Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Still early here (just after 8 AM) and I am in the process of putting my shoes on and getting ready to head out for a nice brisk walk.

I need to go grocery shopping today and stay away from my trigger foods.

Easy does it, one step at a time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Alrightly ladies!! Check in today!! Did we make our goals?

I did not have ONE SINGLE Dr. Pepper yesterday and I didn't binge before I went to bed. I was dying around 12:30 am so I just had about 10 almonds.

That's freaking AWESOME, rbella!
Congrats on the DP resistance!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
I Vote Everyone tries to do at least 10 mins of Physical activity weather it be walking outside or going to the gym tomorrow =)

Does sex count? lol I skip out on exercising sometimes because I think this takes care of it

Anyway, I'll join, I only want to lose 10 lbs but I've been trying and I still can;t do it. I told my boyfriend to not let me eat large portions and he's been supportive so far. I also only drink water and rarely have sweets but I haven't lost any weight yet.


Well-known member
Ok, I'm in too ladies! I have been on Weight Watchers for a couple of months now and so far I've lost 12lbs. I'm not comfortable posting my exact stats but I have 44lbs to go to get to my ultimate goal weight. I've lost weight before so I know what to do but it's just doing it that's the problem! LOL I think this board will help keep me honest! I'm IN and ready!!


Well-known member
I got my ten mins out today running around campus trying to get everythingin order b/4 school starts Monday =) ..... YAY me ....

Lets say sex doesn't count as your activity .... But its a welcome addition b/c if you do it right you burn a ton of calories lol....

I'm proud of you girls for removing and resisting temptations .... I unfortunately promised my 2 year old last night we could to to Big O Donuts thins morning =/ .... But , I've not snacked on anything .... I'm gonna have a good lunch and then wait until dinner ....


Well-known member
im so glad theres a thread like this
i've made a couple of threads in the fitness/weightloss section and i just never go back to them because i forget.

anyways im about 5'3" - 5'4" and weigh about 140lbs which is pretty bad for my height. I want to be around 120lbs

so thats my goal 120lbs and i want to look better in skinny jeans

i wouldn't say im 'fat' but theres deffinately room for improvement, i put weight on pretty easily so i have to exercise ALOT

i find it hard to eat healthy all the time, sometimes i'll eat healthy for a full day or two then the dat after it will be junk junk JUNK!

My other goal is to start working out everyday, i have a few workout dvds and i would LOVE to do them everyday but sometimes i can't be bothered or i just dont have the energy

i will also start eating breakfast alot more, i get up wayyy too late so i skip it and have lunch... that's made me put on abit of weight

so my main goals are

- lose about 20lbs
- workout everyday
- eat breakfast

oh and stop eating late at night!

i'm not gonna eat after 8pm


Well-known member
Glambabe, the night eating gets me too. I have to break this habit.

No eating after 8:00PM for me either.


Okay...I'll join too

I've struggled with my weight my entire life, and am currently on Susanne Somers weight-loss plan because I've had success with it in the past. LOL @ Susanne Somers! Maybe I should pick up one of her thighmasters??
I started her plan again about 5 weeks ago and have lost 19 pounds. Might sound like a lot, but I have a LOT to lose.

My major fallbacks are THE WHITES: sugar, flour, & starch, baby!
I love white bread, white pasta, white rice...you name it. And fast food!

OH, and my #1 love? Just look at my profile pic - PEPSI SLUSH!!
I put these in their own food group. That is how much I
them, so I can TOTALLY relate to the pop/DP addiction!!

My goals are:
1.) Stick to Suze's plan faithfully
2.) Get my ass to the gym 3+ times a week
3.) Always accept other's offers to exercise with them (like going hiking with my hubby, etc.)
4.) Drink more WATER!
5.) Get 8 hours of sleep a night.

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! We can help eachother reach our goals!!


Well-known member
ok...checking in

Had a yogurt cereal bar for breakfast; chicken sammich for lunch with sweet tea (water for the rest of the day) and i'm still planning dinner. I'm gonna walk my puppy today and do some jumping jacks in front of the boob tube when I get home for my 10 minutes. I need more snacks for the during the day. I'm guilty of not eating enough...and when I do eat it's all bad wrong. So I really need to get the healthy snacking going. Hope you ladies are having a gorgegous day....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Alrightly ladies!! Check in today!! Did we make our goals?

I did not have ONE SINGLE Dr. Pepper yesterday and I didn't binge before I went to bed. I was dying around 12:30 am so I just had about 10 almonds.

Today I will do my 10 minutes if it kills me!!

Cinci!!! How'd it go?????

Right now your body is used to sugar, so the cravings aren't going to go away for a while. If you are strong willed enough, then you will avoid them and within a few days you won't miss them at all. I quit drinking soda in 8th grade and haven't had a sip since. I'm sure you can do it! Ween off it if you musn't go cold turkey as in switch to sweetened water or whatever... but in general even artificial sugar can be bad for you... stalls weight loss big time in some people... YMMV though! Mmm, almonds are so yummy! I'm missing them right now, especially these healthy ones that are coated in roasted cocoa -- taste just like the delicious chocolate covered almonds which are muchhhh worse for you, lol.

Hi guys. I'm checking in to support my girl Skylar!

As for me...I started Atkins on August 5th. So far I have lost 7lbs which I am very grateful for because prior to this I've been working with a personal fitness trainer 2x a week and working out on my own very dedicated 1hr+/day with absolutely NO results in the lbs, and very few in inches. I use another forum on the internet to help me support and log my food each day. I say Atkins, not Atkins diet, b/c it's a way of lifestyle that I am changing into -- low carb. I was 119lbs all throughout high school until I found comfort in bread and animal crackers. That's what started it all. LOL. I am keeping my body in ketosis now by not eating anything with sugar and following Atkins. Missing my fruit and some veggies very, very much but it's a small sacrifice to pay for long-term results and lifestyle. My goal is to be back in my size 4/5's but of course I will be happy in 7's and fitting more loosely in my 9's. Inches off my love handles are where I need it to disappear the most.

Goodluck to everyone involved!! I probably won't post much because I already know I'd be the mega-b!tch of the thread as I'm very strict and tough loving when it comes to excersize, excuses, eating, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Right now your body is used to sugar, so the cravings aren't going to go away for a while. If you are strong willed enough, then you will avoid them and within a few days you won't miss them at all. I quit drinking soda in 8th grade and haven't had a sip since.

this is soo true, years ago i used to drink coca cola all the time and other fizzy drinks, and since the age of 14 i dont even touch them (apart from with alcohol e.g vodka and coke) which is very rare anyway as i dont drink much.
i just feel sick drinking them now, i stick to water and fruit juices

seriously, once you give up you won't wanna bother drinking fizzy stuff no more.


Well-known member
I know! I couldn't imagine drinking soda anymore... it seems like it'd be sooooooo overly sweet, lol. I just drink my alcohol straight, gets me some props. heehee.

and a healthy hint as for flavoring items for baking, daquari drinks, etc. DaVinci's Sugar Free Syrups, available at places like Wal-Mart, Pick N'Save, etc. are life savers! They have over 30 flavors and taste so yummy... if I crave something sweet I just dip my finger in the vanilla syrup... mmm... but still, lots of artificial sweeteners so be careful not to have too much. =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pretebrowneyes
Someone Brought Cake To Work....heeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllpppppppp

It's not worth it babe......just keep that cake out of your sight.

You can do it!


Well-known member
^^^thx MzzRach

whew, ok...she left. I heard people having the birthday talk all over...but i figured I'd just stay at my desk, then I got the phone call offering me some. I need to get some skinny cow ice cream or something tonight, my sweet tooth is gonna kill me


Well-known member
Wow! This thread is doing awesome. Thanks so much Skylar, for starting it. So far no DP's yet, but Brittni, you're right it is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just keep telling myself it will go away.

I had coffee this morning to help with the migraines and I've downed about 60 oz of water. I decided to grab a diet coke b/c my head was killing me and I had to go to an inspection.

I've eaten really well today. Double Fiber bread for breakfast (1 slice) and fruit cup plus chicken salad for lunch. Days are fine. We'll see what tonight holds. I've done my 10 minutes. Yay for me!!!!!

You all are doing so good and keeping me motivated. Let's keep it up and try for another 10 minutes tomorrow. I think it might be good if we all figured out what our shortest term goal is as well. That way the long term goal doesn't seem so far away.

Mine is to up the 10 minutes to 20 minutes by next week and to continue to stay off the DP's along with no nighttime binges. What do ya'll think? Can I do it????????


Well-known member
I want to join... I have been trying to lose weight for so long but i am really crap at it. I eat so much junk food because I go out so much. I tend to do really good for a few days and bring my lunch to work but after a couple of days... i forget my lunch and then i do so bad. Eat lots of crap for breakfast and lunch and just continue that cycle for a few days.

I need somebody to kick my ass... LOL>


Well-known member
rbella, I'm going to the GYM! hahaha.
We'll see how long that lasts...

You ladies are inspiring