Urban Decay Eyeshadow Must Haves!


Well-known member
Ladies, I'm a total UD virgin. I need to know what are the stand out eyeshadows. Also, if there are any UD that are Dupes to MAC, because I don't want anything like I already have. Thanks.
(sorry if this topic has been done, I searched and didn't find anything.)


Well-known member
that one I knew I wouldn't get, because I have Black tied, and also from nars Night Clubbing, Night Fever, and Night Porter. I think I have enough black sparkly e/s to last five lifetimes! I want midnight cowboy rides again, and they are always out at sephora.com.


Well-known member
I love Midnight Cowboy Rides again! I got it for my sister in the little skull case which has 9 shadows I think.. The colors weren't that similar to MAC's, because some of the shadows have so much glitter. But they are a good value as you can get 9 shadows for $34!


Well-known member
Based on the HUGE variety of MAC colors, any UD has a pretty close match to a MAC color. I simply have a lot of UD ones because I can get them from Sephora when I need to get my order to the $75. Although, I will say that UD has more glitters and shimmers than MAC, at least IMO.


Well-known member
That's very true, there is a mac dupe for pretty much anything. I just want to try some of the more outrageous ones, the more shimmer and glitter the better! And I want to get Peace, Graffiti, and Honey from the Deluxe collection.


Well-known member
I haven't tried the deluxe ones yet, but shotgun is my favorite pink/rose e/s ever. There aren't any mac clones for it.


Well-known member
I recently bought Midnight Cowboy and I think it's OK. The only other UD shadow I have is Mowie Wowie. Whenever I apply Midnight Cowboy ALL of the glitter ends up everywhere except my eyelids... Mowie Wowie doesn't do that as much.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RedBetty
And I want to get Peace, Graffiti, and Honey from the Deluxe collection.

Those are exactly the ones I'm interested in getting.

Although maybe not Peace yet, since my Parrot e/s is still practically full.


Well-known member
UD Vert is gorgeous and I do not know of a MAC dupe for it. Midnight Cowboy is another favorite of mine.


Well-known member
I have last call also and I love it. Looks great with pinks! Crash is pretty too! Eggplanty purple with copper microglitter.


Well-known member
Shot Gun is my favorite. hands down.

Using a little visine on your brush helps keep the glitter from falling, imo.


Well-known member
I don't own any UD shadows, but I recently got hired with Sephora and I know UD is definitely going to be one of my favorite brands! So excited. Thanks for this post - now I know which shades to grab first

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I love Vert, Mildew, and Half-Baked! They have such good payout and the texture is great on those. I have a purple one as well but can't think of the name off the top of my head.
I have Maui Wowie but due to the glitter I'm not too fond of the texture.


Well-known member
I love Polyester Bride! It is the only shade of UD I have worn, but I love the texture and glitter content! There is another one I really like, but don't remember the name. It is a pale lavender color.


Well-known member
X, YDK, Rust, Baked, Half Baked, Sin, Smog, Roach are great neutrals. Very long-lasting, too. No Glitter.
Mildew, Lounge, Shattered, UV-B, Last Call, Vert are beautiful colors.
UD e/s were my first love. They last better on me than MAC e/s


Well-known member
Audrey, do you mean Pallor?
Oh, they have great purples, too: Cash, Metropolitan, AC/DC, Stalker.
Asphyxia is not my type of color, but it is very unusual.