What are the makeup no-nos and musts?


Well-known member
I think people here have a wealth of knowledge and if everyone could share their makeup no-nos then we could all be perfect...maybe!

Now i think here all of us are more experienced and advanced makeup users than the average person so i personally don't want to see the patronising simple lists you see in magazines and you think ''i can't believe people still need to be told that tip''. I'd like to see more cool, advanced 'secret' tips and looking at the FOTDS i know that you're all great with makeup so share..

I'm sorry i don't actually have any good ones to share myself at the moment and i'm not as experienced as everyone here hence i think this will be usefull for me to read!


Well-known member
Personally, i believe there is no "right" and "wrong" way to do makeup.

It's all based on what you want to do. What might be ugly to me, might be beautiful to you.

Don't let anyone tell you what to do just because its how they saw it in a magazine, or thats how they do it. Be yourself, because makeup is there to be fun and express yourself, and your beauty, which ever way you want to do so.



Well-known member
Yep i agree with that completely myself.

But i was really thinking of things like getting products to work to their best, getting textures right, what mistakes lets down someones makeup. It's not meant to be critical but to help people who are trying to become better at applying makeup and getting good results.


Well-known member
The only ones that I can think of right now are buff your face makeup like there's no tomorrow, and wear a base on your eyes. Of course, if you don't like the results, don't use them. Also, I like to apply white eyeliner to the inside corners, or just light shadow to open the eye and add some dimension.


Well-known member
I think the best advice I have for no no's and such is just take care of your skin..esp. your face. There are so many people not taking care of their skin for example going out into the sun too much and not puttin on sunscreen. But other than that I don't think there is a right and wrong for makeup..to me makeup is an art form and a way to express yourself..just have fun!! :p


Well-known member
I agree there are no strict rules to adhere to, I mean if cobalt shadow teamed with bubblegum lipstick rocks your world no one can stop you LOL...although a good friend should try!

The main must do's are stuff you've heard before, the sunscreen, getting your base color exact, curling lashes and blend blend blend.
I guess my only gripe is when I see ladies with great/clear skin covering up with medium to full coverage foundations. I think skin should be seen and appear touchable. I myself do not have perfectly clear skin, but I'd rather use a sheer tint and then spot conceal where needed. Just to make it appear as healthy as possible. Girls with really bad skin, I feel you - I've been there! Get it treated don't spackle it.


Well-known member
There is a couple of things I don't like to see:

- Foundation 3 shades too dark (Or orangey!)
- Cakey foundation (BUFF BUFF BUFF!!)
- Straight lashes (It's easy to curl them!)
- Dark lipliner with milky lipgloss
- Black, blue or green lipstick
- Too much blush, or too much bronzing powder


Well-known member
- Wrong shade of foundation
- A very distinct streak of blush or bronzer
- Messy application
- Dry cracked lips

Hmm, I'm not really sure what else!


Well-known member
Some no no's:
~Dark lipliner with light lipstick
~dark eyeliner on bottom eyes but nothing on top just a light color shadow on top...dont know why but it makes the eyes look like its upside down
~cakey foundation
~Black liquid liner on bottom eyes
~drawn on eyebrows that is darker than your hair


Well-known member
As most girls have mentioned here I hate:

:arrow: dark lipliner with light lipstick/lipgloss
:arrow: cakey foundation
:arrow: wrong shade of foundation
:arrow: messy or wrong application
:arrow: dry cracked lips
:arrow: too much blush, or too much bronzing powder
:arrow: wrong colors

That's all I can think right now! :roll:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PrettyKitty
OMG I forgot PINK foundation on an asian girl! And also, black brows with blonde hair!



Well-known member
*Comes walking in with Orange foundation to make sure she looks like an oompa loompa, with it all caked on her face to where you'd have to use a jacksaw hammer to see what her real skin looks like, stick straight eyelashes, piles upon piles of blush and bronzer carefully streaked, black lipliner, with green lipstick on the outer corners topped with frosty bubble gum pink lipgloss and bright blue eyeshadow*

Oh look, I just described Pamela Anderson and almost Paris Hilton. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Ok seriously, things I hate to see is improperly applied eyeliner. I will sit there and scrutinize makeup and if I see eyeliner thats like a million miles from the lashline it is nasty.

I also hate when eyeshadow creases on me or anyone. It's like annoying because you'll see this beautifully applied makeup face then just a bunch of eyeshadow all in the crease. NASTY.

I also hate it when people (sorry to the younger folks like in the teens but I mostly see the following on you all
) Tons of makeup on young faces. It's nasty.

Spider lashes, BAD.

The best tip I can give anyone is primers are your friend. So is moisturizers.

You a primer for your face, your eyes, moisturizer for under your eyes and your lips.


Well-known member
^^ omg I totally hate spider lashes! Uggh, hella ugly.

I also hate it when people shave off their eyebrows and draw in their arches unnaturally.


Well-known member
I think that there are fundamental no no's. Such as:

Messy eyeshadow application. Blending and Q-Tips are your friends!

Unmatching foundation.

Dry Lips caked with lipstick.

Dark lipliner and light lipstick or gloss.

and many more.

However, there are other things that may fall into the the whole beauty is in the eye of the beholder category.

Drawn on eyebrows. I suppose I am guilty of this because I remove the outer third of my brow so I can manipulate the arch into one that is more flattering to my face. If changing my arch is wrong... then I don't wanna be right!

Liquid eyeliner along the bottom lashline can be stunning. Hellooooo.. Jokers Kick anyone? She rocks that look and it always looks so hot. The girl has the steadiest hand.

Darker, smoky look on the bottom with a lighter look on the top. Guilty! I love that look and use the effect a lot. DBohemia also featured that look with the orangy top shade coupled with smoked out Shade along the bottom lash line.

so, I agree with Onederland in that although there are some basic rules that one should follow. For the most part, everyone should rock what makes them feel good about themselves.



Well-known member
the only thing i care the most about is washing my hands or using alchohol wipes on my hands before touching a client's face. i haven't seen anyone flinch whenever another artist hasn't followed good hygiene, but you never know.