wedding reception


Well-known member
thanks for the comments.. and thanks for the piercing input everyone!

NYLA2120: I never really use flourishing either just because its kinda chalky.. but heres the placement of the colors..
new weed f/l (lid base)
uppity f/l (sorta lined the bottom inner lashline)
flourishing (lid)
soft brown (crease)
sumtuous olive (lined lower lashline)
gorgeous gold (over uppity)
llama (used to blend crease into the rest of my lid)
vanilla (right under my brows as a highlight)
antique gold reflects (on lid, but you cant see them very well)


Well-known member
Gorgeous looks! I bookmarked this page so I can do something like this later this year when I start heading to weddings :)


Well-known member
only you fool...would have a glitter fall onto your nose and create an idea of peircing your nose! ahaha. what if glitters fell on your nipples?! ahhahaha! (oh wait!?)


Well-known member
You look stunning!


Well-known member
I think a nose piercing would be super cute on you, but DEF on the opposite side of your face as the monroe.

HOT look!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ktinagapay
only you fool...would have a glitter fall onto your nose and create an idea of peircing your nose! ahaha. what if glitters fell on your nipples?! ahhahaha! (oh wait!?)

hahaha forreal. and I said I was done with piercings pshhh