Vegas Volt!! Where the Hell have You BEEN all my Life?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ursula
Yep, you're definately rockin' the smoke. I totally get what you mean. I thought the same thing about myself not being able to do smoke, but I finally figured it out too. You are sooo beautiful!

I bet they look great on you too! Thank you sweetie! So are you!

Thank you spectrolite!

82thumbtacks, ruby_woo, and anyone else who commented on Vegas Volt, do yourself a favor and go at least try the color on the next time you're in a store - it really is unique and a must have IMO! I originally was seeking out Morange, but it was really was almost hard to look at in the store... It was burning my retinas, LOL (altho it looks fab on some!) ! I kept looking down the line for orange/coral colors and my eyes were immediately attracted to Vegas Volt. I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes corals!

Thank you all for the love!


Well-known member
Beautiful looks! Love the first one and I'm definitely going to check out Vegas Volt when I take my empties to my MAC counter.


Active member
Hey! Long time reader, first time poster (first post for me!)

I just wanted to say that I LOVE those looks, and I went and got VV today as a direct result of this post - I tried it on and *loved* it, and I would never have thought to even test it before seeing how well you pull it off! Thanks!


Well-known member
Ahh this is making me want Vegas Volt.. I always ALMOST get it, but then I think ".. but I can make a really similar color by mixing Morange and Blankety.." so I don't.. one day I will though! You wear the color beautifully and you're rocking those smokey eyes!


Well-known member
You are definitely able to pull off a smokey eye, great job! Vegas Volt looks incredible on you, omg ;O I wish I was brave enough to even try it on... ;D