Trucco Makeover Before & After Pics


Well-known member
Wow!! You did awesome job!! I wanna turorial of that hair! It looks amazing!!! I love your makeup too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SumtingSweet beautiful and sophisticated. I love it! I see the line in Trade Secret but shades are always missing and the display just looks neglected. I need to find a salon that carried this stuff!

On a side note : Aren't there 9 shades of foundation or something? Do you know if they can be mixed together easily and customized that way? I'm on a foundation hunt again lol

You could mix the found. to get a customized shade.

If everyone is wondering how i did my hair its actually plain simple than u think. Section the hair from ear to ear and clip it out of your way. That piece will be last. then at the crown area, section an upside down triangle. that will be the second part. then tie up the rest to a high and tight pony tail where the pie shape iswothout tying the pie shape. take the pie shape and make a floating loop then blend in with the pony tail making several loops around it with the hanging hairs. NOTE: every section i sprayed heavily with sebastion mega hold spray to keep it in place and bobby and hair pins to hold it. last part.. takes / section make a loop then alternate with \ section as you reach the end make a poof on your bangs and blend the /and \ sections onto bangs. its complicate to literally write and explain but so easy to show so as soon as i have time to take pictures step by step i will be happy to post them. I'm glad you guys enjoy my creations. I'll keepp u updated as soon as i have time. Thanks.


Well-known member
you look great! I love love love love trucco skintones's amazing! i'm tone 4 usually but i need a new shade since I got darker haha. expensive but worth it IMO


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
I agree this is beatiful! how do u contour?

Contour: To bring out favorite features of the face by hiding the dislike features using a shade or two darker than natural skin tone.

Contouring the jawline and neck line give you a nice feature if your trying to work on that double chin... simply contouring it is a quick fix without geting a face lift.

Also contouring around the face gives you the ideal facial shape which is oval makeing the face look flawless.

Contouring the bridge of the nose for those who want a taller appealing nose or anyone who wants to enhance their nose for a day without cosmetic surgey doing that will also enhance facial features.

Hopes that answers your questions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mia88
Your hair is hot daaaammn awesome! DId you do that by yourself? that is so amazing!! Petals sectioned randomly or did you have a special technique?

If your talking about my color or updo, yes both of it was randomly sectioned. i kinda justgo along with it as i pin each section. it took me only 15 minutes and a whole lotta hairspray! lol

For my color it wasn't a day's process.. making my hair look unique can be a challenge sometimes when i'm designing new sections placements for my hair. in order to get vibrant colors it was a two process step of bleach and then letting my hair breath a week or two to aplly toner to get a white color so my colors can look super vibrant. then i top it off with special fx. Absolutley love that product!!! 3millions times better then manic panic!! or any other semi permenant brand!!!!!!!


Well-known member
you are very talented and you look beautiful
btw i am very happy that at last i found someone who also loves turcco i have papparazzi glitter palette from all over sparkle collection and angel face palette from holographic colour collection they are both amazing


Active member
LOVE that lipstick colour on you. I've been meaning to try out a dark red, but it's hard when I'm so pale. I'm envious! And your hair.. oh my. Some of the most interesting I've ever seen!


Well-known member
i lurveeeeee your hair~ but i am sucha retard cause i don't get your instructions at all~ you're a sweetheart none the less~ cause i am sure others will get it~