What does your man think of the makeup you wear?


Well-known member
OK, so I Know guys always say sweet things like, oh you look beautiful without makeup on. Whatever I mean unless you fell into the good genetic jean pool, then you need a little makeup here and there.

I always ask my man what he thinks about my makeup. Is it to dark, to bright, to much!

So now I'm asking you, do you know what your man really thinks about your makeup looks?

Does he like a smokey look or does he like a clean face with a little mascara.

What's his preference.

Your mission is to find this out because were wearing the makeup for a reason, to attract men and we go to all that trouble for nothing if they don't like it, or the look isn,t very flattering on us.


Well-known member
I'm single.

However regardless, I wear make-up for me - not to impress any man or woman. If someone doesn't like my make-up, I don't care.

I don't wear it for others to like or to attract people, I wear it because it's fun, I enjoy it and it's my "me" time in the morning when I'm getting ready to start my day.


Well-known member
Im also currently single but when I was involved a short time ago he loved having his own "diva"... I do find that makeup sumtimes intimidates men but o well, but one doesn't like 10 others will LOVE :)


Well-known member
Peachtwist, I Love that you wear makeup for yourself and no one else thats very inspiring.

Pinkcrush, every guy has their thing right heheheh gotta love the diva!


Well-known member
I'm single.

However regardless, I wear make-up for me - not to impress any man or woman. If someone doesn't like my make-up, I don't care.

I don't wear it for others to like or to attract people, I wear it because it's fun, I enjoy it and it's my "me" time in the morning when I'm getting ready to start my day.
i'm single as well, but this. i've gotten comments on some of my pictures like "your eye makeup is too heavy, it doesn't look good, why do you wear it like that" and i'm like, i don't care? i know, i do wear a lot of black/greys/smokey looks, but if you don't like it, don't look at me~ this is what i like and nothing no one says is going to make me change my mind or what i wear.

but i'd hope one day i'd find a guy who doesn't care if i do this look or that look and love the fact i'm comfortable with myself no matter what i wear.


Well-known member
My guy is fine with me with or without make up. But right now as I have cut my hair SUPER short, he told me I have to put on some make up. otherwise I will look like a guy LOL!

bUT nevertheless, I wear make up is not to impress him, but I love wearing it. I love my bright e/s colors, I love my blushers... I just love make up. I wear it because i like it not to impress others. So I wun give a damn if others dun like my make up as long as i like it..


Well-known member
i'm single as well, but this. i've gotten comments on some of my pictures like "your eye makeup is too heavy, it doesn't look good, why do you wear it like that" and i'm like, i don't care? i know, i do wear a lot of black/greys/smokey looks, but if you don't like it, don't look at me~ this is what i like and nothing no one says is going to make me change my mind or what i wear.

but i'd hope one day i'd find a guy who doesn't care if i do this look or that look and love the fact i'm comfortable with myself no matter what i wear.
Same here, i love dark, smokey looks or really bold lips and i would never ask anybody what he/she thinks of my makeup. Funny thing is, most men seem to like the red lips but not the smoky eyes.


Well-known member
I love a good smokey eye, my man doesnt like me wearing red lipstick tho, I do anyway regardless what he thinks.

glammy girl

Well-known member
Peachtwist I agree with you, wearing makeup makes me happy, I don't wear it to impress others :) My husband prefers me without any makeup but when I do have it on, he does compliment me so that makes me happy :)

Sugar & Spice

Well-known member
I wear makeup for me and not to attrack guys or impress others because you won't appeal to everyone so its a waste of time to try. Most men I've dated including my fiance prefer as less to no makeup as possible. I wear a more natural look when it comes to makeup because I think it flatters my features better plus I don't want to look completely different with makeup compared to without. The boldest I'll do is a bright lip and my man doesn't really comment on my makeup because its never too much and if I ask him something, I'll take his advice because I trust his judgement.


Well-known member
Yeah, many of us wear make up for ourselves, but if we were to go on a date, we would probably tryin to do our best make up look to be confident in ourselves and to attract a guy :)
But then you are being you and if the guy doesn't like the make up it's tuff then.. in my opinion
I don't think I would change anything about myself just because some kind guy doesn't like it lol even if it is my bf, he suppose to love everything about me :))

I tested my bf once.. I wore teal lipstick from Illamasqua(which I loove) once and when when he saw me he wen't - OMG you look like you've kissed Hulk's butt lol
But that is not going to stop me from wearing the lipstick :)
Apart from teal lipstick, he likes any make up I wear.. I try to experiment with make up, so one day I may look compeletly different to the other and he often compliments me, saying I look beautiful today and so on..

I think all guys are different though, some are really not bothered, others prefer smokey eyes, someone else prefers red lipstick and so on..

Me personally, if I want to wear smokey eye, I will, if I want to wear red lipstick, I will, if I want to wear teal lipstick, I will, regardless anyones opinion...


Well-known member
My guy tells me I don't need any, but then again he compliments everything about me and is beyond amazing! However, he's a huge fan of the smokey eye and the red lips. He's very artistic and open minded, so when I do my goth-leaning thing he totally loves it. He's never complained when I wear Illamasqua's more daring lipcolors, like the green Violate ligloss, or the purple Kontrol lipstick. He also loves me in super minimalist makeup as well. He knows I do my makeup for myself and not for anyone else and he tells me as long as I'm happy, he's happy (also, as long as I don't show him my receipts! lol)


Well-known member
I don't care what hubby thinks about my makeup...he's not the one who reads all the fashion mags and if it were up to him, good makeup would probably entail stripes under my eyes like football players! I do know that he prefers me with a more dramatic eye look and less lipstick. He doesn't like the dark lippies, but I have been having more fun with more dramatic lip looks lately anyways. I agree Peachtwist. Some mornings the only thing that drags my butt out of bed is the excitement of trying a new product or look ...especially in the dead of winter! It makes the thought of going to work everyday more digestible when you get to rock a fun new look or product all day! Chases away the duldroms!


Well-known member
when i first met my husband, my makeup was minimal (powder, lipgloss, mascara and maybe blush). after a few years, I got really into makeup art and started to wear a lot more. then my interests went elsewhere and I wore less and less, but my husband says my skin looks better now than even in the beginning when i was 19. I guess this is because I really started paying attention to what i put on my face in regards to routine (cleansers, moisturizers) and my nutrition. I don't wear very much makeup now unless I'm going out with friends or meetings. I hope he is not just saying this because i'm 31 now, but i also feel my skin is healthier now than years ago. I glow more. Eat your greens!


Well-known member
I love makeup! i just find it so fun and wearing it makes me happy
My DH likes me fine w/out it but then again, he compliments me on MY EYESHADOW all the time, which makes me feel even happier. :)


Well-known member
He tells me that I don't need any, but he knows that I enjoy it. Anytime that we're going out of town via car, he's always down for my CCO visits.


Well-known member
I love that you girls all like to wear makeup for yourselves, wearing makeup is kinda impowering in a way

Sugar & Spice

Well-known member
I love that you girls all like to wear makeup for yourselves, wearing makeup is kinda impowering in a way
Yeah I view makeup as art and a form of expression. Every woman chooses her expression of makeup in her own way and no woman should feel she has to limit her art/expression for anyone. A man who loves you will support all ways in which you choose to express yourself.


Well-known member
My guy loves me in all looks.. simple.. little makeup.. heavy makeup or no makeup.. i keep experimenting with looks and send him pictures.. and he's like only smiling and saying nothing.. i love it :)