Transit shooting


Well-known member - Shooting Protesters Rally At BART Headquarters

Not sure if this has been posted ....If so Mods please merge

About the guy that was shot and killed on the transit by the cop.....

They are saying they think the officer thought he was pulling his traser out of his holster but instead pulled his gun and shot and killed the dude...while he was face down on the ground...

They have it all on video...It is crazy!!

I just watched it on soon as he shot him he grabbed his face like OMG what did I just do...

WOW!! Talking about a hell of a mistake!


Well-known member
How sad


Well-known member
^ I know when I heard it on CNN it stopped me dead in my tracks...Just imagine if those people at the transit had not been filming it with their camera phones...I am sure the truth would have been so far from the truth!


Well-known member
Its so sad when stuff like this happens. I have friends that are cops and feel this was uncalled for and that mistakes like this can happen so easily. Especially when your put into unpredictable situations. I feel so bad for his family and friends.


Well-known member
Fucked. Up.

He should be held accountable for ending someones life. Accident or no.


Well-known member
I've just heard on the news that the cop has been forced to quit his job but he has not been arrested yet... how shocking!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursee81
Its so sad when stuff like this happens. I have friends that are cops and feel this was uncalled for and that mistakes like this can happen so easily. Especially when your put into unpredictable situations. I feel so bad for his family and friends.

Are you serious? "Mistakes like this can happen so easily"...really...The young man was face down with his hands behind his back AND not resisting arrest, he was also unarmed...What's uncalled for? The anger and hostility from the community? Of course they are angry. What's uncalled for and UNACCEPTABLE is an officer making that kind of mistake.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
Are you serious? "Mistakes like this can happen so easily"...really...The young man was face down with his hands behind his back AND not resisting arrest, he was also unarmed...What's uncalled for? The anger and hostility from the community? Of course they are angry. What's uncalled for and UNACCEPTABLE is an officer making that kind of mistake.

just because he's handcuffed doesn't mean he can't still be combative. i've seen alot of bodily harm done to cops by detained subjects. in that instance, it's standard procedure in most departments to use pepper spray or deploy your taser. it's also standard procedure to carry your taser and sidearm on opposite sides of your duty belt to ensure that this kind of thing doesn't happen.

mistakes like this can happen easily. if you've never been in the situation that officer was at the time, you can't say that you'd have handled it any differently. the media hasn't released the full dispatch text of the call, nor did anyone film the events leading up to the shooting. it's real easy to place the blame on the cop, but what if the man was threatening him? what if he said he had a weapon? why didn't he cooperate in the first place? what if he was smacked up on pcp and was being agressive?


Well-known member
Yes I believe as well if it hadnt been recorded the real truth would have been skewed! This is absolutely without question ridiculous! He should have had his sides color coded so his brain wouldnt have gotten them "mixed" up. This mistake(which is totally ludicrous to me) just doesnt seem it shouldve been so "easy" to make. Just didnt seem like there was enough "scrambling" upon the realization of shooting a restrained unarmed man.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
and the guy was black... OF COUSE. *rolls eyes*

i don't think that has anything to do with it, to be entirely honest.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
mistakes like this can happen easily. if you've never been in the situation that officer was at the time, you can't say that you'd have handled it any differently.

Amen. It is SO easy to Monday morning quarterback when something happens with cops or in combat. There is no way to understand the things happening in those kind of situations until you've actually experienced them.

Unfortunately, sometimes accidents really do happen. Not every single thing has to be intentional. We can never prevent every single thing that could possibly go wrong. It's definitely possible that something COULD have been prevented here, from the start to the end, on the sides of both parties. Until there is a full investigation and a full sequence of events, I'm not ready to call for this police officer's head.

A video of part of a situation is a terrible way to make a full evaluation.

Oh! I LOVE how some of the people protesting this violence have ZERO problem getting violent and destroying other people's property themselves. Jackasses.


Well-known member
Well I hope one of these easy mistakes doesn't happy to anyone else or any one of my children.... And they do have video before the shooting and leading up to and after the shooting.... I think taking someones life unnecessarily no matter what the situation is pretty damned fucked up! Especially when there are several cops to this one UNARMED 22 year old young man who was already secured face down with his hands behind his back. Policer officer of not the shit was WRONG! and I am not a cop hater or supporter just a person on the side of right from wrong....and I am sure the $$$ million dollar lawsuit his parents have filled will be won...and settled out of court...because I am willing to bet they will accept the responsibility that this was completely the cops fault... Perfect case of trigger happy...and if it was a mistake...shame on him for allowing it to happen and not looking in his hand or feeling the difference between a taser and a gun...maybe more basic training is required .


Well-known member
District attorney's statement

"What I feel the evidence indicates is an unlawful killing done by an intentional act," Orloff said.
"From the evidence we have, there's nothing that would mitigate that to something lower than a murder," he added. "The murder charge was the appropriate charge given the state of the evidence."

I agree!


Well-known member
He shot a man that was face down on the ground, not resisting arrest. I don't give a shit if the victim was threatening to kill his entire damn family....YOU DO NOT PULL OUT YOUR GUN AND SHOOT HIM!!!

The Officer in question *RESIGNED* rather than cooperate with the DA on the investigation.

I cannot believe it is even a *QUESTION* of whether or not this was an appropriate response. I am shocked.