What are weird things you have hit the pan on?


Well-known member
I've hit pan on quite a bit of things over the years, but they were all popular colors such as woodwinked and patina.

I'd say the most unique thing ive hit pan on was rule.


Well-known member
NOTHING! i have only had my MAC eyeshadows for about 1.5 months!

But i hit pan on my studio fix powder. about a dime size hole there now!!!! Luckily i have a back up, i use that stuff likes its going out of style! LOL


Well-known member
I have hit the pan on woodwinked which is weird because I hardly use it. I did hit the pan on naked lunch but I have a depotting accident so now I use it as a pigment lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
I have hit the pan on woodwinked which is weird because I hardly use it.

I was gonna say the same thing about the 3 I've hit pan on----Twinks, Sable and Saddle. I guess since they were my firsts, I wore them out early on. But I hardly wear them now.


Well-known member
Well, I've only recently started my M.A.C collection around the time of Naughty Nauticals for reference, so it hasn't been long.

I don't see pan on anything yet, but there is a significant dip in my Rose Blanc because I use it almost every day!
So that will probably be the first one I hit the pan on.


Well-known member
I've hit pan on Parfait Amour. That's the only weird one for me, but really that's because I hardly wear it! I was so shocked the last time I used it and saw pan showing... I was like what is that?!?


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Club eyeshadow..lol..it was one of my first colors from MAC and I found myself wearing it alot just to put something on my eyes...now that I have alot more MAC, I find I barely use it now..lol


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i don't think i've hit pan on too much. tilt and swish would probably be the closest things to 'not neutrals.' there's also a huge dent in my cranberry. wanna know why?

because i used to apply eyeshadow with my fingers. can you picture that? lol



Well-known member
I never hit pan. I've been furiously using all my stuff especially my powders just so I can feel like I'm putting products to good use but still no luck lol


Well-known member
ive gone through an entire thing of retrospeck and honeylust and fluidline AND HR foundation.. im on my 2nd fluidline and retrospeck and just hit the pan in my retrospeck 2 days ago.... Ive also hit the pan in my da bling and shroom recently...


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^^HEY BFF^^ (ADLER'sMOMMY,inside joke)
I just broke through my amberlights and patina, but the basics lipgloss,foundation,concealer, powder gets renewed pretty often!


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Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
^^ BFF ive missed you the last few days! Ive been so busy but def thinking about you! =) :p haha



Well-known member
i've hit pan on twinks, Brule and contrast

On my 2nd dazzlelights and probably my 10th love nectar l/g


Well-known member
I have gone through a All That Glitters, Patina , Star Violet , Two Nylons , and I have hit the pan in
Woodwinked , Nocturnell , Crimsonette , Vex , Jest ,Swish and Expensive Pink

Seeking Refuge

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Crystal Avalanche. Which is only weird for me, because I really never thought I'd wear a white shadow. I hate to say it, but for some reason white shadow always screamed prostitute to me. Guess that makes me one then.