two FOTD's for me. (one for today, one for sat at the wedding i went to)


Well-known member
That looks awesome, Victoria! Wow I can't believe the red hair colour has already washed out so much, bummer. Oh well, you can always get it done again. Love the 1st makeup pic a lot, looks great.


Well-known member
I loooove your first pic your eyes look gorgeous with golds! And your hair colour and cut is so nice!


Well-known member
ah i love it! all of it! the makeup, the hair, your eyes, everything. and i freakin' adore your labret piercing


Well-known member
Oh yeah! EVERYTHING about this is gorgeous!!!!!!

It's not fair when a wedding guest outshines the bride

LOVE the hair...If the color is correct on my monitor, that looks like almost the same color my hair is...The colored chunks looks WONDERFUL w/ the blonde color. The makeup is beautiful...Your eyes are beautiful...

You're just...................BEAUTIFUL!


Well-known member
awww thanks y'all.

and i can assure you, i did not outshine the bride.
here's a photo of us at the reception. i got chilly and put on a black sweater and put my hair back in a pony tail.
This was the first time I've seen Richelle, the bride, with any make up on or her hair done up. she's as natural as it gets. a natural beauty though. when i first saw her before she walked down the isle, i cried!! hahah



Well-known member
i LOVE your hair, even though you said it was dulled down. it's still super nice. i wish i could pull something like that off, but my hair's black