seems weird to me that they would lock someone up for 22years first. all the money that went into keeping him alive (food, medical bills) could of gone towards something alot better

and as for him saying it was inhumane for him...OMG how can he even say that with a straight face. what about those girls?! he didnt care about them so why should anyone care about him. and its DISGUSTING they gave him ALL that food... i mean come on t-bone steak!!! wtf why does he deserve that! they should feed inmates basic food.

also i disagree other inmates should do it...some of them are murders so might enjoy it and they wouldnt even know how to do it money would be wasted on training them.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Inmates stay on death row for so long, because they keep trying to overturn the sentence. The legal portion is why it's so expensive.


Well-known member
what a poor excuse. Sooo with the high % of obese people in the US he thinks the doctor who will inject him doesn´t have the experience to find a decent vein in his arm? lol
Calling this inhumane is silly coming from somebody like him


Originally Posted by TISH1127
You know what...I will accept all hate mail ....But if you can take a life for no apparant should be willing to give yours...If they can't find your veins through the obese wrist and arms......I will gladly come and help them find the right spot too slit your throat at!

I couldn't agree more. One of my college professors once set us a debate question asking "Why do we kill people to show that killing people is wrong?", but I think the better question is why do we use tax payer money to keep these low life scumbags alive for so long so they are allowed to waste more time and more money on appeals that will never go anywhere. Right or wrong, that money could go towards education, or low income housing, or any number of things that America REALLY needs rather than one fat guy on death row eating his way through my tax money.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nc79chick
I couldn't agree more. One of my college professors once set us a debate question asking "Why do we kill people to show that killing people is wrong?", but I think the better question is why do we use tax payer money to keep these low life scumbags alive for so long so they are allowed to waste more time and more money on appeals that will never go anywhere. Right or wrong, that money could go towards education, or low income housing, or any number of things that America REALLY needs rather than one fat guy on death row eating his way through my tax money.

I agree! Actually I would think life in prison (for sex offenders for example, we all hear how they are treated in prison) is a bigger punishment than death sentence.
Think about all that money a prisoner costs the state, what if he lives to be 80 years old and needs all kinds of medical treatment? I don´t think death sentence is necessarily the best "punishment" option or that it´s right (after all the US is being criticized for still having the death penalty) but it for sure isn´t right to waste a cent on a psychopath murderer´s life

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Not that I'm entirely against the death penalty, but it's occasionally a good thing that we don't send some people to death immediately. IIRC, a few cases have had death row inmates cleared because of DNA or other evidence showing up later.

However, I think for cases that are more cut and dry, it is ridiculous to keep them there so long. I think it's also ridiculous to feed them that well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banjobama
You said it. I also will accept hate mail! I'm pro death penalty and pro choice. Someone who does something like that guy did no longer has rights at all, in my eyes. Like someone else posted, I don't believe that sex offenders can be fully rehabilitated, something is wrong with them, and it kind of proves it that in his sick brain, getting fat would be enough to escape the death penalty, and calling his jailers inhumane would get him some kind of sympathy.

Imagine how much more money teachers could get paid, for instance, if sick, fucked up men like this one weren't fed, clothed, and housed for absolutely no reason. I'm not religious but if there is a hell, that guy is in it.

Can you clearify this? Im by no means trying to be mean but it just kind of bothers me that you brought up being pro choice and put it in the same category as pro death penalty. Im just a little confused as to how being pro choice pertains to this paticular conversation, unless you're just trying to re-iterate that you have a liberal viewpoint on touchy issues.
Just wondering!

With that being said, im not pro death penalty.... i dont think anyone has the right to take the life of someone else, but i by no means feel BADLY for these mother fuckers. They are heinous pieces of shit... i just wish there was a way that they could spend their lives getting tacks shoved down their finger nails or something. But with that being said, if anyone ever did something to my son, I would probably want them to die too.

I guess... in a really odd way, I dont think its RIGHT that people feel like they can take the lives of other people (I personally just believe it's God's right to take a life.) But I do think that they deserve to die. slow and painfull deaths. If that makes sense.

I guess- I wish that they would die by some random horrible act, than have another human being take their life with intention of killing them for a specific reason. There, I think that makes more sense.


Well-known member
We have ultrasounds to find veins to start IVs on even the most rediculously obese person. Obese people go to the hospital too....and they need IV's. We had a woman who was over 1300 pounds and we got an IV in her! I regularly have this pt who weighs close to a grand in pounds and we get IVs in him for drip diuretics so he can breathe.....


Well-known member
We use ultrasounds to find deep veins. Lots of people have burned out veins from chemo, or really deep veins.


Active member
The finality of putting someone to death is just too much. Nothing is 100% but executing someone is. The point of the death penalty was to deter crime, however, they have shown that it doesn't do anything to help deterrence.

Besides, you spend more on inmates on death row than you do on the ones that are just in general population. You have to shell out the bucks to keep them happy because they have nothing to lose.

Personally, I think it's a worse fate to languish the rest of your life in jail.

Just my opinion, though.


Well-known member
I'd like to know why he got to wait 20 years, fat and happy, in a jail cell sucking up the taxpayers money. If he's convicted and getting the death sentence, DO IT, don't lollygag around about it.

I loathe our justice system in a lot of ways. Too obese? Oh, wait, who's fault is that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Not that I'm entirely against the death penalty, but it's occasionally a good thing that we don't send some people to death immediately. IIRC, a few cases have had death row inmates cleared because of DNA or other evidence showing up later.

However, I think for cases that are more cut and dry, it is ridiculous to keep them there so long. I think it's also ridiculous to feed them that well.

that is a valid point. it would be so horrible for the wrong person to be exucuted