What do you do with them?


Well-known member
First, I mean absolutely no disrespect; I truly do not know: when I look at the different traincase posts, so many contain photos of unopened boxes upon boxes of product, why? Do you just store them this way (but are using them)? Are they back-up dupes? Are you collecting them for sale later? Did you change your mind? One photo has about 40 unopened e/s; yikes, that's about $560 worth (and still over $336 with the pro discount). Of course, as an employee, it's only $224... sorry, my day job is in finance, so I get caught up in numbers.

I honestly can't figure it out because I *run* home and open everything right away to get it into circulation and test it out, etc.

Someone please help me "get it" (but nicely, please.) TIA.


Well-known member
I'm sure a lot of them are backups, but a lot of people do store their items in the original boxes. I personally don't keep a lot of boxes, but some of the stuff I do have & use a lot are in boxes, so I guess it just depends on the person.


Well-known member
Actually, I've wondered the same thing many times when I look some of the photos. Whenever I buy something, I have to look at it, touch it and use it right away! Especially the more expensive things. When I get a new package, it's like a mini treasure chest. So, don't worry.. I don't think it's rude to ask.

I don't have any insight to offer you though. I'm sorry.

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
i used to keep them all in the boxes for storage, even though i used them all. it was neater, and they fit together easier (instead of things rolling around and stuff), plus it was easier to find specific colors i wanted if they looked a like, i could look at the name sticker on them. but now i have them all out of the box, but keep them more organized and in different drawers (eyes, face, lips)


Well-known member
I know my self if I buy more then one thing (a backup or an item to sell later on) I normally will store it in my drawer so I don't grab it when I meant to grab my open one.

however some people will store their items in boxes so that they can put them in the case that way, you can grab the item easier or on its side and still be able to see the name easy.

it really depends upon the person and what they want to do, people might keep their back ups in another traincase, you would have to ask those who do it to get their reason for doing so.

we all have our own way of doing things so I dont think its rude at all, its just wondering something.


Well-known member
I take everything out of box - more room!

Though I save all the boxes to sell on ebay. I'm up to 500.


Well-known member
And here I thought you meant you save the boxes in case you decide to sell the color on ebay...


Well-known member
maybe it's like keeping special shopping bags? I've got about 20 from special high end stores that I keep, much to the hubby's annoyance. Also there are lots of MAC collectors out there, and maybe it's like keeping Barbie in her box.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by COBI
And here I thought you meant you save the boxes in case you decide to sell the color on ebay...

Well I may do some pressed pigments sometime and ship them out in the eyeshadow pan envelopes, but not at the moment.


Well-known member
In my freelance kit/ traincase - I keep quite a few things in the box cause it makes it easier to spot the product i need cause it is standing up neatly with an easy to read label.


Well-known member
I just like to keep them in the boxes to keep them tidy and clean. I do use them tho. Plus if I get bored of something i can sell it on to someone who will want to use it more (and i would prefer to receive a box if i bought something) x


Well-known member
wow ..so ironic I ran into this post. I just cleaned up my traincase today and threw away the boxes of some of the stuff ..it just took up a lot of space. I used to keep the original boxes cuz it felt like I just bought the item lol.


Well-known member
Well, I save all my boxes in a bag in my closet... I'm not really sure why. Probably in case I want to swap or sell later, I'll have the box to ship it out in. {shrugs} But I always remove everything from the box when I buy it, unless I buy it as a back up.


Well-known member
I like keeping things in their boxes, but that's just me. I usually keep shadows and such in their boxes until I have enough to make a palette, then I depot and etc etc.


Well-known member
i keep the boxes cause i'm a packrat and a mac addict.

besides storage and sales, i know a lot of us have a major addiction to buying more than what we can use at one time
i know if i buy a ton of things at once, i leave them in the boxes until i use them .. just so i can feel that brand new feel, ya know?

okay, i'm crazy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
i keep the boxes cause i'm a packrat and a mac addict.

besides storage and sales, i know a lot of us have a major addiction to buying more than what we can use at one time
i know if i buy a ton of things at once, i leave them in the boxes until i use them .. just so i can feel that brand new feel, ya know?

okay, i'm crazy.

^^ITA. I am the saaaame way! I'll admit I have WAY more than I can use immediately!
I know...bad!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aeni
Yep. I wonder if it's either pack rats or fake makers.

Wait a minute. People actually buy empty boxes, no product, just the plain box, on ebay?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
i keep the boxes cause i'm a packrat and a mac addict.

besides storage and sales, i know a lot of us have a major addiction to buying more than what we can use at one time
i know if i buy a ton of things at once, i leave them in the boxes until i use them .. just so i can feel that brand new feel, ya know?

okay, i'm crazy.

I completely understand that. If it's something from a haul that you wont get to for another couple of weeks, leave it in the box to preseve it's newness.

And to the OP, I think some people keep boxes because they are compulsive about it and their MAC. I knew a girl who kept all her products in boxes. It seems inconvient to me, plus the boxes would break down with all of the opening and closing. But whatever floats your boat. I keep boxes for a period of time, and then I have a purge where I decided, this is getting to be to much, and I toss them. I do this a few times a year. But the empty boxes aren't stored with my makeup. Also, I think some people just have and insane number of backups.